I will also predict that should it ever happen, then long term Israel will cease to exist, as that would esentially mean Israel, not Hamas and not Palestinians, killing the two state solution forever. And that would also mean the language of force is completely acceptable way of solving conflicts. Sooner or later, world power balance would shift, and whatever other state gets in power, it may not have as generous outlook on Israel as America. I'm not speaking about near future, it may be far away even from our kids lifetime, but what Israel is doing, and what they would actually do by annexing Gaza and essentially destroying the chances of Palestines existence, is setting themselves up for getting destroyed sometime in the future. Unless of course they are capable of subduing remaining hundreds of milions of Arabs in surrounding countries to their will or destroying them alltogether, which I highly doubt. There may be puppet governments like Sisi in Egypt, but these things will not last forever, I'm pretty sure.