Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

Poor pidgey, you dont know with who you got involved with... have fun rebating a genocide-appartheid appologist

Her bio: "Jew living in the Jewish homeland. Any Arab who doesn't renounce the "right of return" cannot be allowed to remain in any territory we control."

There is no bargaining with Zionism.

Unfortunately that means it will win and cleanse its enemies, because it is superior and backed by the superpower.

Replace 'Shiites/Muslims' with the word 'Jews' and tell me what this rhetoric reminds you of.
Facts for you are one sided propaganda. Ok.

You have just avoided the point of my reply as you always do. Yes it's propaganda when you only post one side of the story. Yes it may be factual how many attacks were committed by Hamas and Hezbollah but it doesn't say how many were committed by Israel or how many of those attacks were in reply to Israeli attacks.

You do this continuously and it's so one sided and disingenuous. Then when someone calls you on your bias and failure to tell the whole story you just ignore their point or questions and just come back with a trite remark. It's basically trolling. Ultimately it ends with you getting threadbanned and then moving to another thread and moaning about everyone being in an echo chamber or antisemitic or Hamas supporters/apologists.
Israel’s strikes on Lebanon on Monday amounted to one of the most intense air raids in contemporary warfare, outstripping even the bombing of Gaza during the opening days of the Israeli-Hamas war in October, war experts said.

this thread always sucks the life out of me
Me too, I generally try to avoid the middle east conflict especially as someone who grew up supporting Israel's right to safety and security and then currently angry with how Israel has treated its neighbour. It is jarring and just annoying
It is an act of terrorism to target everyday civilian device, cannot believe my eyes when I see what Israel has done in Lebanon with those mobile device
Israel’s military chief has told troops that extensive air strikes in Lebanon targeting the armed group Hezbollah could pave the way for them to “enter enemy territory”.

"You hear the jets overhead; we have been striking all day. This is both to prepare the ground for your possible entry and to continue degrading Hezbollah," Lt Gen Herzi Halevi said.

Israel’s military chief has told troops that extensive air strikes in Lebanon targeting the armed group Hezbollah could pave the way for them to “enter enemy territory”.

"You hear the jets overhead; we have been striking all day. This is both to prepare the ground for your possible entry and to continue degrading Hezbollah," Lt Gen Herzi Halevi said.

There is nothing outstanding about war and the killing of innocents in the process
There is nothing outstanding about war and the killing of innocents in the process

I know it was obvious, but on the off chance you missed it, that's definitely sarcasm.


Not sure if anything will come of it, but about fecking time.
There is nothing outstanding about war and the killing of innocents in the process

I love seeing Israel fight multiple 'existential wars' for its survival where it continously uses its hegemon status to destroy surrounding territories.

I'm finding a hard time believing this to be honest.

Israel's combat aircraft availability, numbers and general readiness makes these numbers close to impossible.

For context, 1600 different targets in 1 day, with the article mentioning quite a few double taps, means a 24 hour sortie tempo of 2000+.

In the Gulf war, the Coalition's highest sortie rate was 2700, on day 1 of the air campaign. To achieve this, the coalition had 1800 combat aircraft in the theatre, with tens of thousands of air force operators, logisticians and such providing 24 hour support. This is close to 10x the size of the Israeli Air Force combat aircraft.

Even if the entire Israeli air force took to the skies on sorties, came right back to land, refuel and rearm and take immediately to the sky again for the entire 24 hours, I find it very improbable to impossible that Israel with its pretty small air force could achieve such an incredibly high operational tempo.
I'm finding a hard time believing this to be honest.

Israel's combat aircraft availability, numbers and general readiness makes these numbers close to impossible.

For context, 1600 different targets in 1 day, with the article mentioning quite a few double taps, means a 24 hour sortie tempo of 2000+.

In the Gulf war, the Coalition's highest sortie rate was 2700, on day 1 of the air campaign. To achieve this, the coalition had 1800 combat aircraft in the theatre, with tens of thousands of air force operators, logisticians and such providing 24 hour support. This is close to 10x the size of the Israeli Air Force combat aircraft.

Even if the entire Israeli air force took to the skies on sorties, came right back to land, refuel and rearm and take immediately to the sky again for the entire 24 hours, I find it very improbable to impossible that Israel with its pretty small air force could achieve such an incredibly high operational tempo.
Okay. Then it's odd for the Israelis themselves to claim they hit 1600 targets.

The Israeli military said it hit more than 1,600 targets in Lebanon on Monday, a number that has few, if any, precedents in 21st-century warfare, according to Emily Tripp, the director of Airwars, a British conflict monitor.

Her bio: "Jew living in the Jewish homeland. Any Arab who doesn't renounce the "right of return" cannot be allowed to remain in any territory we control."

There is no bargaining with Zionism.

Unfortunately that means it will win and cleanse its enemies, because it is superior and backed by the superpower.

Southern Lebanon always was part of "Eretz Yisrael" for both religious and strategic reasons. They'll try to snatch it at any given opportunity.

You currently have the most racist, extremist and messianic Israeli government in History and most of Israel's society gone completely insane after 10/7. Then the US having a lame duck, a senile blob incapable of taking any decision, partly due to the coming US presidential elections and partly due to his own racist, zionist convictions. Then a Western world which currently considers brown lives less worthy than dirt.

This is the chance of a lifetime.

And if it doesn't work today, there's always next time. That's how Israel operates and thinks. It shares a very common trait in the region, playing the long game.
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Israel reminds me of that outlandishly big kid at primary school, who was like a foot taller and a stone heavier than everyone else, who just kicked the shit out of people and stole their dinner money with impunity
Israel reminds me of that outlandishly big kid at primary school, who was like a foot taller and a stone heavier than everyone else, who just kicked the shit out of people and stole their dinner money with impunity

You forgot that this kid has the school director backing him up in case any of the scrawny kids dears to swing back
Israel reminds me of that outlandishly big kid at primary school, who was like a foot taller and a stone heavier than everyone else, who just kicked the shit out of people and stole their dinner money with impunity
Not really.

It just has a big brother who will stomp on anyone in the schoolyard it fingers, no question asked. Without the US, there's just no way Israel would behave like it does.
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You forgot that this kid has the school director backing him up in case any of the scrawny kids dears to swing back

Not really.

It just has a big brother who will stomp anyone in the schoolyard it fingers, no question asked. Without the US, there's just no way Israel would behave like it does.
Yes, both good and very fair points
The mechanism of the explosions appears to have been designed to cause maximum damage. Most of those who were injured were men, along with a number of women and children. They tended to pick up the beeping pager and hold it toward their eyes to read the message. When it exploded, it caused damage to both hands and their face.
Okay. Then it's odd for the Israelis themselves to claim they hit 1600 targets.
The IDF is the least reputable source of information. On par, if not worse than the Russians'.

Anything they say should be taken with a biblical mountain of salt.
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Here's the umptieth "Feck you", until the next one, from Netanyahu to the US and France about a supposed imminent cease-fire between Hezbollah and Israel in the coming hours.

"L’appel de plusieurs pays à un arrêt des combats de vingt et un jours est « une proposition franco-américaine » à laquelle il [Netanyahou] n’a « même pas répondu », selon son bureau."

"The call from many countries to a cease-fire of 21 days is "a french-american proposition" to which he [Netanyahu] "didn't even answer" according to his cabinet."

And for those who don't trust the French since 2003, here's the British version.

Behold Joe Biden's, Anthony Blinken's, and the US special envoy in the Middle-East Amos Hochstein's (a former IDF soldier born in Jerusalem, and ex-lobbyist for Cassidy and Associates) policy in the region. Bear hug and all that, you double-faced feckers.
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No problem, he said exactly this;

“I don’t think there’s any question that it’s a form of terrorism,” Panetta said on “CBS News Sunday morning.”

“This is going right into the supply chain,” he added. “And when you have terror going into the supply chain, it makes people ask the question: ‘What the hell is next?’”

I'd ask you the same question. Do you think that a guy who runs a podcast at West Point, far from an expert of whatever you think he's an expert on, should have a say more than a former CIA Director simply because the CIA guy says something that YOU don't agree with.

As for Ove Bring, well. Talk about digging deep for someone who agrees with you. Except he doesn't agree with you. He outright states that until more information on civilian casualties is available (since the events had just happened when he was talking about it) he can't say anything other than "based on the info we have it's not against international law."

I'm sure you'll be able to give me the exact data since you've told me with such conviction this will go down as the most precise and proportionate anti-terrorist operation ever. For now we know that at least two kids have been killed, which already seems like enough for any decent human being.
So you basically agree with Eylon Levy, when he said in the latest discussion with Mehdi Hasan: "The number of people who should have been killed is ZERO". Everybody wholeheardly agrees with that. Apart from Hamas and similar terrorist organization.

Unfortunately, we live in a real world where it is impossible to implement. So we should at least do our best to keep the civilian casualties as low as possible. Again, everybody agrees with that...apart know who.

There is no need to score cheap points by emotional appeal like you are the only side who cares for killed children.
I'm finding a hard time believing this to be honest.

Israel's combat aircraft availability, numbers and general readiness makes these numbers close to impossible.

For context, 1600 different targets in 1 day, with the article mentioning quite a few double taps, means a 24 hour sortie tempo of 2000+.

In the Gulf war, the Coalition's highest sortie rate was 2700, on day 1 of the air campaign. To achieve this, the coalition had 1800 combat aircraft in the theatre, with tens of thousands of air force operators, logisticians and such providing 24 hour support. This is close to 10x the size of the Israeli Air Force combat aircraft.

Even if the entire Israeli air force took to the skies on sorties, came right back to land, refuel and rearm and take immediately to the sky again for the entire 24 hours, I find it very improbable to impossible that Israel with its pretty small air force could achieve such an incredibly high operational tempo.

I think you're confusing the description of targets and sorties, or they are. Each aircraft can strike multiple targets in a sortie, the F16 up to 12 and the F15 even more. They've got 280 combat aircraft. 1600 targets/strikes is believable, 1600 sorties less so.

Plus in the Gulf War the airspace was initially contested, totally different to Lebanon where they have very limited anti air.
You have just avoided the point of my reply as you always do. Yes it's propaganda when you only post one side of the story. Yes it may be factual how many attacks were committed by Hamas and Hezbollah but it doesn't say how many were committed by Israel or how many of those attacks were in reply to Israeli attacks.

You do this continuously and it's so one sided and disingenuous. Then when someone calls you on your bias and failure to tell the whole story you just ignore their point or questions and just come back with a trite remark. It's basically trolling. Ultimately it ends with you getting threadbanned and then moving to another thread and moaning about everyone being in an echo chamber or antisemitic or Hamas supporters/apologists.
Hezballah attacked Israel on October 8. And continued to do so for 11 months. I am (not) sorry you are offended that Israel defend itself.

Your usual word salad about me...I have no intention to engage with you at all. There is no point. You would be surprised what kind of PM I have received recently. But you wouldn't understand it because of your myopic view of the world. Everything you label me as, you are guilty of.

edit: corrected mistake
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Lebanon attacked Israel on October 8. And continued to do so for 11 months. I am (not) sorry you are offended that Israel defend itself.

Your usual word salad about me...I have no intention to engage with you at all. There is no point. You would be surprised what kind of PM I have received recently. But you wouldn't understand it because of your myopic view of the world. Everything you label me as, you are guilty of.

Just to correct... Hezballah, not Lebanon. One does not equate the other
Lebanon attacked Israel on October 8. And continued to do so for 11 months. I am (not) sorry you are offended that Israel defend itself.

We are not offended Israel defend itself. We wish Israel had actually defended itself from Hamas on October 7th last year instead of having most of their terrorist-soldiers busy terrorising the civilians of the WestBank in order to support the terrorist-settlers.

We are offended you think so little of us that you want us to believe the ongoing war on Libanon (the attacks from Lebanon would stop immediately if the Genocide in Gaza was halted) is a war of self defence and that kids in Lebanon are being burned alive because they’d be storing 6-meters long cruise missiles in their bedrooms.

How do you get those missiles up the stairs by the way?

I think you're confusing the description of targets and sorties, or they are. Each aircraft can strike multiple targets in a sortie, the F16 up to 12 and the F15 even more. They've got 280 combat aircraft. 1600 targets/strikes is believable, 1600 sorties less so.

Plus in the Gulf War the airspace was initially contested, totally different to Lebanon where they have very limited anti air.
Under no reasonable loadout, mission plan or any doctrine is an f16 or f15 able to carry 12 ground to air munitions. Nowhere close.

For example, of the pylons only one hard point per wing on an F16I has smart link capping the number of JDAMs per sortie to 2.

Given these missions are all medium altitude bombings it highly unlikely dumb bombs are used.

The only way your explanation makes sense is if they’re spamming hellfires but we have seen nothing to indicate that.

Either Israel is exaggerating or they’re seeing 4 buildings in a cluster, slapping a 2000lb bomb on it and saying they hit 4 targets.
Lebanon attacked Israel on October 8. And continued to do so for 11 months. I am (not) sorry you are offended that Israel defend itself.

Your usual word salad about me...I have no intention to engage with you at all. There is no point. You would be surprised what kind of PM I have received recently. But you wouldn't understand it because of your myopic view of the world. Everything you label me as, you are guilty of.

You are being disingenuous again. Lebanon did not attack Israel on 8th of October. They attacked military targets in occupied territories (occupied by Israel, Shebaa farms). Israel responded by killing journalists inside Lebanese land.
Under no reasonable loadout, mission plan or any doctrine is an f16 or f15 able to carry 12 ground to air munitions. Nowhere close.

For example, of the pylons only one hard point per wing on an F16I has smart link capping the number of JDAMs per sortie to 2.

Given these missions are all medium altitude bombings it highly unlikely dumb bombs are used.

The only way your explanation makes sense is if they’re spamming hellfires but we have seen nothing to indicate that.

Either Israel is exaggerating or they’re seeing 4 buildings in a cluster, slapping a 2000lb bomb on it and saying they hit 4 targets.

Here's an image of one carrying 12. There are two hardpoints on each side that can carry triple launchers for the Mk82. I'd have to look up the F15 configuration but i know for absolute certain it can carry 6 Mk82s on each side of the CFTs alone. Then it has the centre hardpoint and the wing pylons - it flew that configuration for Iraqi Freedom.

JDAMs can be pre programmed on the ground and then mounted to the dumb pylons, and Israel has been seen doing that in Gaza. In this kind of mission target coordinates will be known beforehand so they can go with more than just the 2.

When have fighters ever carried Hellfires?

All said whilst we will never know the exact configurations the IAF flew to Lebanon with, it's a lot more than 1 munition per sortie. Let's say each aircraft is flying with 4 bombs, approximately 200 aircraft available, it only takes 2 sorties to hit that claimed number of 1600.
