Israel - Iran and regional players | Please post respectfully and stay on topic

You are being disingenuous again. Lebanon did not attack Israel on 8th of October. They attacked military targets in occupied territories (occupied by Israel, Shebaa farms). Israel responded by killing journalists inside Lebanese land.
Why bother? Many of their posts have been deleted from the other thread for spreading genocidal lies, and no surprise they're doing the same thing they've done for close to 20 years here again.
Surprise surprise, bloodlusty landgrabbing terrorists don't care about who they kill or what they destroy.
Here's an image of one carrying 12. There are two hardpoints on each side that can carry triple launchers for the Mk82. I'd have to look up the F15 configuration but i know for absolute certain it can carry 6 Mk82s on each side of the CFTs alone. Then it has the centre hardpoint and the wing pylons - it flew that configuration for Iraqi Freedom.

JDAMs can be pre programmed on the ground and then mounted to the dumb pylons, and Israel has been seen doing that in Gaza. In this kind of mission target coordinates will be known beforehand so they can go with more than just the 2.

When have fighters ever carried Hellfires?

All said whilst we will never know the exact configurations the IAF flew to Lebanon with, it's a lot more than 1 munition per sortie. Let's say each aircraft is flying with 4 bombs, approximately 200 aircraft available, it only takes 2 sorties to hit that claimed number of 1600.


The image you posted is of Mk82 dumb bombs, which is not what is being used. If what you say is true and they're preprogramming JDAMS, then they are burning through their JDAM's inventory like no tomorrow.

regarding bolded, never, but drones can carry a tonne of them. And Israel has used plenty recently.

It won't be 280 combat aircraft ready though, nobody has 100% of their fleet available, not even the US. F-35's availability rate is much closer to 50% than it is to 100%.

The estimated number of daily combat sorties that the IAF can generate has been
based on the following:
• The peacetime quantity of operational combat aircraft, which reflects the
serviceable inventory, less those estimated to be currently undergoing major depot
• An estimated peacetime availability rate of 0.85 for all operational F-15/16
aircraft, and 0.65 for F-35A aircraft,
• An active peacetime aircrew-to-operational aircraft ratio of about 1:1, which
permits the sustained generation of about 2.5 sorties per serviceable aircraft per day.
When fully mobilized, a portion of the airframes undergoing depot maintenance
might be reactivated, and the initial availability rate at the onset of combat would
increase from 0.85 to 0.95 for all operational F-15/16 aircraft and from 0.65 to
0.90 for the F-35A. The number of sorties generated would vary depending on
the number of aircraft remaining in depot maintenance and the availability rate
of operational aircraft. Hence, reasonable minimum/maximum sortie generation
capability was provided in the text. The number of generated sorties does not
account for the possible deployment of reactivated F-16A/B or A-4 airframes. It
should be noted that, at the onset of a conflict, the number of short-range sorties
that could be generated might temporarily increase by about 30%, as compared to
the sustained rates presented in the text.

You're also not taking into consideration air combat patrol sorties, recon sorties as well as EW sorties (though the latter hasn't been confirmed).

Someone here for example said they saw a jet circle their area for hours before turning back.
Lebanon attacked Israel on October 8. And continued to do so for 11 months. I am (not) sorry you are offended that Israel defend itself.

Your usual word salad about me...I have no intention to engage with you at all. There is no point. You would be surprised what kind of PM I have received recently. But you wouldn't understand it because of your myopic view of the world. Everything you label me as, you are guilty of.

Hezbollah NOT LEBANON! Again your bias shines through and your mask slips. You're really not very good at this at all.

As for the rest, it's absolute bollocks, it's your usual trite, condescending goal post moving biased bullshit where you attack others and accuse them of things instead of answering rebuttal questions to your posts and refusing point blank to see anything Israel is or has done wrong.

As for you're not engaging? You just did. And Ooooooooh you have a PM, :lol: Are you 5? That might be the most pathetic thing I've heard in a long time.

Anyhoooo back on topic.

And in the last couple of hours Canada, Australia and Turkey have all asked for their citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as possible. Meanwhile an estimated 30,000 people have so far evacuated Lebanon and gone in to Syria.

I've been reading reports from various publications and it's all an absolute mess. I've seen many reports saying Sunni Muslims have opened their homes to the Lebanese Christians who are fleeing their towns and villages, but at the same time seeing many reports saying Christian towns are refusing entry to the Palestinians or Syrians who are fleeing theirs, instead making them join the ever increasing number headed in to Syria.
The image you posted is of Mk82 dumb bombs, which is not what is being used. If what you say is true and they're preprogramming JDAMS, then they are burning through their JDAM's inventory like no tomorrow.

regarding bolded, never, but drones can carry a tonne of them. And Israel has used plenty recently.

It won't be 280 combat aircraft ready though, nobody has 100% of their fleet available, not even the US. F-35's availability rate is much closer to 50% than it is to 100%.

You're also not taking into consideration air combat patrol sorties, recon sorties as well as EW sorties (though the latter hasn't been confirmed).

Someone here for example said they saw a jet circle their area for hours before turning back.

I don't know what they used against Lebanon. Do you? It was only yesterday and I'm not in that world anymore.

Peacetime availability and wartime availability are different. The USAF fighter fleet averages about 60% day to day but they ran up to over 80% in the Gulf invasions. The F16 is the most reliable F plane and that's what the Israelis have the most of. I calculated that figure based on them having 60% availability I.e conservative estimate.

Against Hezbollah I can't see their being much need for air combat patrols or ew. Jets loitering will most likely be looking for/waiting for targets.
Norway issues international search request for person linked to exploding pagers
Norwegian police have issued an international search request for Rinson Jose, a Norwegian-Indian man linked to the sale of pagers to the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah that exploded last week, they said on Thursday. Jose, 39, disappeared while on a work trip to the U.S. last week.

He is a founder of a Bulgarian company that was reportedly part of the pager supply chain.
In the early days of this thread some israel supporters were throwing around the "terrorist sympathizer" term at everyone calling them out. Fast forward to now they are openly supporting and sympathizing with terrorism.

A bit like american republicans. Every accusation is a confession.
In the early days of this thread some israel supporters were throwing around the "terrorist sympathizer" term at everyone calling them out. Fast forward to now they are openly supporting and sympathizing with terrorism.

A bit like american republicans. Every accusation is a confession.

Watch out, they get PM's! :lol:
In the early days of this thread some israel supporters were throwing around the "terrorist sympathizer" term at everyone calling them out. Fast forward to now they are openly supporting and sympathizing with terrorism.

A bit like american republicans. Every accusation is a confession.

Just so I'm clear as I don't pay much attention to this conflict. The terrorists are not the ones basing rockets & missiles in residential houses aimed at Israel? Or are they?
Just so I'm clear as I don't pay much attention to this conflict. The terrorists are not the ones basing rockets & missiles in residential houses aimed at Israel? Or are they?
I mean we have various factions trying to kill scores of civilians. Difference is one of them has the capabilities and diplomatic backing to do so, and has had a successful track record of doing so for decades while being able to dress it up as an existential exercise in self-defence.

The reality is we decide who the terrorists are based on who's side our governments have cordial (or compromised) relationships with.
Just so I'm clear as I don't pay much attention to this conflict. The terrorists are not the ones basing rockets & missiles in residential houses aimed at Israel? Or are they?
This is not a real photo. It is a computer graphic:
Please stop posting pro-Israeli propaganda.

I mean, I don't know how this is Israeli Propoganda?

Tel Aviv is under fire at the moment...

I do agree that some of his posts have been very dubious but he's posting pretty factual events in that post...
IDF, not Israel! It’s odd you refer to one and then when it comes to Israel you don’t keep that rhetoric

You do realise right that Hezbollah are not the official armed forces of Lebanon and do not act under the command of it's PM?
IDF, not Israel! It’s odd you refer to one and then when it comes to Israel you don’t keep that rhetoric

It's not just the IDF though is it? It's pretty much the entire government and leadership as well as their armed forces. I'm pretty sure that difference is obvious to many except those just wanting to look for a gotcha and playing semantics instead of actually answering valid points or questions.
You do realise right that Hezbollah are not the official armed forces of Lebanon and do not act under the command of it's PM?

Exactly, the same as I just said. There's just no point, they just look for any argument to deflect or use as an excuse to say the rest of us are biased, antisemitic or terrorist sympathisers. Anything to just play fecking victims the same as the Israeli government and armed forces (that better?) have done for months whilst simultaneously using it as an excuse to murder indiscriminately and commit heinous war crimes on a daily basis. (Yes Hamas commited war crimes too)

The majority of those defending the IDF and Israeli Government use the same tactics to avoid accepting any blame or acceptance of wrong doing whatsoever. Note I said the majority, not all.

I bet their PM inboxes are overflowing now.

@Giggsy PO
As I told you yesterday. The rockets that landed 8th of Oct was not on Israeli land, it is occupied territory by Israel, Shebaa farms is not Israeli land.
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Just to correct... Hezballah, not Lebanon. One does not equate the other
You are absolutely correct. I made a mistake and meant Hezbollah of course. Sorry for that. I will edit my original post.
Just so I'm clear as I don't pay much attention to this conflict. The terrorists are not the ones basing rockets & missiles in residential houses aimed at Israel? Or are they?
Hamas are terrorists, just like the israeli government. My point was about sympathy. No one in this thread sympathizes with hamas, but we still have people here cheering and finding excuses for the israeli terrorism.
We are not offended Israel defend itself. We wish Israel had actually defended itself from Hamas on October 7th last year instead of having most of their terrorist-soldiers busy terrorising the civilians of the WestBank in order to support the terrorist-settlers.

We are offended you think so little of us that you want us to believe the ongoing war on Libanon (the attacks from Lebanon would stop immediately if the Genocide in Gaza was halted) is a war of self defence and that kids in Lebanon are being burned alive because they’d be storing 6-meters long cruise missiles in their bedrooms.

How do you get those missiles up the stairs by the way?

How do you actually wish Israel defended itself?

Hezballah had a very easy option not to attack Israel on October 8. What was Israel doing in Gaza on October 8? What was the purpose of launching missiles exactly on that day? Yet Hezballah decided to gamble again with the people of Lebanon. I don't know what were they thinking. If this is THE moment of simultaneous and coordinated attack on Israel from all 7 fronts. Because that is the best shot they have to achieve their goal of destroying Israel. And this is why masters in Iran were livid with Hamas. There probably won't be another chance like that. Hamas and Hezballah miscalculated big time. They did not expected such massive reaction from Israel. Israel established at least some deterrence back, which was diminished on October 7. Nasrallah said himself, that Hezballah would not have taken and killed those Israeli soldiers if he knew that Olmert would react with 34 days long military operation. Maybe this time (after 11 months) he is less surprised. Btw. this time IDF achieved more in 6 hours than during 34 days in 2006. Unfortunately, even as Hezballah capabilities have been greatly reduced this time they still have means to cause great damage in Israel. So we will see where the situation will lead in the next days.

You get the missiles up the stairs the same way you build the metro tunnel system in Gaza (I take that was not serious question).
How do you actually wish Israel defended itself?

Hezballah had a very easy option not to attack Israel on October 8. What was Israel doing in Gaza on October 8? What was the purpose of launching missiles exactly on that day? Yet Hezballah decided to gamble again with the people of Lebanon. I don't know what were they thinking. If this is THE moment of simultaneous and coordinated attack on Israel from all 7 fronts. Because that is the best shot they have to achieve their goal of destroying Israel. And this is why masters in Iran were livid with Hamas. There probably won't be another chance like that. Hamas and Hezballah miscalculated big time. They did not expected such massive reaction from Israel. Israel established at least some deterrence back, which was diminished on October 7. Nasrallah said himself, that Hezballah would not have taken and killed those Israeli soldiers if he knew that Olmert would react with 34 days long military operation. Maybe this time (after 11 months) he is less surprised. Btw. this time IDF achieved more in 6 hours than during 34 days in 2006. Unfortunately, even as Hezballah capabilities have been greatly reduced this time they still have means to cause great damage in Israel. So we will see where the situation will lead in the next days.

You get the missiles up the stairs the same way you build the metro tunnel system in Gaza (I take that was not serious question).
See the problem with this question is it assumes Israel is a benevolent, non-belligerent state minding its own business, and is being attacked for seemingly no reason.

Anyway the answer is - stop being an occupying colonialist force hellbent on making life miserable for the natives. If Israel truly cared about the security of its region and genuinely wished for peace, then it would end its occupation of Palestinian territories, as well as the Golaan heights/Shebaa farms, it would stop its settlements and actually punish the terrorist settlers and stop them from engaging in their constant land grabs, and it would treat the Palestinians as human beings instead of vermin that need to be wiped out or driven from the territory or at best - being contained in large open air prisons.

Factions like Hamas and Hezbollah were formed as a result of Israel's decades-long campaign of oppression and occupation, and even if you were to 'destroy' them, similar factions will continue to form so long as Israel maintains this status quo.
You are being disingenuous again. Lebanon did not attack Israel on 8th of October. They attacked military targets in occupied territories (occupied by Israel, Shebaa farms). Israel responded by killing journalists inside Lebanese land.
:lol: And you talk something about propaganda. Totally pure coincidence it started on October 8... And you basically say Lebanon attacked Lebanon. Well done. Of course they attacked Israel. You sound completely ridiculous. If they attacked Golans, you would say: they did not attack Israel but Syria. Occupation status is completely irrelevant in this instance.

Now tell us some something 1701.
How do you actually wish Israel defended itself?

Hezballah had a very easy option not to attack Israel on October 8. What was Israel doing in Gaza on October 8? What was the purpose of launching missiles exactly on that day? Yet Hezballah decided to gamble again with the people of Lebanon. I don't know what were they thinking. If this is THE moment of simultaneous and coordinated attack on Israel from all 7 fronts. Because that is the best shot they have to achieve their goal of destroying Israel. And this is why masters in Iran were livid with Hamas. There probably won't be another chance like that. Hamas and Hezballah miscalculated big time. They did not expected such massive reaction from Israel. Israel established at least some deterrence back, which was diminished on October 7. Nasrallah said himself, that Hezballah would not have taken and killed those Israeli soldiers if he knew that Olmert would react with 34 days long military operation. Maybe this time (after 11 months) he is less surprised. Btw. this time IDF achieved more in 6 hours than during 34 days in 2006. Unfortunately, even as Hezballah capabilities have been greatly reduced this time they still have means to cause great damage in Israel. So we will see where the situation will lead in the next days.

You get the missiles up the stairs the same way you build the metro tunnel system in Gaza (I take that was not serious question).

:lol: For gods sake.
Hamas are terrorists, just like the israeli government. My point was about sympathy. No one in this thread sympathizes with hamas, but we still have people here cheering and finding excuses for the israeli terrorism.
There is 'terrorism', a type of action or behavior that different actors engage in and which people can discuss reasonably. Then there is 'Terrorism', a discussion ender that is supposed to trigger some vestigial Bush-era insanity and make everyone Denounce The Enemy in a trance.
See the problem with this question is it assumes Israel is a benevolent, non-belligerent state minding its own business, and is being attacked for seemingly no reason.

Anyway the answer is - stop being an occupying colonialist force hellbent on making life miserable for the natives. If Israel truly cared about the security of its region and genuinely wished for peace, then it would end its occupation of Palestinian territories, as well as the Golaan heights/Shebaa farms, it would stop its settlements and actually punish the terrorist settlers and stop them from engaging in their constant land grabs, and it would treat the Palestinians as human beings instead of vermin that need to be wiped out or driven from the territory or at best - being contained in large open air prisons.

Factions like Hamas and Hezbollah were formed as a result of Israel's decades-long campaign of oppression and occupation, and even if you were to 'destroy' them, similar factions will continue to form so long as Israel maintains this status quo.
Your first sentence is pretty much description what was the situation on the north on October 8. What change status quo for Hezballah on that day? Other than seeing this as an opportunity to cause another blow to already shocked country, when victims were still burning on the south.

Hamas and Hezbollah were formed as a result of Israel's existence as a Jewish state and will continue to form as long as it is a Jewish state. I don't know what better example you want as the fact that Hamas, Hezbollah etc. (Mullahs in Iran basically) are mercilessly willing to butcher its own people only to achieve destruction of Israel and kill all Jews or have them as dhimmis.