Gimpier than Alex and Feeky
They're a total sell out party. Up North they are practising austerity while down here they cry out when the government do the same thing. The ultimate chameleons.
My brother has been brain washed by them. Let himself get too close and now he's out campaigning.
My brother has been brain washed by them. Let himself get too close and now he's out campaigning.
Not at the moment, no. If they moved towards the centre economically and had someone like Mary Lou as leader instead of Adams then I think FF probably would, I suspect both parties would happily compromise on some principles if it meant getting into government.
Pearse Doherty over Mary Lou any day though. Even Caoimhin O'Caolain would do.
Jake, Ireland is essentially a center right country with a very very conservative electorate. The Left make more noise through the media and the Unions, but the fact that FF and FG have always been in power must show you where the countries allegiances lie. Look how Euro-Skeptical we have been in the last few referendums, straight out of the Tory Manifesto.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, what this country needs is one main Right party and a true Left alternative. FF and FG need to amalgamate as they are one big party anyway and if the Left can then form a proper center left party and put forward a realistic alternative plan for the country then we might see significant change.
As it stands all non-unionised Irish (the majority anyway) see the left as a civil service protector who will do anything to line their own pockets when they get into power. In fairness that's with good reason too if you look through the history books.
That's exactly what they need to do, leftist economics always scare voters so they do need a policy change or swing to the centre somewhat. And yes Adams has the iRA stigma attached that will never go away he should move over and let someone else be the face of the party.
I have a feeling that Gerry Adams split from the Provos in 198 and went with the Continuity IRA.
Adams is a scumbag and I can see right through him. It's not a stigma, it's there for a reason.
Meh that's your opinion, I'm not saying his hands are clean but he isn't the overlord everyone makes out.
Meh that's your opinion, I'm not saying his hands are clean but he isn't the overlord everyone makes out.
No he's not. I could take a guess at most of the top brass of the Officials, Provisionals and to some extent the continuity IRA in the early 90s.
I'd say he was high enough up there alright.
Govt trying to compromise on morality. Health Minister James ''cnut'' O'Reilly believes that women should see 4 psychologists and 2 doctors before they're allowed to abort on medical and mental health issues.
I believe women should also be allowed to vote, but only if GOVERNMENT health experts agree she'll use her vote soundly.
Sounds like media drivel to me. Where's the source of this leak, or even where has it been printed?
This would be the ultimate Irish answer to an Irish problem.
I apologize. Reilly (still a cnut) says this was never the case.
Yep, it was said it's bullshit, but the legislation points otherwise.
As a politican Adams is actually shocking though. He doesnt go on live debates or anything like that as he been shown up badly on them in the past.
I lost any trace of respect for Adams when I read about the stuff about his brother, I thought he handled it appallingly.
The government are making a complete pigs ear of the whole abortion legislation are they.
Pretty obvious that most of them want to be seen sitting firmly on a the fence in the long grass rather doing whats actually right because it might upset some of the more conservative voters.
Let me get this on record, my views are my own and not necessarily of any of the numerous groups I'm associated with.
Gerry Adams has more in common with me than any Unionist Leader I can think of. The few times I've met him, he's been nothing but pleasant. And as I grow older and more wise I may like him more, or less then I do now.
I've grew up with a deep disdan for the Provisionals, a lot of it justified, some of it maybe not, I've read two or Three of Adams books, and I admire his intellect, and a lot of his views on Republicanism, but I see them as a Nationalist Party, more so than a Republican Party, if that makes sense, I feel that they have been more of a problem, then a solution to the peace process, and that Sin Feinn, along with all the major Unionist Parties, stoke the fire that is Sectarianism, to make it look like they're on the side of the Catholics, and Protestants respectively.
Gerry Adams, I know has reached out to many Loyalist Communities trying to win their votes through 'Class Politics' rather than 'National Politics' and I admire him for that, although I know a few Catholics who have voted for Paisley too.
But taking away all these issues, I view him as a liar, everybody in the world knows that he was a member of the P/C IRA, apart from it seems Gerry Adams, and I feel that he was very high up, or else he would of come clean years ago.
I'd of voted for Hume, ahead of Adams any day.
SF as a political party are just populists, and hold no real policies, other than securing a 32 county republic. Quoting Connolly is all well and good, but I think they'd be more then happy with changing the colour of the flag on Belfast City hall, and forget about the Class Warfare that exists in our society.
As a politican Adams is actually shocking though. He doesnt go on live debates or anything like that as he been shown up badly on them in the past.
Meh you don't like him so you are prone to criticize. Fair dues though he was awful during the debates for Berties last re-election but he handled himself alright last go around. Adams is an extremely intelligent man but even putting the IRA stuff aside he just doesn't come across well in a public forum but I think he is a decent enough politician as in he certainly gets out his vote.
Thought this was a good documentary dunno if you have seen it