Internationals March (Euro Qualifiers + Friendlies)

Didn't you say during the World Cup that you dislike the Enland National Team because of the arrogrance of the English media?
Wow, don't put words in my mouth. Especially don't lie like this. I many times( you can search it) said that i like England NT and that they are one of my "second" teams in big competitions but that i didn't like arrogance from media, pundits, etc... before our match. Worst thing that i said is that you are divers. Well it was semi final of world cup so who can blame me for that?:)
I never said anything against England as a team. And how is that related with this?

This is not cool man
Wow, don't put words in my mouth. Especially don't lie like this. I many times( you can search it) said that i like England NT and that they are one of my "second" teams in big competitions but that i didn't like arrogance from media, pundits, etc... before our match. Worst thing that i said is that you are divers. Well it was semi final of world cup so who can blame me for that?:)
I never said anything against England as a team. And how is that related with this?

This is not cool man

I didn't put any words in your mouth. I only asked a question because I was unsure of what your opinion was.

Anyway, a took a bit of searching but this is what I vaguely remembered you saying during the World Cup:
English press is guilty for that. You press is still in ancient past. Only 5 nations play football( including england). Others are second class. Because of them other nations think that you are arrogant.

Meanwhile, you said this earlier today:
But how to deal with racism and other similiar speech crimes?
30000 fans come to the game. You have 10 racist idiots. How to stop one idiot to make racist chant? Why to punish players and other normal fans because of that 10 idiots? Imo, punishment like playing on empty stadium or kicking out team from competition is not good solution. On that way idiots win. True and normal fans lose.

If a nation can't be held responsible for the racist words of a handful of idiots, then it equally well can't be held responsible for the supposedly "arrogant" words a handful of journalists.

But you didn't say you disliked England in so many words, which is fair enough and the whole reason why I asked the question... because I wasn't sure.

EDIT: Actually, there's also this -
Don't be offended now, but this is that underestimation for which we from "smaller" countries label English football fans, journos and pundits as cocky.
We have some young(is) players who have more talent than most of English players. But they don't play in PL so you don't rate them much.
You use the word "we" pretty unambiguously here.
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I didn't put any words in your mouth. I only asked a question because I was unsure of what your opinion was.

Anyway, a took a bit of searching but this is what I vaguely remembered you saying during the World Cup:

Meanwhile, you said this earlier today:

If a nation can't be held responsible for the racist words of a handful of idiots, then it equally well can't be held responsible for the supposedly "arrogant" words a handful of journalists.

But you didn't say you disliked England in so many words, which is fair enough and the whole reason why I asked the question... because I wasn't sure.
1) I didn't say that i dislike England in any single word.
2) Your press were arrogant. I stand behind that. Even our players said that also. In my second post that day i think that i clearly said that your players were not in that mood. Only press and pundits( read G.Neville)
3) being called arrogant because of few journos and being kicked out from competition is not the same. I get your point but i disagree with that. True fans would suffer.

We played with England on empty stadium because few fans did chauvinistic chant in one game. Second and fourth from WC, Modric, Rakitic, Kane, Sterling on the pitch and all that without fans. Awful to see. Punishment for fans.
Norway should win this easy. Sweden missing half of their starting eleven.
Shocking decision by the ref for the Swiss goal, clear use of his arm to get the ball under control
Watching Norway vs Sweden, safe to say Scandinavian football is going through a bit of a dry spell :lol:

Edit: surely with all that oil money you can afford a better pitch?
At the time, Ireland's goal looked like a pretty good free kick, but on seeing the replays the Georgia keeper was more than a bit slow getting across to try and stop it.

2m offside :lol:
But Marcus Berg must be the biggest asshole on a football pitch. Everything he does is to push, kick and stamp on players - and not score goals. Surely Sweden must retire him soon.
What’s the story with lindelof?

Depends who you ask - according to the player and the national coach Everything is fine. If you ask 3 different journalists something is not right between Lindelöf and Forsberg on one side and the coach on the other.