Interesting read....


Incredibly Stupid Bitter Biased Embarrassing Caf C
Aug 28, 2002
Like Nottingham've won it two times..
19 August 2003 : by Chris Bascombe, Liverpool Echo
Why Le Tallec will be our Ronaldo

In most cases, paying £12m for a teenager would be considered rank stupidity, over-indulgence or, at the very least, a gamble which even Chris Kirkland's dad would shy away from.

When Manchester United do it, it's a stroke of transfer genius.
According to everyone who they make listen, United have just signed the best teenager in the world. By God are we hearing about it.

I'm not doubting Ronaldo's abilities. Clearly he's a talented kid who may be on the threshold of greatness. It just strikes me as rather odd that no-one has given the same attention to Liverpool's equally stunning new teenage recruit.

It seems Gerard Houllier's mistake with Anthony Le Tallec was to buy him early rather than delay until everyone in Europe wanted him. Obviously, Liverpool should have waited until Le Tallec's value was £12m.

Soon enough, the rest of the nation will wake up to the fact Le Tallec and Ronaldo played in the same world youth championships not so long ago and it was the Liverpool new boy who was voted the best player.

No doubt both Gerard and Sir Alex watched those same youth championships in Malaysia a few years back and noticed the same players.

Indeed, Liverpool had already signed Le Tallec by then and were strongly linked with Ronaldo themselves, but can't afford to splash out like United.

Time will tell who's got the better deal, but for value for money I know who I'm backing. It's a bit like Houllier and Ferguson have both dined at the same top class restaurant and had their pick of the best main courses on the menu.

Houllier has managed to get his dish at a quarter of the cost Ferguson has paid, and yet it's his rival who is getting all the praise.

Indeed, I'm getting an eerie sense of deja vu when it comes to the man dubbed TLT who's about to explode onto the Premiership. I remember how slow our London based number one writers were to realise who Steven Gerrard was a few years back.

The Kop Magazine I once wrote even launched a campaign to get him in the England squad, so little attention was he receiving. Then, when the rest of the country noticed a year later, they decided to make him their own property.

It was a similar story with Wayne Rooney at Everton. A friend of mine who works on a national newspaper tried to get a feature on Rooney into his paper in the summer of 2002. They were having none of it. How times changed three months later when "Rooney Opens Crisp Packet" stories were making the front page.

Le Tallec won't get the same attention as Rooney, Gerrard or Michael Owen because he ain't English. But the few glimpses I've had of him remind me so much of the first time I saw Gerrard.

So young, yet so full of class. So clearly ready to play at the highest level and begin the learning curve which will take him to the top of the game.

One of the most encouraging, but sadly overlooked parts of Sunday was Le Tallec's being named a sub. Pity he didn't get on, although Houllier said he was prepared to play the youngster if the circumstances of the game had been different.

The career paths of Le Tallec and Ronaldo are sure to cross regularly over the next decade. Should the French gem prove himself the better player, you never know, maybe the manager who signed him will get a bit of credit.

How awful it was to watch on Sunday, don't you think?

A team flooding the midfield, sitting back, making no effort to take the game to their opponents but content to hit on the break.

I mean? One man up front against one your biggest rivals? What were they thinking? And how they paid a price for their caution when in the late stages their opponents scored a well deserved goal.

Liverpool? Try Chelsea.

Chelsea were impressive, but it seems Claudio Ranieri is allowed to use these counter-attacking tactics while Liverpool are not.

I dare not think of the reaction had Gerard Houllier taken a team to Stamford Bridge and played one striker. Even if his side won!

Last week, I wrote a column saying whatever happened this season, it would be progress to leave Anfield feeling suitably entertained. Well, I was. It was a fine match between two excellent sides and Liverpool contributed to it.

All that was wrong with the performance was the result. Entertaining,
losing football is still better than boring, losing football. The next
trick is to entertain and win, something I'm sure will happen if Liverpool play with the same commitment and attacking intent they showed on Sunday (and have Steven Gerrard in the side),

Of course, the TV and radio bandits had decided Bruno Cheyrou and Igor Biscan were going to be rubbish regardless of what happened. Cheyrou and Biscan had their best games for the club on Sunday. Whether that's still good enough is another matter, but they weren't Liverpool's worst players.

No, that honour went to those beyond criticism whose name is likely to be sung first and loudest.

Liverpool lost because they didn't defend properly when they were called upon. Something which cost them key points last year too but is conveniently overlooked by cowards who pick easy targets.

You may now start ripping it to shreds and arguing against common sense.

On both occasions I've seen Ronaldo, he's been superb. We have the right to be excited until events show us otherwise.

We will all support our own players however, and that's the way it should be.
The reason the media arent wanking themselfs into a coma over Le Tallec is because has not played for Pool competativly yet. Im sure if he had a performance like Ronaldo did against Bolton, theyd do just the same, there like that.

The only reason United fans are so excited is because we have been crying out over the years, for that extra dimension to our attack, a player who can beat players and frightens the shit out of them with his pace, when we missed out on Ronaldinho most people were gutted, then Ronaldo comes along and seems to have everything we need.

Didnt Le Tallec play in the Toulon Tournament?, and wasnt Ronaldo voted player of the tournament and actually won the thing with Portugal.

This is "my dads bigger than your dad" stuff, there both great talents, presumably, why not just let them blossum instead of letting them compete with one another?.
Livvie20 said:
On both occasions I've seen Ronaldo, he's been superb. We have the right to be excited until events show us otherwise.

We will all support our own players however, and that's the way it should be.

There's no arguments there Livvie.

There's also a great deal of dignity in appreciating the talents of others.

The 'Sky-generation' United fan doesnt appear interested in or capble of this.
DJS said:
There's no arguments there Livvie.

There's also a great deal of dignity in appreciating the talents of others.

The 'Sky-generation' United fan doesnt appear interested in or capble of this.

DJS in slating United fans shocker :rolleyes:
Le Tallac is a genuine prospect.
Whether Houllier will use him (instead of Smicer :lol:) this season is doubtful. The team is too unsettled. Utd, however, offer perfect opportunities (like the Bolton game) to bed-in young players.

Btw, 2 of Liverpool's biggest problem players last season (Carragher and Heskey) are still playing for them on Sunday. WTF?
How bad was Carragher for the 2nd goal though! He stood off Hasselbaink up to the penalty spot!
Some reasons why Ronaldo has received more hype than Le Tallec:

1) United receives more interest from the media (good and bad) than Liverpool in general

2) He's made a storming debut

3) Le Tallec has been Liverpool bound for a few years - Ronaldo to United came as a surprise, and the price tag was high (something that will soon be used againt him if he doesn't live up to the hype)

Don't be so bitter Mr. Bascombe
DJS said:

The 'Sky-generation' United fan doesnt appear interested in or capble of this.

What a disgraceful thing to say. Implying someones a gloryhunter or a post-93 fan because they dont applaud the talents of another teams youth system.

Right then, i now want you to reach orgasm over the following names:


DJS said:
There's no arguments there Livvie.

There's also a great deal of dignity in appreciating the talents of others.

The 'Sky-generation' United fan doesnt appear interested in or capble of this.

Can't appreciate if I've never seen him play. Why didn't he play?
VanNistlerater said:
What a disgraceful thing to say.

If it doesnt apply to you, why are you so disgraced by it?

My feelings of disappointment are towards those who ARE glory-hunting supporters.

There are naturally exceptions to the rule, but the majority of such fans were creations of the 'Sky Revolution'.

The fact that my comments touched a nerve with you, one may suggest, speaks volumes.

The fans i was referring to arent the knowledgable and respectful United fans, of which there are plenty.
One of whom is a good friend of mine, who recognises qualities in others, as well as United.
Such supporters are able to view things objectively and command respect.

I find myself coming across fewer of these type of fans nowadays, which is unfortunate.

The opportunity to discuss football with such supporters is always an enjoyable and interesting experience, as sentances like "feck off Scouser, Liverpool are shit" are not forthcoming.

May plenty more of these type of supporters make themselves heard.
spinoza said:
Can't appreciate if I've never seen him play. Why didn't he play?

That's a very valid point spinoza, which i'd certainly not argue with.

By the same token, mocking the ability (or potential ability) of a player who you've never seen play is also pathetic - and i've seen some of this round here, recently (granted, not by many).

GH has said that he was intending to introduce Le Tallec on Sunday, but injuries dictated his actions.

Hopefully the lad will be introduced soon.


Finnan Henchoz Hyypia Riise

Le Tallec Gerrard Ferguson Kewell

Owen Baros

I am most certainly not a 'glory hunter', and if you wish to hear all the boring facts of why i am a United supporter then i will supply you with them.

I wouldnt say it touched a nerve, i would say it was bang out of order.

How can people appreciate him or any other player, if theyve not seen him play, how many times has he played for Liverpool?, not everyone watches youth tournaments.

To approach the "more red than yow" attitude is a bit pathetic.

You whinge when people dismiss your posts with "YSB, f*ck off", when you post some of the drivel you do, what do you expect?.

VanNistlerater said:
i would say it was bang out of order.

What was out of order in saying that the majority of gloryhunters were a creation of the Sky revoultion?

VanNistlerater said:
How can people appreciate him or any other player, if theyve not seen him play, how many times has he played for Liverpool?, not everyone watches youth tournaments.

I agree.

Yet, some feel that not having seen him play enables them to comment negatively on his abilities, which defies logic.

You cant have it both ways, can you?

VanNistlerater said:
To approach the "more red than yow" attitude is a bit pathetic.

Yes it is and would have been, had that been what i was actually doing.
You missed the point, not for the first time.

VanNistlerater said:
You whinge when people dismiss your posts with "YSB, f*ck off", when you post some of the drivel you do, what do you expect?.


Why is it drivel?
So we have a talented youngster brought in by a manager with a proven record of getting the most out of these type of players who comes on in his first senior game and raises the roof... or we have an equally "touted" but still unproven player (who could still end up as another failed signing by Houllier) playing for a team underpressure for underachieving with a manager known for his stupid tranfer purchases?And you stupid feckin dippers still wonder why Ronaldo got the credit he did? fecksake what with Arsenal and their "FA is against us" and now Liverpool with their delusions of grandeur i am starting to think that nobody over the age of 5 supports either Liverpool or Arse.
DJS said:
If it doesnt apply to you, why are you so disgraced by it?

My feelings of disappointment are towards those who ARE glory-hunting supporters.

There are naturally exceptions to the rule, but the majority of such fans were creations of the 'Sky Revolution'.

The fact that my comments touched a nerve with you, one may suggest, speaks volumes.

The fans i was referring to arent the knowledgable and respectful United fans, of which there are plenty.
One of whom is a good friend of mine, who recognises qualities in others, as well as United.
Such supporters are able to view things objectively and command respect.

I find myself coming across fewer of these type of fans nowadays, which is unfortunate.

The opportunity to discuss football with such supporters is always an enjoyable and interesting experience, as sentances like "feck off Scouser, Liverpool are shit" are not forthcoming.

May plenty more of these type of supporters make themselves heard.

Ah, shut up you patronising idiot - there are as high a proportion of clueless Liverpool fans as there are clueless United fans
VanNistlerater said:
So why not name and shame these 'glory hunters', products of the 'sky revolution', on this board, if your so sure that there prominent.

Away you ho.

Because he's a patronising muppet who has more than once suggested in sly digs that he and the Liverpool fans are better fans than United fans are
I shall not comment before I see the LT lad play. For now, I shall continue to drool on Ronaldo. :drool:
The reason Ronaldo was hyped so much after the weekend was because he fecking PLAYED, Le Tallec did NOT PLAY.

I swear to God, you have the be the most bitter feckin fans.

Ronaldo, 18 years old, plays his first 26mins in a United shirt and plays very well and fearless and you lot have to draw some shit about cost and 'we have a young player, but no one loves us, boohoo'.

I hope LeTallec has the same type of debut and I'm sure he will be a great player, but not under Houllier, because he is shit and makes good players shit.

I cannot believe you posted that bolloxs on here.
DJS said:
I'm supposed to know the name of every gloryhunting supporter? :rolleyes:

There'll be some on this forum and to assume otherwise is naive in the extreme.

Not all of them, but I'm sure you will be able to recognise some of them...
Lynott said:
The reason Ronaldo was hyped so much after the weekend was because he fecking PLAYED, Le Tallec did NOT PLAY.

I swear to God, you have the be the most bitter feckin fans.

Ronaldo, 18 years old, plays his first 26mins in a United shirt and plays very well and fearless and you lot have to draw some shit about cost and 'we have a young player, but no one loves us, boohoo'.

I hope LeTallec has the same type of debut and I'm sure he will be a great player, but not under Houllier, because he is shit and makes good players shit.

I cannot believe you posted that bolloxs on here.

Lynott, Liverpool is not famous for it's self-pity for nothing...
An Extremely Boring Man said:
Answer me this: Is this the first time you've had sly digs at United fans on this forum?

Depends what you call a 'sly dig'.

If i feel criticism etc is warranted, i'll make the point openly.

I think it's a shame and a bit short-sighted the way some have lauded Ronaldo as the greatest thing since sliced-bread, and had a go at others who disagree, claiming that they havent seen him play, therefore arent entitled to a valid opinion.

Ironically enough, many of these people will then go on to say that Le Tallec is 'shit' or such like.

Nothing sly about that, just openly expressing an opinion.
DJS said:
Depends what you call a 'sly dig'.

If i feel criticism etc is warranted, i'll make the point openly.

I think it's a shame and a bit short-sighted the way some have lauded Ronaldo as the greatest thing since sliced-bread, and had a go at others who disagree, claiming that they havent seen him play, therefore arent entitled to a valid opinion.

Ironically enough, many of these people will then go on to say that Le Tallec is 'shit' or such like.

Nothing sly about that, just openly expressing an opinion.

That wasn't what I was on about

I was on about your comments above about United fans, sky generation etc

Answer me this: Do you think Liverpool fans are better than United fans?