Spoony, Hectic, pert, uaeronaldo, manxmanc and United boy if they carry on winding up newbies to take the piss out of the mods.who's next?
Spoony, Hectic, pert, uaeronaldo, manxmanc and United boy if they carry on winding up newbies to take the piss out of the mods.
Oh. You weren't talking about a new relegation thread?
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Spoony, Hectic, pert, uaeronaldo, manxmanc and United boy if they carry on winding up newbies to take the piss out of the mods.
Oh. You weren't talking about a new relegation thread?
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I like it.
Let's take it a step further.
Perhaps we could pm a newbie and tell him he has been selected to participate in the Redcafe Promotion Challenge where he has to do certain things to gain promotion. Challenges that vary from sending pm's to people to posting stuff in the forums etc.
Any ideas?
'We've been watching you. Anymore of your inane ramblings and you're banned for good.'
tell us![]()
Dear [newbie],
You have received an infraction at RedCafe.
Reason: Spam - One Offense
Please stop your mixture of trolling and spamming the site, or you will be banned.
This infraction is worth 7 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.
All the best,
Brilliant Hectic
LOL I thought you were the one who had a problem. You know what, feck this, and feck you you prawn sandwich cnut. Who do you think you are, sitting all high and mighty in the main forums, and you have the fecking audacity to send me a PM message entitled "A Word". Well I have a word for you too.
That's what you are. Oh so you 've been "watching" me? And accuse ME of exchanging gay porn LOL yeah okay lad. First I receive an infringement for starting ONE thread in the wrong forum, okay fair play to that, I'm new and unfamiliar with the rules, but immediately get an infraction. Hmm ok, crackdown on the clueless, that's still fine. Then I get a PM from a fecking prawn sandwich cnut who calls himself purt, telling me I'm being watched and anymore "inane ramblings" and Im gone for good? Well good fecking riddance because you think it's fun posting in the newb forum? I can't remember where I rambled and when I patiently ask why, I get patronized and shown to the Help Forum? feck YOU YOU HIGH AND MIGHTY PRAWN SANDWICH feckTARD.
Go ahead and ban me, like i give a feck. You call yoruself a United fan? I haven't said one negative thing about the club and I even fecking defend Richardson, and I get told to stop rambling? feck YOU.
That Arc lad has lost the plot.
This is the best thing I've ever read in my life.
Let's all go pm him telling him it was a joke and to take it easy.
Arc would make a great poster IMVHO.
So what happens when we press the "delete sent PM's from this user" button? Hmm Arc now has 2 less PMs than before.
Wonder what happens when I press the "delete all user's PMs" button?
Anyone care to find out?
Arc said:Thanks for the link mate, cos i was just sitting and waiting for death........