Gaming Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)

My post above yours, and its not too hard on ultra so I'd recommend that...
How long did you leave it to replay?

I dont know why but I never feel compelled to replay games when I finish them. Despite being more than happy to watch films or TV shows a second time, and sometimes even more than that. It doesnt make much sense when I think about it but there you go.
A week or so..... Tried Witcher (finding it hard to get into tbh) and a few other games. Couldn't resist loading it up again mostly for the gameplay.... But the story is good too, and I'm prioritizing that rather than side missions.
A week or so..... Tried Witcher (finding it hard to get into tbh) and a few other games. Couldn't resist loading it up again mostly for the gameplay.... But the story is good too, and I'm prioritizing that rather than side missions.

TW3 took a while for me to get into. I had to move out of Velen before I really kicked on, so don’t give up just yet. Might well be the best open world game on this generation of consoles.
Just got this off the PS Store for £12. Heard a lot of good things about does it play? Is it difficult? Does it have a good story?
Just got this off the PS Store for £12. Heard a lot of good things about does it play? Is it difficult? Does it have a good story?

My favourite game of all time. Pips GoldenEye, MarioKart, Zelda BotW and Half-Life 2 in my top 5.

Free up some time, allow yourself get immersed in the world and it's truly fecking epic. I spent hours and hours just wandering and exploring.
Just got this off the PS Store for £12. Heard a lot of good things about does it play? Is it difficult? Does it have a good story?
Really good game.

A tip would be scavenge enough fox / boar hides and meat to unlock the "unlimited travel pack" that means you can move across the map easy/quicker.

The open world is beautiful but it takes so long running from 1 side to another even with a mount.

Once you unlock the better skills/weapons it becomes a lot better, it's a bit of a slow burner as most of these RPG style games are.

Some of the bigger machines can be real killers, there's 1 in particular that digs underground and attacks you which can be tricky. You'll find certain machines have weak spots, so it's important to take them out quickly before they get a chance to attack.

The best / most useful skill is the slow down time while aiming, as accuracy is pretty important.
Just got this off the PS Store for £12. Heard a lot of good things about does it play? Is it difficult? Does it have a good story?
Some of the fights with medium to large sized machines can be very difficult, but fortunately the game has a wide array of tools to help you. Without the right equipment it can be pretty damn tough. The story starts off slow and unremarkable but steadily improves until you're completely enthralled by it. Well worth sticking with it, I felt the game started fullfilling its potential by the halfway point. That's the point when it becomes hard to put the controller down.
Wish I could play this (and GOW) over again, fresh and new. Played this 3 times now I think....
I put 100+ hrs into my first run. Some in here did around half that I think... Yea there are side quests, challenges, collectibles and all that shit. Also DLC...
Just got the Frozen Wild expansion but currently on a second playthrough of TW3 so haven't started yet. Does the DLC live up to the original game?
Just got the Frozen Wild expansion but currently on a second playthrough of TW3 so haven't started yet. Does the DLC live up to the original game?
Yeah it's good, new weapons are a nice touch and the new machines are great.

Thought the ending was a bit drab though, seemed to sort of just tail off into nothing.

Well worth doing though.
Just got the Frozen Wild expansion but currently on a second playthrough of TW3 so haven't started yet. Does the DLC live up to the original game?
The story is a bit meh compared to the original but the new environments and particularly the snow effects are stunning and you get some of the meanest machines to test yourself against. There's one type of enemy in particular that is just insanely hard, you can throw pretty much everything in your arsenal at it and it still walks away laughing.
I'm just about to finish God of War. This will be the next game I play. How does this compare to GoW?
Yeah it's good, new weapons are a nice touch and the new machines are great.

Thought the ending was a bit drab though, seemed to sort of just tail off into nothing.

Well worth doing though.
I thought the story was great. Very emotional, especially the ending.

Edit: I'm talking specifically about the relationship between the main people.

I'm just about to finish God of War. This will be the next game I play. How does this compare to GoW?
It's on that level. Top tier...
Just been made a seeker and then I had to destroy some crazed ass robot. Great fun so far, to be fair. Enjoying it. Not having a lock on system is a bit strange though, takes some getting used to but I think I prefer it. Makes for more of a challenge.

Is it better to sell the stuff you get from robots for metal or is it worth keeping them? Or is it a bit of a mixture of both?
Just been made a seeker and then I had to destroy some crazed ass robot. Great fun so far, to be fair. Enjoying it. Not having a lock on system is a bit strange though, takes some getting used to but I think I prefer it. Makes for more of a challenge.

Is it better to sell the stuff you get from robots for metal or is it worth keeping them? Or is it a bit of a mixture of both?
There's no "lock on" but the aiming is still subtly assisted by default. You can turn it off afaik.
Just been made a seeker and then I had to destroy some crazed ass robot. Great fun so far, to be fair. Enjoying it. Not having a lock on system is a bit strange though, takes some getting used to but I think I prefer it. Makes for more of a challenge.

Is it better to sell the stuff you get from robots for metal or is it worth keeping them? Or is it a bit of a mixture of both?
You'll want to keep some of it because you use it to craft your ammo. The inventory menus do a good job of letting you know what to sell and what not to.

Don't sell animal hides though, they're needed to increase your inventory slots.
Just finished after a 2nd playthrough on Ultra. Best game I have ever played (which will then change as I'm getting for my 2nd GOW playthrough lol), they have nailed the story telling for this one. Ridiculous
Just finished after a 2nd playthrough on Ultra. Best game I have ever played (which will then change as I'm getting for my 2nd GOW playthrough lol), they have nailed the story telling for this one. Ridiculous
How did you find ultra?

Will definitely replay it at some stage but Ultra sounds ridiculous!
How did you find ultra?

Will definitely replay it at some stage but Ultra sounds ridiculous!
So fecking hard for me because I'm not the greatest gamer (basically I have zero patience to learn) but at the same time to forced to be aware of every single's machine weakness and how to kill them the most efficient way.
Honestly I learned the value of using elemental explosions for maximum damage :lol:
So fecking hard for me because I'm not the greatest gamer (basically I have zero patience to learn) but at the same time to forced to be aware of every single's machine weakness and how to kill them the most efficient way.
Honestly I learned the value of using elemental explosions for maximum damage :lol:
Yeah I rarely go back for the toughest version unless I love the game (Witcher 3, Last of Us). Never really had time for the Bloodsouls series in particular because I have such a short fuse that they drove me bananas :lol: Horizon is one that definitely tempts me though, as is GoW.
Yeah I rarely go back for the toughest version unless I love the game (Witcher 3, Last of Us). Never really had time for the Bloodsouls series in particular because I have such a short fuse that they drove me bananas :lol: Horizon is one that definitely tempts me though, as is GoW.
I'm trying to imagine the bloody Valkyries on the highest difficult :lol:

What I also liked about HZD is that Aloy isn't the typical bimbo ala Lara Croft, having a normal looking woman (don't get me wrong I love TnA) is a nice change
Just been made a seeker and then I had to destroy some crazed ass robot. Great fun so far, to be fair. Enjoying it. Not having a lock on system is a bit strange though, takes some getting used to but I think I prefer it. Makes for more of a challenge.

Is it better to sell the stuff you get from robots for metal or is it worth keeping them? Or is it a bit of a mixture of both?
I made a point of not keeping more than a single stack of each machine component, so once your watcher lenses or whatever start to overflow to another stack, sell them. Either way you're going to start running out of inventory space so I'd recommend upgrading you pouches/inventory as soon as possible. I think you need a bunch of animal resources to upgrade them.
Just finished after a 2nd playthrough on Ultra. Best game I have ever played (which will then change as I'm getting for my 2nd GOW playthrough lol), they have nailed the story telling for this one. Ridiculous

How did you find ultra?

Will definitely replay it at some stage but Ultra sounds ridiculous!

So fecking hard for me because I'm not the greatest gamer (basically I have zero patience to learn) but at the same time to forced to be aware of every single's machine weakness and how to kill them the most efficient way.
Honestly I learned the value of using elemental explosions for maximum damage :lol:
Ultra hard makes this game even more enjoyable. You have to think before you engage, literally any encounter can go tits up if you don't take it seriously. You have to actually think about the type of weapons and mods you use and what you do with em.

It wasn't so much that it was ultra hard (although I'm sure it is if you're under prepared) it's more that you can no longer just run around jumping into battle left, right and center. It's just generally more challenging...

You gotta try it...
Ultra hard makes this game even more enjoyable. You have to think before you engage, literally any encounter can go tits up if you don't take it seriously. You have to actually think about the type of weapons and mods you use and what you do with em.

It wasn't so much that it was ultra hard (although I'm sure it is if you're under prepared) it's more that you can no longer just run around jumping into battle left, right and center. It's just generally more challenging...

You gotta try it...
Spot on. It feels like a completely different game, you definitely use more stealth for starters and every combat feels like you need to super focused. The whole experience is so much different
Spot on. It feels like a completely different game, you definitely use more stealth for starters and every combat feels like you need to super focused. The whole experience is so much different
Have you done the one where you took on more than you could handle so you end up running off, only to run into more trouble, and end up running for ages until you lose the machines? And then take a breather? :lol:

That's one of my ultra hard memories, as well as taking on 2 behemoths and around 10+ assorted machines and coming out on top. Think I recorded that one.
Have you done the one where you took on more than you could handle so you end up running off, only to run into more trouble, and end up running for ages until you lose the machines? And then take a breather? :lol:

That's one of my ultra hard memories, as well as taking on 2 behemoths and around 10+ assorted machines and coming out on top. Think I recorded that one.
:lol: Game can be relentless, specially when you haven't unlocked the ride to call for in order to get away.
You have my respect for going against those 2 behemoths :eek:
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The last few pages have inspired me to go back and start from very scratch on ultra hard. I've been playing for an hour and I can already feel myself getting sucked back in!
This is a great game, I was absolutely hooked until i finished it. 2nd best game of the year, first was Zelda obv :angel:
fecking rockbreakers are annoying as feck!
That was the 1 I was talking about earlier :lol:

best way to kill them is shoot off their little feet with with the airblaster thing, that way they can't dig underground anymore.

They've got some big fire canisters that you can blow up and they die pretty quickly.
That was the 1 I was talking about earlier :lol:

best way to kill them is shoot off their little feet with with the airblaster thing, that way they can't dig underground anymore.

They've got some big fire canisters that you can blow up and they die pretty quickly.

I cheated a bit with the encounter at the quarry. Went to higher ground, shot it's feet and legs so it couldn't dig anymore then just picked it off.

I accidently stumbled across two whilst I was exploring so I'll go back to them later :lol:
I cheated a bit with the encounter at the quarry. Went to higher ground, shot it's feet and legs so it couldn't dig anymore then just picked it off.

I accidently stumbled across two whilst I was exploring so I'll go back to them later :lol:
In that big open desert area? If so be careful not to agro additional machines while fighting, because if you think 1 is annoying....
It was a side mission for that quarry guy. Feck two of the bastards .
You will take em on, just to do it. :cool:
There'll be a point (once you are geared up) when you won't fear anything....

Nothing beats wrecking those big beasts (rockbreakers, behemoths, stormbirds, and the t-rex ones can't remember their names) in style.

Think I'm going to load this up and just go rampaging tonight.