Heroes: Season 4

The season ending was terrible and felt rushed .Wouldn't be surprised if if they call it a day.

It's ended already?

I'm still waiting for it to get started.
It was shit

which idiot writer thought that a deaf girl playing an instrument would be entertaining in a show like this?

Im seeing a few similarities with 'The 6400' or whatever it was called
And what lame-ass villain can be defeated by the angry mob just walking away? That's like taken straight out of an anti-bullying book.

They then realised they had to add a bit of fight and decided Peter and T-bag moving a lump of dirt back and fourth a hundred times would be epic.

I just watched the Charlie episode, and have to say, I didn't understand it from beginning to end.

Why did future Hiro tell himself to go back six months to save Charlie, when she needed saving that day - I obviously missed something there!

And how did the carnival guy go back in time to confront Hiro?
He had another guy from the carnival grab him and take him back, Ando-style.


And my other questions?

Oh, and I missed a bit at the end - why was Suresh there? And being called Joseph?

And my other questions?

Couldn't really remember been a while since I saw the episode, he sent his past self back 6 months so he would fall in love with Charlie.

Oh, and I missed a bit at the end - why was Suresh there? And being called Joseph?

Samuel told Hiro he needed his help because he'd made a terrible mistake, then it showed Suresh lying on the ground with holes in his chest. No idea about Joseph.
I'm still sticking with it. Just.

The carnival guy...seems good one minute, bad the next. And what the hell were those Irish accents that he and his brother had when they were young.

I see Nathan still has his name in the credits - it's hard to take it seriously knowing that the plot will just be manipulated into bringing back anyone who dies.
The Carnival and Teabag totally killed the show. If they stick with the series it could go the way of X Men ie them against the non mutant majority, on a grand scale.
I think there's one more episode to come?
The season's over here in Canada for over a month now, what was the last thing that happened? (in spoilers)
Edgar got away from Noah; Sylar appears to still have some of Nathan's traits; It was Nathan's funeral.
This season isn't 4 is it?

And what happened to Episode 15?

Can I get it online?
Heh? NONE of the links work?

I only tried the one I wanted. Obviously my PC is lacking something.

Like a competent user maybe.
Aargh. It works but keeps stopping. It will take me three hours to watch it at that rate. :(
OK, made it. Took a while, but I worked out that if I left it on pause for a while, it would play at least five minutes or more without stopping.

Not sure why I bother though - it's getting really silly now, and I've lost the thread of it.

1. How did Parkman get away with murder? Even though it was Sylar who did it, it was Parkman who was arrested - did he use his powers to convince them to let him go or something?

2. How did Hiro manage to get Suresh committed to a mental hospital? And if he arranged it, why couldn't he just "unarrange" it?

3. What's the point of the woman with the cello?

That's for starters...
Don't know why i'm still watching this.. Claire girl on girl.. only thing keeping me going
:lol: well you could see that coming from a mile away.

Brilliant idea for a show...very, very poorly executed. The writers shouldn't ever write again.
I always wondered... did they change the writing staff after season 1? Did someone important leave?

The change in quality after season 1 was appalling... This and Smallville are the two worst shows I've ever seen.

I'll give it Season 1 though, I liked that.
I always wondered... did they change the writing staff after season 1? Did someone important leave?

The change in quality after season 1 was appalling... This and Smallville are the two worst shows I've ever seen.

I'll give it Season 1 though, I liked that.

Brian Fuller left Heroes after Season 1 to make Pushing Daisies. He wrote the 'Company Man' episode.
No real surprise.Never recaptured season one and got worse as writers never knew where they were going with the characters.
Its amazing how quickly it nosedived after the first season.
The first season worked because it there was a storyline and it was going somewhere.

Since then, its direction has changed every few episodes..one minute Sylar is evil, then he's a good guy.

Claire wants to fight, gets in the way, stops, wants to fight again, gets in the way and so on.

Sad, because the first series was brilliant.
i thought it was just me whos found it completely shit after S1
Brian Fuller left Heroes after Season 1 to make Pushing Daisies. He wrote the 'Company Man' episode.

He actually came back for like the last 20 episodes or so, it was still shit.