Heroes: Season 4

So what did you guys think on the two episodes they aired last Monday? They were pretty good, I thought. I love Sylar, and good riddance of Nathan (although Pansar was a good actor). There are a few others that they need to get rid of which would make the show a lot better.

Good direction though
It's lost the plot.

The Hiro story with him going back and changing stuff is ridiculous. I know you have to suspend belief a bit anyway, but can't get my head round that one.

And Sylar is looking for his body...but didn't they burn it? And his persona was put into Nathan's body, with Nathan's memories, even though it was Sylar. Now Sylar's body is back - and I'm sure we'll see Nathan again because no one ever seems to die in Heroes. They just disappear when the scriptwriter gets fed up with them, like Micah and a few others.
1st season of Heroes was brilliant.

Then it just got really shit, really quickly.
So they just put a random plot with some stupid court case just to fix the plot that they messed up?
So they just put a random plot with some stupid court case just to fix the plot that they messed up?

Spoilers for most recent ep
It was a shit storyline in the first place, just gave them an opportunity to give Hiro some rubbish comedy (Doctor Watson!) and send Peter on a wild goose chase. Heroes has some very strange writing.
What court case?
This was very bad. They have lost me, a good fan of theirs. They just wanted something to fill the hour and prolong that shit.
WTF did I just watch? I can't get 43mins of my life back. feck whoever produced that.
Is it wrong that i giggled a bit when Peter told Emma he'd call her later?
Who is Emma?
Livvie I'd suggest treading carefully in this thread. Most of us are watching many episodes ahead.

Well in that case I won't be able to spoil it for anyone...it's probably everyone else who should tread carefully. :)
This week's episode was much much better than last weeks but it's a bit weird to see Sylar want to become a good guy. I'd much rather him stay bad. I guess the writers messed up and gave him too many powers and have to figure out some way to keep him in control. It was a good episode but the show has so much more potential. Lazy writing has fecked it up :wenger:
I really like Heroes but it does seem to have lost the plot. It seems to be going nowhere. Don't like the Carnival storyline at all, and what I like least is that there's no continuity in the series.

And did I imagine that they burned Sylar's body on the beach at the end of the last episode, whilst Sylar himself went into Nathan's body?
I really like Heroes but it does seem to have lost the plot. It seems to be going nowhere. Don't like the Carnival storyline at all, and what I like least is that there's no continuity in the series.

And did I imagine that they burned Sylar's body on the beach at the end of the last episode, whilst Sylar himself went into Nathan's body?

They burnt nathans body and used sylars ability to change appearance to turn him into nathan.
They burnt nathans body and used sylars ability to change appearance to turn him into nathan.

So why was Sylar asking Parkman what they did with his body - did he have it all the time and just not realise it?
It's got Nathans mind in it and not sylars if you know what I mean, sylars mind is without a body and nathans mind is currently in sylars body.

I wish I hadn't asked now. :wenger:
The real Nathan is totally gone, its Sylar shapeshifted into Nathan's body while also pretending to be Nathan's personality without knowing it, the real Nathan is long gone and died at the end of the last season. And at the same time Sylar's real personality is haunting Parkman. Its a completely stupid storyline, the show has gotten more and more ridiculous.
The real Nathan is totally gone, its Sylar shapeshifted into Nathan's body while also pretending to be Nathan's personality without knowing it, the real Nathan is long gone and died at the end of the last season. Its a completely stupid storyline, the show has gotten more and more ridiculous.

It is - and so is the one with Hiro. There's just no pattern to this series at all so far.
Its a shame how they handled Nathan and Sylar after season 1. They both had perfect send-offs at the end of that season but they didn't have the guts to go through with killing them off, brought them back then butchered their characters every season since.

Hiro as well, everyone wants to see him grow into the badass Hiro from the future but hes forever stuck as the childish Hiro.
So season 5 is over...

Terrible season, I thought. I didn't even realise I was watching the finale, it was just very average and boring just like the season as a whole.

Definitely the season I've disliked the most, despite not really caring for any of the recent seasons either.

I didn't like any of the new characters, and the storylines were painfully slow and corny. I'm trying to think back at the 19 episodes, and nothing good really springs to mind - it was all just very meh.

The main villain was about as emo as it gets with a terrible accent, the duplicate fella was one big cliché when it comes to stupid sidekicks and I wish the deaf woman was a mute.

I think T-Bag has been a good addition.

Claire annoys me
The season ending was terrible and felt rushed .Wouldn't be surprised if if they call it a day.
Cancel the feckin show.

Put us all out of our misery.

Unless they can create the old Peter...and have some major showdown of good vs evil with Sylar and Peter at the head of each crew.

Thats what I thought was going to happen from the start...strange how its ended up...

Weird vanishing carnival? Whos feckin stupid idea was that? sack the twat.
Unless they can create the old Peter...and have some major showdown of good vs evil with Sylar and Peter at the head of each crew.
I think thats all anyone has been wanting to see since season 1 and they've managed to screw it up or have it happen behind closed doors each time! Its bloody annoying.
T-bag and the carnival totally killed the show. Shittiest character and storyline ever.

Yeah, have to agree - T-Bag and his carnival are probably the worst thing I've ever seen on TV...

Also agree with people before who said they didnt even feel like they were watching a finale...

Heroes is just strange. Turned it from thrilling action to dull over emotional garbage.

How on earth can such a good idea turn to shit? Writers need a slap.
Yeah, have to agree - T-Bag and his carnival are probably the worst thing I've ever seen on TV...

Also agree with people before who said they didnt even feel like they were watching a finale...

Heroes is just strange. Turned it from thrilling action to dull over emotional garbage.

How on earth can such a good idea turn to shit? Writers need a slap.

Hiro was wasted, same goes for Peter. In fact Hiro in particular become annoying. And as much as I love Sylar - he just can't do nice. But yeah, they screwed it up. That said, if they do another series the XMEN backdrop could work ie humans Vs mutants on a grand scale.
Nah not yet, but they already covered their bases and said there was a third clone sister so she'll just come back as that one.
Hiro was wasted, same goes for Peter. In fact Hiro in particular become annoying. And as much as I love Sylar - he just can't do nice. But yeah, they screwed it up. That said, if they do another series the XMEN backdrop could work ie humans Vs mutants on a grand scale.

humans vs mutants vs evil semi irish carnival folk