Heroes: Season 4

Heroes was sinking today and they rescued the the show with a dramatic late twist that no one could have seen coming.
will have to start watching it again
next episode has this

That's such a hilarious gimmick to keep the ratings up :lol: It couldn't be more of a transparent "PLEASE WATCH US YOUNG MEN!"
I stopped watching this when the plane crash happened in series 3 and they went on the run. That whole Parkman/daphne shite was cringeworthy aswell. From reading this thread its putting me off trying to catch up with it. Is there any reason? Or should I just go onto dailymotion and look up the vid of Claire and random girl kissing?
What a load of bollocks once again.

Spend 3 episodes introducing this character and then just kill him. Fair enough it was to motivate Tracy/whoever she is these days to join the carnival gang.

Sylar/Parkman storyline - boring as feck
Claire/Gretchen storyline - same as every other Claire storyline
Tracy/Bennett storyline - boring
Petrelli storyline - boring since he lost all his abilities
Hiro - when is he changing into this giant samurai guy
Carnival people - what is T-Bag's power exactly!? and when the hell are they going to do something instead of pissing about?
The series started off well enough. . .but the last couple of episodes have been a bit weak.
It started off a bit crap, haven't seent he atest episode, but the two prior were better.

The writers are not using T-Bag to his full potential yet.

Wheres Micah gone? I saw him in My Wife and Kids today when he was younger..

Lastly, the most pointless character in anything, EVER, has got to be that damn Strauss woman, Tracy, Stacy, Melinda, Jessica, Anne, Francesca, Sarah, Lucy, Jayne, Hannah, Hayley, Emma and so on...why can't she just die already!
I feel that way about most of the characters in this show. Why doesn't at least one of them die? Parkman's annoying.

Shit episode, again.
What I don't get is that in the previous episode Claire visited her father and Gretchen was a no show and now all of sudden we're brought in right after the kissing scene with both girls.That's really weird scripting,as if they're losing the continuity
Parkman must be the stupidest person on the planet.

Everything this week was shit, Peter is the only good thing in the show these days (and the new deaf girl) so he better be back in it next week.
Parkman should have just transplanted Sylar's consciousness into a dog or a vegetable or something.
:lol: Top

Parkman is an idiot. Can't wait til Sylar gets back to normal and actually starts killing this shit cast off.

Start with Parkman please Sylar...and then move on to that Tracy bitch.
Decent episode, edging closer to the Hiro with a sword.

T-Bag is beginning to pull things together
Was an ok episode, this season hasn't actually been that bad. Lots of ok episodes but no really great ones yet. They really need to string 4 or 5 epic episodes on the spin, some real twists to keep things interesting. The two main good guys in Peter and Hiro are just not as good as they need to be, we need to see them change and become darker people. What we saw from that glimpse in the future of Season 1.

Been hearing rumours that they might shelf this show and they have been told to wind it down. If true what a damn shame after Season 1 this show has fallen. They never did recover after Season 2. I reckon they should have Hiro go back in time to around the end of Season 1 and end up changing things so what happens in Season 2 onwards doesn't. Fire all the writers bring some new ones in and start again. That way we can pretend what happened from Season 2 onwards isn't true.....
I think they'll sort it out this season as they slowly bringing the main characters together again. For a while they were doing their own thing that didn't tie in to one mega storyline
New episode was alright, I really like the Charlie character and was glad to see her back but the episode she died in during season 1 was an excellent one for her to go out in so I'm not keen on that episode being undone. Also seems really out of the blue that Hiro suddenly remembers about her after basically forgetting she existed after season 1 finished, writers just decide to have him go on a mission to save her 3 years after she died so the carnival guy could manipulate him. Blah. The ending was intriguing though so I'll let them off.
Getting a bit better. I didn't want to post it earlier because I thought I might have got slated. But I didn't get bored during this episode, which is strange.
I spent most of the episode fantasising about that Charlie girl, so all in all a decent episode.
Another good episode. Returning to some sort of form now - hopefully the story kicks on from here.
Another good episode. Returning to some sort of form now - hopefully the story kicks on from here.

Yeah last few episodes have been good, I'm starting to enjoy it again.
Yeah new episode was alright, not great but good enough to keep me watching. I liked that Peter and Emma were in this week's episode, they've been missing the last couple, I've enjoyed their storyline/s the most this season.

I thought the stuff with Matt and Sylar started off a little stupid but it was cool to see Sylar show his evil side again and what Matt was willing to do to stop him. I wonder if Peter will save Matt/Sylar and we'll see them meet Nathan/Sylar, thats probably inevitable.

Claire I just can't stand, and still haven't really got an interest in the carnival folk.
i have enjoyed the last couple of episodes too, i was getting really bored with it before that i was just half watching episodes
New episode was pretty crap. As usual Mohinder discovers some of his father's secret research about the thing that just happens to be the central plot of the season. The character has become so pointless and cliché, he needs to be written out of the show for good.

Same with Parkman, I like the character but hes useless these days, they had the chance to give him a good send-off last week but obviously characters can't die on this show and his sacrifice is undone a week later.

And why are they spending 1/3 of the episode on some stupid Tracy/Claire scenesthat are the definition of filler when it could be spent on the Nathan/Peter/Matt/Sylar scenes? The revelations that Nathan is really dead and what happened to Sylar should have been a big deal and focused on, not shared with lame blonde bonding. Pretty funny that Peter doesn't seem to care his brother was killed, but on the plus side I guess he has Sylar's powers now.
New episode was pretty crap. As usual Mohinder discovers some of his father's secret research about the thing that just happens to be the central plot of the season. The character has become so pointless and cliché, he needs to be written out of the show for good.

Same with Parkman, I like the character but hes useless these days, they had the chance to give him a good send-off last week but obviously characters can't die on this show and his sacrifice is undone a week later.

And why are they spending 1/3 of the episode on some stupid Tracy/Claire scenesthat are the definition of filler when it could be spent on the Nathan/Peter/Matt/Sylar scenes? The revelations that Nathan is really dead and what happened to Sylar should have been a big deal and focused on, not shared with lame blonde bonding. Pretty funny that Peter doesn't seem to care his brother was killed, but on the plus side I guess he has Sylar's powers now.

Yeah much of the show was boring but I did like the Nathan/Peter parts. Peter doesn't believe Nathan is dead yet and is in denial, maybe he thinks that it is Nathan in Sylar's body and Sylar is gone forever. Also Peter can only take one power at a time which completely sucks, hopefully they will correct that because it really takes a lot away from the character holding only one power at a time.

Claire and Tracy need to join that carnival, their characters are really boring now and need a change of direction with these two.

Also I'm hating the fact they call The Haitian by his name now, the Haitian sounds much cooler

Below is a spoiler about Peter/Nathan, more specifically Episode 12

This is the episode where Peter speaks to Nathan for the last time, he now knows that it is Sylar and is struggling to accept this. Also is where Nathan is finally killed off for good. That episode is called the fifth stage, which is basically accepting the truth. The guy who plays Nathan has confirmed that this will be his last episode.
Decent episode again, the transformation of Hiro to a badass Hiro is happening
I was gutted when I realised Peter didn't have all Sylar's powers :(
Until they kill off the Bennets, Petrellis and Parkman I will start watching again. The show needs to go off in other directions, just concentrating on Hiro and Sylar for a season would do them the world of good.
Sorry, hang on....You hate Lost Spoons, but you watch this???...:lol:

It's better than Lost. I mean, let's throw the kitchen sink at it and hope the thick cnuts lap it up doesn't really apply to Heroes in the same way. That said, I've never called it 'great storytelling'. Lost insults the viewer like no other programme has in the past. But you think it's fecking ace.
definitely getting better again

now we need Peter to pick up the full range of powers again

Indeed, I don't know if they will give him multiple powers again but I'd rather they just kill him off then keep this half arsed version of him around.

Also strong rumours that they are going to end this series like it might be the last.
On a positive note, Heroes will be back tomorrow

The show is starting to get interesting again (after shitty 2nd and 3rd seasons) and Jazz, I heard there will be a 5th season atleast.
It's better than Lost. I mean, let's throw the kitchen sink at it and hope the thick cnuts lap it up doesn't really apply to Heroes in the same way. That said, I've never called it 'great storytelling'. Lost insults the viewer like no other programme has in the past. But you think it's fecking ace.

:lol: Oh dear Spoons. Oh dear, even I dont watch Heroes anymore