First Team Regular
Outclassed by a better boxer who's used to fighting at that weight...
Keep in mind, Hatton stepped up a weight.
Unlucky Hatton, congrats Mayweather (diryt cnut). Great fifhgt
Might have been slightly different if the referee wasn't such a nonce during the earky rounds
Do I go to sleep now or just sit it out?
I'm going to sleep, I can barely keep my eyes open.
Night all.
quote from the guardian that sums up the fight imo
"English passion losing out to foreign technique. Passion is, of course, a lot easier to deliver than technique." Very true, unfortunately.
Looks like Lewis Hamilton will win the sport personality of the year then.
Right cuntos, I know this is the general forum but I think this fight has generated enough interest to be discussed in here.
Simple Question. Hatton or Mayweather?
One word answer will do, it will be close but:
Had Cortez not protected Mayweather soo much in the opening rounds and let Hatton fight the way he always does, the fight would have been very different.
Mayweather was a deserved winner in the end only because he got away with his fouls and was able to land his punches. His "technique" for this match was to keep his back turned to Hatton's right hook, which was the reason for the penalty, to wrap up after pop shots early, and then to create space in the end for his well-placed shots when Hatton was more fatigued. I must say, he executed it very well.
But what will be forgotten was Cortez the referee's influence on the early rounds. His eye was constantly on Hatton when the two got close, probably because of Hatton's reputation for cheap shots inside. This protected Mayweather because whenever Hatton got him into a position he could attack Cortez would break the two apart. Mayweather also got away with holds, elbows, forearm blocks, and shots to the back of Hatton's head where Hatton was penalized for them. These advantages in the early rounds was subtle but significant as they tired Hatton and let Mayweather have breaks between landing shots. It didn't help that Hatton seemed to forget to keep his hands up to protect himself.
What ultimately determined the fight was Mayweather's technique triumphing over Hatton's passion and over-eagerness, but Hatton fought well. Unfortunately, I believe Mayweather's retirement speach and Hatton will never have a chance to redeem this loss, but neither will anyone else have the opportunity to beat him. Hatton will have to prove himself against other world-class opposition which will come with more experience and added technique.
Kudos to Hatton for his performance and, as much as I despise his opponent, I applaud Mayweather's execution of a well-planned fight and his great technique.
To be fair, I hadn't chosen a side either way, I like both boxers, but when the American national anthem was booed on American soil, love you all but booing a country's national anthem in their country would be suicide in any other country the us is very forgiving so watch and learn like RH
Looked staggeringly easy for Mayweather in the end
Surely when you're fighting someone that good, you have to come up with something a bit better than just walking towards them waving your fists around
Don't know which fight you lot were watching.. Hatton wasn't the better fighter inside. He landed about 5 punches all night. Light weleter weight, bantom feckin weight, it wouldnt have made a difference.
De La Hoya should've beaten Floyd Mayweather. He was unlucky to lose on a split decision. As for Hatton, I wouldn't mind seeing a rematch in England, perhaps even Manchester. Let's face it, it's all about money, and it could probably generate more than enough interest. We could say it'd be the home leg of a two legged world title, with Mayweather ahead by a few goals.
As for Hatton moving up in weight, it does make a difference, but the really great boxers can do it. Duran, who's one of the all time greats moved from welterweight to super middleweight. Ditto Leonard. De La Hoya fought in six different weight divisions, from junior lightweight up to middleweight(where he looked the better fighter against Hopkins for 9 rounds). Mayweather was originally a featherweight, I think. So it can be done.
Well done, Mayweather
Firstly maywhether won that fight because he controlled it from start to finish, not with as much ease as he did against hatton but all the same he was always in control and if he had a knockout punch he would have floored de la hoya.
Secondly a question. What could you possibly have seen in the first fight that would lead you to believe that hatton wouldn't get he's arse handed to him again irrespective of location?
I watched it on teletext. I'm a sucker for nostalgia, I used to watch football on there too. Shame about the outcome, but the best boxer won.