WowThere is no context in the ad, just a woman getting strangled. The fact that no one flagged this is offensive and frankly, stupid. The geniuses behind this, and I use that term lightly, need to to take a long hard look at the mirror and see how they are contributing to society. Imagine if it were a black man being strangled by a white man, or a gay male being strangled by a hetero?
New Disney film appears to have a lesbian fish couple in it. PC gone mad.
Oh look the right-wing can do it too, and at a stroke of a pen unleash their version of restricted speech all across a state.
I demand gay fish!
Preferably one voiced by Kanye West.
'Those bodies are unrealistic!' say the women who've never actually made a real effort to attain them. Just because you can't attain a body doesn't mean other people can't. Can't help but laugh at these 'activists' and their self-defeating logic. 'feck your body image!' Well feck yours too darling.
Seems like a reasonable place for this. The Protein World uproar is back again.
Saw a nice comment on it..
It's absolutely right that there's nothing wrong with showing a physically fit body that's been achieved naturally and healthily. There's so many girls that weight anyway because they watch what they eat (I know some that don't even do that), and with consistent gym work they can end up with a toned stomach and legs too.
Seems like a reasonable place for this. The Protein World uproar is back again.
Saw a nice comment on it..
It's absolutely right that there's nothing wrong with showing a physically fit body that's been achieved naturally and healthily. There's so many girls that weight anyway because they watch what they eat (I know some that don't even do that), and with consistent gym work they can end up with a toned stomach and legs too.
its coming though... when you look at how many people in gyms and especially MMA classes these days are roided up its a matter of time before health concerns kick in and people start to blame adverts (rather than the insecure idiots)This body shaming stuff on seems to apply to women, I can't remember hearing any outrage over a muscular male body being shown in an advert.
To be honest I think all this "It's not unrealistic, fat people are lazy" stuff is missing the point for me.
I don't really care too much about how it affects adult women but (as someone who works in the industry) I'm very wary of the effects of this type of advertising on young people so I don't mind the ban tube ban at all personally.
Off on a tangent slightly, we should be encouraging young people to aim for good health, not good looks - the latter can be very destructive and I strongly believe is actually a reason why a lot of people find it hard to get motivated to lose weight (because they want it for the wrong reasons).
This body shaming stuff on seems to apply to women, I can't remember hearing any outrage over a muscular male body being shown in an advert.
This body shaming stuff on seems to apply to women, I can't remember hearing any outrage over a muscular male body being shown in an advert.
Yeah, I'd agree to an extent, definitely. Those protesting by standing in front of it with their slubby bodies are doing it for selfish, self righteous reasons because they like being annoyed at stuff and feeling like they're doing something important though.
You thought better of it then? Hasty delete there.Lots to say about it but I know better than to get drawn into this one... hahaha
Point of this is to ironically showcase attitudes toward racism and freedom of speech (if we're to believe the artist). Very ironic, then, that she's been disqualified from an art competition for demonstrating freedom of speech.Golliwog row rocks Purbeck Art Festival
"It would seem that the lessons of Paris have not filtered down to this sleepy corner of Dorset.
"Freedom of speech is about persuading others to your way of thinking by robust and reasoned argument through any medium - my medium was words on a tea-towel with a golliwog motif."
Yea, I was pissed so probably better to keep it zippedYou thought better of it then? Hasty delete there.
Evoking the spirit of Paris seems a bit overblown though.Point of this is to ironically showcase attitudes toward racism and freedom of speech (if we're to believe the artist). Very ironic, then, that she's been disqualified from an art competition for demonstrating freedom of speech.
Nothing wrong with the picture at all - provocative, but that's it.
Wish I had that self-control sometimes!Yea, I was pissed so probably better to keep it zipped
Why are humans so weird?Muslim women kicked out of US cafe accused of ‘civilizational jihad’ by lawyer
California cafe sued for ejecting women wearing hijabs files countersuit, led by lawyer who says womens’ claim is part of ‘jihad’ to weaken western civilization
They claim that they were targeted for ejection because of their hijabs, though the cafe denies that, claiming that they were violating a policy which limited seating time to 45 minutes, and have also claimed that there were other women wearing headscarves present who were not thrown out.
I'm assuming cafe's claims are easy to prove? Let us know of the resolution!
So sitting-in-headscarf for 46 minutes is civilisational Jihad?
Well beyond the hyperbole what the lawsuit actually says is trespassing.
Then I guess it was a terrible choice of lawyer if that's the case they wanted to pursue.
US army strips the word 'man' out of 17 job titles. PC GONE MAD!
US army strips the word 'man' out of 17 job titles. PC GONE MAD!
I always thought you were a tail-gunner tbf.Being called 'Marine' is better than being call 'man'. Infantry Marine sounds like some bad ass whereas Infantryman sounds like you are so far down the pecking order they will use you as a sandbag if they run out.
I don't know - I think an alternative would be "unstaffed".Why is it ok to use "unmanned", but not "man"? Shouldnt it be "unmarined"?