Pogue Mahone
So when I started this thread I wasn't aware of the changing dynamic between the right and left wing in recent years. The way that conservatism seems to increasingly occupy the libertarian space, with socialists accused of being authoritarian and preventing free speech. Twitter's all in a lather today because that horrible gimp, @Nero has been banned. Obviously, he's a tool and his teenage acolytes seem like a genuinely horrible bunch. Is it wrong that he no longer has a platform for his trolling? Is it better that horrible stuff is said out in the open? Or is this banning a good thing? I have to admit, I don't like the way that the left is getting portrayed in all this bickering. Both online and on university campuses. I've always considered myself a left-leaning liberal but when I see people being shouted down for voicing unpopular opinions it feels a little as though I'm playing for the wrong team. Thoughts, redcafe?