Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I

Another part I was disappointed wasn't in the film

Wormtail is supposed to die when harry and ron escape the cellar, after his own hand strangles himself. Thought that would have made quite a good scene. But in the film he just gets knocked out
Another part I was disappointed wasn't in the film

Wormtail is supposed to die when harry and ron escape the cellar, after his own hand strangles himself. Thought that would have made quite a good scene. But in the film he just gets knocked out

I was disapointed that they left this out, they seem to cut the depth out of the film for the sake of more action, his hesitation showed alot about his character and this was a great moment in the book.
Also how they got caught by the snatchers in the film is poor, they left out the whole thing about the trace on the name voldemort which is how they caught upto them in the cafe at the begining of the film, all for the sake of a but more action. I always imagined this being the point where the films are split just as the snatchers burst into the tent and harry gets stung.
They should definately have put the dursleys parts at the begining in aswell seeing as though this is the last time harry sees them and you find out in the end that petunia knew a lot more than she let on.
I didnt like how they portrayed Dobby in this film in particular, he is being used to get a cheap laugh out of any kids watching and this overshadowed the emotion of his death/ harry digging the grave ect.
They left alot of the reasoning for there decisions out of the films which is annoying, one second they have no idea where the locket is next thing you know theyve broken inside the ministry. I know they have to condense it down as the books are too long to be copied but if they do this any more they will lose the plot.
Went to see this the other day. HP is a feckin' puff. The girl did all the work for him.
Went to see this the other day. HP is a feckin' puff. The girl did all the work for him.

No surprise there, the Harry Potter movie series has always seen Daniel Radcliffe being overshadowed by his supporting cast. Can't blame them if they adjusted the script to make the movie flow better.
I dont understand the negative reviews on this film, I enjoyed it thoroughly. The best film so far by miles, it has progressed massively since the first few films which I found a bit too childish.
Anyone who suggests it should have been condensed to one film is clearly clueless, if anything then it has already been condensed too much.

Thank you! Finally someone giving a positive review. I thought the movie was brilliant. Emma Watson did a great job.
Another part I was disappointed wasn't in the film

Wormtail is supposed to die when harry and ron escape the cellar, after his own hand strangles himself. Thought that would have made quite a good scene. But in the film he just gets knocked out

That is true. There was another instance which I thought was pretty important but was not in the film.

When the trio escape from Mr. Lovegood's house, Emma covers Ron with the Invisibility cloak and then makes sure the death eaters see Harry and her before they apparate. By doing this, Hermoine thought it would save Mr. Lovegood's life because the death eaters knew he was telling the truth.
Suffers a lot from being the first half of the final book.

Three wizards teleporting back and forth over the space of 2 hours with no real climax. I mean.. it just felt like it was plodding along... found it a bit meh. Even though I've enjoyed it for the most part I can't imagine every revisiting the Harry Potter series, either as books or movies.

Oh.. The tale of the three brothers was sick.
Suffers a lot from being the first half of the final book.

Three wizards teleporting back and forth over the space of 2 hours with no real climax. I mean.. it just felt like it was plodding along... found it a bit meh. Even though I've enjoyed it for the most part I can't imagine every revisiting the Harry Potter series, either as books or movies.

Oh.. The tale of the three brothers was sick.

I loved the ministry scene as well when they change to those three innocent workers. That was hilarious.
Suffers a lot from being the first half of the final book.

Three wizards teleporting back and forth over the space of 2 hours with no real climax. I mean.. it just felt like it was plodding along... found it a bit meh. Even though I've enjoyed it for the most part I can't imagine every revisiting the Harry Potter series, either as books or movies.

Oh.. The tale of the three brothers was sick.

I think they have set up the last movie nicely. There might a lot of fighting scenes. There is no way all this info could have condensed into one movie. For the first movie, they had to end it somewhere.
I was disapointed that they left this out, they seem to cut the depth out of the film for the sake of more action, his hesitation showed alot about his character and this was a great moment in the book.
Also how they got caught by the snatchers in the film is poor, they left out the whole thing about the trace on the name voldemort which is how they caught upto them in the cafe at the begining of the film, all for the sake of a but more action. I always imagined this being the point where the films are split just as the snatchers burst into the tent and harry gets stung.
They should definately have put the dursleys parts at the begining in aswell seeing as though this is the last time harry sees them and you find out in the end that petunia knew a lot more than she let on.
I didnt like how they portrayed Dobby in this film in particular, he is being used to get a cheap laugh out of any kids watching and this overshadowed the emotion of his death/ harry digging the grave ect.
They left alot of the reasoning for there decisions out of the films which is annoying, one second they have no idea where the locket is next thing you know theyve broken inside the ministry. I know they have to condense it down as the books are too long to be copied but if they do this any more they will lose the plot.

This is what annoyed me.

If the films were split to allow the story to me told in a more complete manner without missing things out - but this is not the case!

Any depth, or any explanations about what's really going on are completely missed.

The rest of my post is in white so avoid if you don't want to read SPOILERS

To start, no real good bye with the Dursleys? It's at this point that we see that Dudley isn't a complete mut. Importantly though, we see that Petunia doesn't say anything to Harry when she leaves - it an important moment as it shows her hatred towards him/Lily - which should be explained in the second film (because she couldn't go to Hogwarts)

Did they mention it was Snape that hit one of the twins with the Sectumsempra curse?

Nothing about Lily's letter to Sirius that Harry finds at Grimmauld place.

Nothing about Voldemort using Kreacher when creating the Horcrux, or what Regulas had to do (sacrifice himself) to get the locket away.

The glossing over of the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.
This is what annoyed me.

If the films were split to allow the story to me told in a more complete manner without missing things out - but this is not the case!

Any depth, or any explanations about what's really going on are completely missed.

The rest of my post is in white so avoid if you don't want to read SPOILERS

Use spoilers for the part in white.
I was disapointed that they left this out, they seem to cut the depth out of the film for the sake of more action, his hesitation showed alot about his character and this was a great moment in the book.
Also how they got caught by the snatchers in the film is poor, they left out the whole thing about the trace on the name voldemort which is how they caught upto them in the cafe at the begining of the film, all for the sake of a but more action. I always imagined this being the point where the films are split just as the snatchers burst into the tent and harry gets stung.
They should definately have put the dursleys parts at the begining in aswell seeing as though this is the last time harry sees them and you find out in the end that petunia knew a lot more than she let on.
I didnt like how they portrayed Dobby in this film in particular, he is being used to get a cheap laugh out of any kids watching and this overshadowed the emotion of his death/ harry digging the grave ect.
They left alot of the reasoning for there decisions out of the films which is annoying, one second they have no idea where the locket is next thing you know theyve broken inside the ministry. I know they have to condense it down as the books are too long to be copied but if they do this any more they will lose the plot.

SPOILER ALERT. Come on mate, you can piss someone off. There are already people complaining no one is using spoilers. So please use the spoiler tag for this.
Essentially, film is just the wrong medium for the stories to be told in. They're just too cut down, too stripped and bare, focusing on a main plot and a smattering of sidestories, whereas the books were an entire years worth of happenings, all linked in their own little ways. You're never going to be able to squeeze that into a two hour film, and they suffer immeasurably for it.
Essentially, film is just the wrong medium for the stories to be told in. They're just too cut down, too stripped and bare, focusing on a main plot and a smattering of sidestories, whereas the books were an entire years worth of happenings, all linked in their own little ways. You're never going to be able to squeeze that into a two hour film, and they suffer immeasurably for it.

And I suppose you another have another medium of portraying the books in then?
SPOILER ALERT. Come on mate, you can piss someone off. There are already people complaining no one is using spoilers. So please use the spoiler tag for this.

Its not a spoiler the book has been out for years.

Besides why would you come and read what is clearly a thread discussing the film, if you didnt want to know what happens before watching it. Am I supposed to sit here and make johnathon ross style subtle reviews about the camera work and lighting?

at what point do we stop using spoiler alerts? how will we know when everyone who wants to see this thread without having seen film, will see the film and make it acceptable to publicly discuss it?

your rule making disgusts me.
And I suppose you another have another medium of portraying the books in then?

Well, in terms of fitting everything in and living up to the books, a tv series. Problems with that too though, albeit not as many as with the films. They're just very difficult to reproduce visually.

Not saying the films are crap or anything, they're just lacking. You can watch them and fill in the blanks of what's going on elsewhere if you've read the books, but as standalone films (as in, for people that haven't read the books) they just don't really work as well.

Haven't seen the new one yet by the way, just what I've thought about the previous six.
Well, in terms of fitting everything in and living up to the books, a tv series. Problems with that too though, albeit not as many as with the films. They're just very difficult to reproduce visually.

Not saying the films are crap or anything, they're just lacking. You can watch them and fill in the blanks of what's going on elsewhere if you've read the books, but as standalone films (as in, for people that haven't read the books) they just don't really work as well.

Haven't seen the new one yet by the way, just what I've thought about the previous six.

My other half hasn't read a single potter book, but she loves the films. If you don't know what you're missing then you can't be disappointed by it.

I thought the film was ok.
The problem, as with the book, was the whole fannying about in the tent business. It was drawn out and tedious. Dobby's death scene was poorly handled too.

The film ended at pretty much the exact point I thought it would. It was the logical place for me.
Well, in terms of fitting everything in and living up to the books, a tv series. Problems with that too though, albeit not as many as with the films. They're just very difficult to reproduce visually.

Not saying the films are crap or anything, they're just lacking. You can watch them and fill in the blanks of what's going on elsewhere if you've read the books, but as standalone films (as in, for people that haven't read the books) they just don't really work as well.
Haven't seen the new one yet by the way, just what I've thought about the previous six.

Spot on about the latest one. I can imagine someone who hasn't read the books going 'Heh?' about a lot of it. It just doesn't 'flow' well theatrically. Enough for the geek boys to wank over to make it watchable, but for the neutral its mostly quite meh. A lot like our game against City recently.

Ps - I successfully used heh and meh in the same post. Surely, I deserve some recognition for this unbelievable feat.
the film was what you expected if you read the book (apart from 1 or 2 things missing)

I don't see how they could have fit the last book into a single movie unless it was going to be a 4 1/2 hour movie which is a bit much
Personally I thought it was done as well as can be expected, I enjoyed almost all of it, yes there were parts left out, but whenever a popular book is dramatized that is nearly always the case. Looking forward to part two :)
My other half hasn't read a single potter book, but she loves the films. If you don't know what you're missing then you can't be disappointed by it.

Which is fair enough, not saying that no-one that hasn't read the books can't enjoy them (to an extent it's twats like me who've read them that complain most), just that they can't really work as well when condensed so much.

Take the Half Blood Prince -

In the book, the actual identity of the Prince is one of the things that plagues Harry all year, clinging on for a lot of it to the hope that it was his Dad. That's the reason he can't get rid of it, not just because it's making him good at potions. In the film, you wonder who it is when first mentioned, forget about it, then at the end Snape makes his announcement and you think "aaand so what?".
Which is fair enough, not saying that no-one that hasn't read the books can't enjoy them (to an extent it's twats like me who've read them that complain most), just that they can't really work as well when condensed so much.

Take the Half Blood Prince -

In the book, the actual identity of the Prince is one of the things that plagues Harry all year, clinging on for a lot of it to the hope that it was his Dad. That's the reason he can't get rid of it, not just because it's making him good at potions. In the film, you wonder who it is when first mentioned, forget about it, then at the end Snape makes his announcement and you think "aaand so what?".

I agree with you to a degree, but I guess they have a balancing act to perform as a lot of the films tend to be too long as it is. I remember being quite disappointed by things left out from the Prisoner of Azkaban. As the condensed version of the old saying goes, you can't please all of the people all of the time.
its got to the point where i wouldnt even be surprised if they left out this part in the second film...

snape is actually against voldemort and loves lily

which is massive, just for the sake of more CGI for the battle.
its got to the point where i wouldnt even be surprised if they left out this part in the second film...

snape is actually against voldemort and loves lily

which is massive, just for the sake of more CGI for the battle.

They'll probably be more busy wasting 45 mins showing everyone
get married

God, if that bit at the end of the book is included...
thought i was watching the film jumper mixed in with a bit of a lord of the rings wannabe.
God, if that bit at the end of the book is included...

It most definitely is. I heard Emma talk about the epilogue in one of her interviews. I still have no idea how they are going to do it though. I m actually eager to see how they do it.
the film was what you expected if you read the book (apart from 1 or 2 things missing)

I don't see how they could have fit the last book into a single movie unless it was going to be a 4 1/2 hour movie which is a bit much

Spot on mate! Spot on. A couple of things were missing.

The part where Lupin comes and talks to Harry at Grimmauld Palace and how Harry fights with him. The way they escaped from Mr. Lovegood's house was a little different in the movie. The way Harry and Ron get away from Peter Pettigrew was also different.
So just saw it.
The Bad
Wheres the taboo on Voldemorts name explained?? The Goddricks Hollow and Voldemort extracting the Elder Wand from Dumbledores tomb scenes was murdered to shit. Hedwigs death wasn't as good as the book but still sad none the less :(. She should have done what any owl would do.
Would like to see more on Dumbledors history with Grindelward but I guess that may come in the second movie

The good

Apart from that, I thought it ended in a logical place, kept well to the story line. the Deathly hallows story was exceptional.
I like it for what it is - a prologue to the climax. The second part is supposed to be action-packed, which is great, but I really hope they'll revisit some more of the memories that they omitted in the sixth
and still not addressed in this seventh part one.

And yes, the Deathly Hallows story was breathtaking. Very very impressive indeed.
The middle part of it was basically Lord of the Rings. 2 people trying to destroy a piece of jewelry that makes the wearer of it angry.

And, are we sure Harry is supposed to be the hero? He does feck all half the time. Hermione saves his ass everytime.
It most definitely is. I heard Emma talk about the epilogue in one of her interviews. I still have no idea how they are going to do it though. I m actually eager to see how they do it.
yeah i saw some pics of harry done up to look like he's in his late 30's

he still looks about 12
It was a pretty sad movie especially

when Emma erases herself from her parents' life by obviating herself from all their photos
I've not read the books, so that one confused me. Why'd she do it?

so if anyone came round questioning them, they wouldn't know anything, and i think, if i remember right, in the book she sends them to Australia or somewhere