Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I

I disagree, 3D if implemented like it was in Avatar can easily be of simmilar importance as B&W to colour was.

I hope you're right. I'd love to be proved wrong because I enjoy films so much.
I guess once more films are designed for 3D, rather than 3D being tacked on at the last minute to sell tickets get released then I might change my mind.
Not quite my point. Black and white to colour was an obvious progression. 3D is more of a gimmick that has been tried and failed before. I know they have improved it and it is quite enjoyable at times, but it doesn't really bring much more than a novelty factor.
Avatar was made more watchable because of the novelty. Once the novelty factor has worn off, you're left with an average film. Now we will get a slew of average films which incorporate a 3D element to get bums on seats to make money.
I think the gaming industry is where the 3D stuff belongs.

Not true. The difference was that Avatar was filmed using revolutionary 3D cameras to create an unbelievably good 3D effect. No other film at the moment professing to be 3D does that - they all just tack on the 3D in post-processing because it's the done thing. I suspect most of them weren't meant to be 3D at all, except that they suddenly feel they have to be or no one will watch them.

Give it another year or two and then the 3D films will be using the Avatar technology (and in doing so make JC a very, very wealthy man) and then we'll start to see 3D on the Avatar scale; ie, good.
Ok, so i've put off watching Harry Potter ever since the 1st Film came out, thinking it would be bollocks and absolute childish toss. Then came last Christmas and the bastards at ITV decided to play all of them, (1 a week). I managed to watch about 3 of them?

I'll hold my hands up and say they're actually pretty fecking good. The kids weren't as annoying as I thought they'd be and the storylines are generally very solid. I was pleasantly surprised. Although I haven't seen the recent one? Half Prince of Blood?
Unless I'm mistake, in most cases, you don't have to actually watch any of these films in 3D, if you don't wish to. I'm pretty sure it's only usually in selected viewings that this is implemented. So I don't actually see any issue here personally, as it's just there for those that want it, as some apparently do.
Ok, so i've put off watching Harry Potter ever since the 1st Film came out, thinking it would be bollocks and absolute childish toss. Then came last Christmas and the bastards at ITV decided to play all of them, (1 a week). I managed to watch about 3 of them?

I'll hold my hands up and say they're actually pretty fecking good. The kids weren't as annoying as I thought they'd be and the storylines are generally very solid. I was pleasantly surprised. Although I haven't seen the recent one? Half Prince of Blood?

I think you ll enjoy the fourth and the fifth movie but the sixth wasn't exactly great. And yes the sixth was called Half Blood Prince.
Im glad they are making it in two parts, as previous films have missed out a lot, and considering this is the last book, it would be nice to include in more detail.
It sucked because they just omitted the fight scene towards the end of the movie.

They said they removed the fight scene at the end to make the finale of film 7 seem more dramatic.

The reason Film 6 is poor to me is that they miss a huge part of the book out - Voldemorts history. It's crucial to film 7 and it's missing
Last 3 books were shit. Penultimate one sticks out as being particularly bad. The final one was pretty grim too.

I won't be watching the film in the cinema.
Movies have been shit from the 3rd onwards since they decided to completely change the fecking set :wenger: and a good majority of the books contents out. Atleast 1 and 2 kept it somewhat similar.

I think its hard to include every detail as the books grow bigger. The first three were pretty small (around 300-350 pages), so I guess it was easier to convert the first books into movies. From book 4 onwards, the books were really long (550+ pages).
Well I did not mean 'bigger' in that way - not length wise but expectation and story wise, 7th is the biggest. And the Deathly Hallows has actually 759 pages.
Well my copy has 607 :)

numbers aside, I cannot wait for the new film(s), will be interesting to see what they split into the second film - from the trailer there's bits i'm not sure on. We'll see i guess!
I haven't read the books so no spoilers please!!!

I finished watching Half Blood Prince last night (after watching the boxset last week). It's setup alot for the last film for sure, a little frustrated they haven't pushed the plot along a little bit. The death at the end was also oddly done and considering Harry is meant to be a great magician, he certainly does get his arse kicked regually.
I haven't read the books so no spoilers please!!!

I finished watching Half Blood Prince last night (after watching the boxset last week). It's setup alot for the last film for sure, a little frustrated they haven't pushed the plot along a little bit. The death at the end was also oddly done and considering Harry is meant to be a great magician, he certainly does get his arse kicked regually.

Great students regularly get schooled by experienced workers in the same field, it's no different really, just that they are fighting rather than replacing a broken pipe.
I still wish Harry and Hermoine were a pair instead of Harry and Ginny.

I like how there were people who were genuinely devastated and pissed off when they didn't turn out to be. The signs were there for a 7 year old to see. I think some people actually stopped reading the series because of it, which is kind of obnoxious.

I have to admit I'm a bit of a HP nerd, so I'm eagerly anticipating the last 2 movies even though I know they won't even come close to living up to expectations.
I like how in the films Ginny is slowly turning into a spit of Harrys mother. Was that intentional? As for the Ginny/Harry thing making sense, I've not read the books, but it was fairly obvious from Film2 that Ginny had a crush on Harry. Just a little surprising the feelings were shared.
Extremely excited for this one. Always been a fan of the books and the last one is probably my favourite of them all. Generally, I find the movies quite shit but I just watch them anyways to see how they adapted the text onto film.
Pretty much nothing happens in the first half of this book.

God knows how they've managed to turn that into a film in it's own right unless as has been suggested they fill it with stuff they missed out from the HBP.
There will be only one reason ever why I would watch this movie.
Christ knows how people look at that video and still believe she's fit..

Have to admit I still think HP's great, books were brilliant and I've such a crap memory that whenever I'm watching the films it just brings it all back so I still really enjoy them.
Why is there an advert for physic readings in the banner above this?

Trouble with the films is that they cut away pretty much all sideplot. I know it has to be done to keep it to a reasonable length, but still, loses a lot. And they can't fecking act.
I used to think she was seriously hot. Now I just see Judi Dench when I look at her :(
I'd still let her slide down my fireman's pole.

had it installed yesterday
