Harry Maguire involved in incident with police in Greece - conviction nullified by appeal, full retrial pending

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Has anyone checked on Saeed from the United stand? he must be beside himself during this.
Exactly, there's a lot going on behind the scenes in European football at the moment against Man United, the PL and the FA and I wouldn't be surprised if this was politically orchestrated.
Yeah I bet some UEFA/FIFA miscreant had this arranged and handsomely compensated the Greek authorities to set Maguire up here. It’s obvious. He’s innocent. :rolleyes:
No, you're missing the most basic point. Police doing a bad job. Coming in, causing chaos unnecessarily, busting heads and asking questions later. i.e. bad policing.

I'm sure you didn't mean any offence but drawing parallels between the two discussions is patently silly and in bad taste.

By your own reckoning we should probably wait for more information until we pass judgement on the police officers involved shouldn't we? There's nothing to say the police involved didn't just do there job diligently, no one has even made that claim expect our own fans whilst ironically saying we don't know enough to judge Maguire. Saying it must just be the police being corrupt is like saying he must be guilty because british lads abroad always do this.

It's this biased bullshit that ended up with Liverpool fans wearing those t-shirts and Liverpool supports loyally defending Suarez claiming no evidence.
There was me watching a king Eric documentary last night..

I’m reserving judgment for now..
Have you seen the stats for how many policeman are assaulted every day just in this country? Wouldn't surprise me if one of his hard case mates did.
Obviously it’s possible - but this is Harry maguire man united captain ffs. He’s surely a bit smarter and knows beating a policeman could cause his career serious damage.

all I’m saying is no matter what the police report says that doesn’t mean it’s gospel, they’ll spell it out exactly how they want it to.
Obviously it’s possible - but this is Harry maguire man united captain ffs. He’s surely a bit smarter and knows beating a policeman could cause his career serious damage.

all I’m saying is no matter what the police report says that doesn’t mean it’s gospel, they’ll spell it out exactly how they want it to.

I'm not claiming it's him, but it's very possible mates of footballers are certain types of lads, especially british ones. it's very possible one of them has it in them, but who knows, maybe all are innocent.
Maybe I'm just a homer or a cynic but I don't believe Maguire actually assaulted a police officer, it's a new level of stupidity.
I'm not claiming it's him, but it's very possible mates of footballers are certain types of lads, especially british ones. it's very possible one of them has it in them, but who knows, maybe all are innocent.
Maybe 1 did? Maybe 2/3 or them were smashing him with batons and he lashed out also.

Anyway the fact people are saying strip his captaincy and sell him without even knowing he’s guilty is what’s pissing me off to be honest. Rival fans can banter us but why do we have to hate our own?
I am wondering whether the police officers were wearing their uniform. Or were they in plain clothes. Based on the videos of his being arrested and moved.
I'm not claiming it's him, but it's very possible mates of footballers are certain types of lads, especially british ones. it's very possible one of them has it in them, but who knows, maybe all are innocent.
I know what you are getting at. Just look at Steven Gerrard's mates. Think they want to protect their friend who has made it big.
I am wondering whether the police officers were wearing their uniform. Or were they in plain clothes. Based on the videos of his being arrested and moved.
If they identified themselves as police officers it doesn't really matter if they were dressed as Spiderman.
Maybe 1 did? Maybe 2/3 or them were smashing him with batons and he lashed out also.

Anyway the fact people are saying strip his captaincy and sell him without even knowing he’s guilty is what’s pissing me off to be honest. Rival fans can banter us but why do we have to hate our own?

I agree everyone in that situation would lash out in some way. As far as people wanting him sold, that's not me and it's silly. I would prefer someone else as captain but that's completely unrelated to this.
Maybe I'm just a homer or a cynic but I don't believe Maguire actually assaulted a police officer, it's a new level of stupidity.
It's ridiculous to think Maguire would actually assault a police officer. The Police statement effectively reads like a police cover-up in that the officers didn't like some comments and then pre-empted a violent arrest. Greek authorities are as corrupt as you can get.
Anyway, if this drags on, unleash Mike! No loan for you buddy. We always loved you.
Maybe I'm just a homer or a cynic but I don't believe Maguire actually assaulted a police officer, it's a new level of stupidity.

A drunk mid-20s on a holiday swinging at a cop after a fight has just been broken up is one of the most believable stories I've ever heard, even if it were to turn out that nothing happened in this specific instance.
I'm gonna need Harry to slide one of his other 2 lads one of his match cheques to take all the blame, can't be having this legal stuff hanging over his head and affecting his playing status in a months time when the season starts up again...
Harry ‘Can we make this go away’ Maguire has a decent ring to it to be fair.
He thought he’d made them an offer they couldn’t refuse. A bit big headed that.
I want to see people saying the same holier than thou shit they said in the Grealish thread about not wanting him at the club for the drinking and driving incident.
They said it was about upholding moral standards. Let's see where those are now!
I mean, people, we have a massive thread in the Current Events forum about police in the US and UK doing a terrible job, being unecessarily agressive with people during interactions and there are even poeple in this thread who've posted content in there turning on Maguire...because Greece, the second most corrupt country in the EU suddenly has police who are beyond reproach? Not to mention the attention this stuff has received world wide since the death of George Floyd.

Come the feck on. Let's wait for more information to come out before we pass judgement on one of our own players.
In the vast, vast majority of cases, the police do their job without "brutalising" the criminal. Let's not bring in this reactionary political argument into this.
In Efsyn, which is one of the biggest daily newspapers in Greece, they have two Maguire stories.

Some key pieces:

The Accusation Against Maguire Is Heavy
A case has been opened against the English defender, and two friends, on the charges of violence against officials, bodily harm, disobedience, insult and attempted bribery of an official.

The footballer, along with his brother and a friend, had been involved in a drunken argument with another group while boarding a taxi van outside a nightclub.

The argument became so severe that other citizens alerted the authorities. When the authorities attempted to intervene, Maguire and his compatriots verbally attacked them. A punch was then thrown by the footballer, which injured an officer. A physical altercation then began between the authorities and the group.

After the authorities managed to calm the situation down, they asked the three men to follow them by taxi van to the police station. When Maguire's group got there, they got out of the vehicle shouting and cursing once again at authorities. They then attempted to flee the officers on foot. Backup was called, and all three were eventually tracked down. They then tried to escape again, hitting and kicking police - with the result that they were then formally arrested for bodily harm of an official.

The footballer, Maguire, at this point attempted to bribe the arresting officers - resulting in the charge of bribery being added to his list.

Sounds pretty damn serious.

On a lighter note, you just know that Maguire trying to run away and being caught is going to be turned into a meme.
Maybe I'm just a homer or a cynic but I don't believe Maguire assaulted a police officer, it's a new level of stupidity.

It's certainly hard to believe considering his impeccable off-field record.

But who knows.
In the vast, vast majority of cases, the police do their job without "brutalising" the criminal. Let's not bring in this reactionary political argument into this.

English tourists generally don't go abroad to cause trouble either, but that has prevented people in this thread from citing the "English thugs abroad" stereotype as if that somehow condemns Maguire.
From what I’ve been told Rashford and Williams are also on holiday there. Hopefully they’re not involved as well.
In the spirit of the times, I'm going to assume that they were indeed there and that they smashed up a few cars and threw an old woman in the sea. Because feelings trump facts.
Who goes abroad on holiday during a global pandemic anyway? :confused:
I’m a bit surprised that the players are off on holiday seeing as they season starts in a few weeks. I know the last one was a long one but they had a break during lockdown.
Not sure of the positive case numbers in Greece but we’ve seen how quickly orders are made for people returning from various countries to quarantine for 14 days so if by chance it happened with Greece and they weren’t back before the need to quarantine started then that’s two weeks of preseason missed and the chance to gel with any new signings (Ha!).
In the vast, vast majority of cases, the police do their job without "brutalising" the criminal. Let's not bring in this reactionary political argument into this.

You say that as if everyone who has an interaction with the police is guilty.
He should have been leading united out in Europa final in a few hours. Regardless on what happens next, this is an appalling way to spend the very little time off he has between seasons.

he is certainly not getting any mental relaxation by being under arrest and the centre of a press scandal.

Am sure all he now wants to do is get back home and re enter his COVID-19 bubble.
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