New Member
I just can't see Spurs having a realistic chance of reaching top-4 without Kane. The guy has scored more than 1/3 of their League goals in the last 4.5 seasons.
But his stats at Spurs over the last 18 months are interesting. In 15/16 through17/18 - he basically scored ever 1.2 game or so.
During his last 18 months - those stats have dropped to one goal every 1.8 game or so. The question of course being - have Spurs suffered because of him not performing as well, or has Kane suffered because Spurs haven't performed as well.
And he turns 27 this summer - I just can't see Kane staying more than 1 more season unless Spurs improves a lot.
You are basing his all round performance on goals alone, his down turn on goals has coincided with the Eriksen mess and the shite performance of the team in the last 12 months. He has had to drop deeper to do the job Eriksen was doing. Whats his goal return for England like in the last 12 months?