If the guy had had a gun, it could've been a completely different story.
But if you had had a gun you could have shot him, or missed and he still shot you. It's all ifs. The point is that the guy DIDN'T have a gun.
I am not belittling your experience, i'm sorry you had to endure that, and i'm sure it must have been scary. However, nobody is expecting to live in paradise, there will never be a completely idyllic society where there is absolutely no crime, ever. It would be naïve to think that ever possible. Most of the random shootings or murders often happen in small quiet places where it wouldn't be expected. They happen in schools, cinemas, coffee shops, quiet villages in England, peaceful towns in the States etc. There is no way you can ever be entirely 100% sure it won't happen where you are. You can however try to reduce shootings, murders and all crime by improving many things. From social problems, to mental health problems to financial problems etc. But there is ONE constant in all of these things and that is GUNS!
The arming teachers with guns argument is as ludicrous as any I have ever heard. It's completely moronic. What if the Teacher lost it one day? Again we are in to "what if" territory but remove the gun from the situation and there is no "what if" to deal with. I also found that argument by the N.R.A. completely insensitive and out of order to the families of children who have lost their lives in School/College shootings.
It's perfectly simple to me. Farmers need guns, hunters need guns, and gun enthusiasts can happily attend rifle ranges, legal shoots or go clay pigeon shooting. The laws allowing these people to have guns should be stringent and they should have to ensure the guns are sealed and locked away at all times when not in use. The military have guns and law enforcement officers have guns, thankfully here in the UK most of ours don't, but I accept some countries aren't there yet, but it could be achieved. People like myself can go to paintball, watch a movie or play Battlefield if we feel the need for some gun related excitement. The simple fact is if you reduce the number of guns available, the less people will have them, the less people will feel the need to own one for protection.
Farmers and hunters have got along just fine for years with basic bolt action rifles and standard shotguns so there is absofeckinlutely no need for high powered assault rifles, high powered repeat action shotguns, sniper rifles or semi automatic pistols to be available to people and especially not in stores like Wal-Mart where kids can buy toys. Open Carry shouldn't even be in debate, especially not in a so-called civilised country where most people want reform on gun laws. It's a no-brainer, you don't walk around with guns in public places, on display or concealed it matters not, it should be a criminal offence. If anything, this recent shooting by the two year old should just show how truly ridiculous the carrying of a firearm in public truly is.
It's easy to say and I appreciate it is not so easy to do, but with enough help, common sense and education I believe it could be achievable, but not until someone stands up to the N.R.A. and gun lobbyists, and not until someone challenges the Second Amendment in its current form. Getting money out of politics in America is essential for a myriad of reasons, gun reform is just one of them, but it could be one of the most important. But for any of that to happen the first step must be towards changing Americas perception of guns. Also it's naïve to think it could be sorted out quickly. With the paranoia spread throughout America, it would be a long time before the banning of handguns for home protection could be tackled, but one thing for sure is that it needs to start somewhere and needs to start soon otherwise we will still be debating this amid more and more unnecessary killings. But that's ok because the fear and paranoia spreads further, the N.R.A. can keep spouting their twisted logic and self serving rhetoric, and more people go out to buy guns and the gun companies just keep on getting richer and richer.