Guardian & Observer's Top 10 Horror Movies

The problem with IT is that it is probably the greatest horror sorry of all time. The 'film' is brilliant, but awful at the same time. As it was a made for TV movie it severely lacked the production values and acting (apart from curry) neccessary for a horror film. A real shame. .. it would easily be number 1 on that list if it was done properly. An example of how that can work is the difference between the shining the stanley kubrik film as opposed to the shining the TV made for tv film/ mini series.

paranormal activity should definately be on that list but the people that made the list wouldn't want to put something so modern on it.

As it is, there is no place for the exorcist than at number one. Ridiculously creepy film, a victim of its own success, its too obvious a choice for one of these lists. It's also, simply a great film and has so many layers to it.

Pazazu and Pennywise. The two greatest horror monsters
The problem with IT is that it is probably the greatest horror story of all time.

Are you sure about that, mate? Apart from one good idea (a being which preys on people's very worst fears), the rest of the premise seems a by-the-numbers Horror plot acted out by clichéd 'loser' characters.
I'm a Welles admirer, and love David Thomson's book on Orson, but I feel he's wrong to rave about Citizen Kane's emotional content; Charlie Kane is an unlovable character and the essential loneliness he feels is about as affecting as, say, Dracula's loneliness. Both are monsters, of a kind.
Woody Allen calling Double Indemnity the best movie ever made even more firmly establishes that I'm right in not liking the man or what he does. I cannot think of a more overrated movie.
I'm a Welles admirer, and love David Thomson's book on Orson, but I feel he's wrong to rave about Citizen Kane's emotional content; Charlie Kane is an unlovable character and the essential loneliness he feels is about as affecting as, say, Dracula's loneliness. Both are monsters, of a kind.
Yep. You just don't care that much for Kane.

Always find strange why Citizen Kane and Vertigo are this much rated. Very good movies but should not be near the top lists. And if I am not mistaken they're in top 2 position of the American's film institute.
Can't really disagree, my two favourites are Thin Red Line and Apocalypse Now. A shame Saving Private Ryan isn't in there, I think it's also very good and still looks stunning 15 years after its release.
In the Mood for Love.

'the lush colours on screen are mellowed with nostalgia and ripened by sensuality.'

Okay... Brilliant film though. Can't think of many better looking films and all.
In the Mood for Love.

'the lush colours on screen are mellowed with nostalgia and ripened by sensuality.'

Okay... Brilliant film though. Can't think of many better looking films and all.

You really notice in that romantic list that the lists are very British centric, all the fawning over Brief Encounter, like.
Not sure about Apocalypse Now as number one (though I quite admire the film). I'd say that Come and See really captures the surreality of Hitler's schemes.
I think it's one film per director. Switch The Searchers and Rancho Notorious with Stagecoach and The Great Silence, other than that I'm happy with every inclusion.
Ringu, (the original Japanese version of the ring) is my personal favourite. Must say I do like the Blair witch for it's atmosphere. I love slasher horrors and their style but wouldn't say they're particularly scary, I need something more freakish and atmospheric as opposed to jumpy.
Full Metal Jacket isn't really that great. Massively living on it's directors name.

The first half is very good then it descends into standard (low budget) war film territory.
I think it's one film per director. Switch The Searchers and Rancho Notorious with Stagecoach and The Great Silence, other than that I'm happy with every inclusion.

If so then I can't disagree with the number one spot. I prefer it to any of the dollars trilogy.