Greenwood (Out) - signs for Getafe on loan

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I'm not sure it's correct here. It's not like we have loads of academy kids getting themselves into trouble....
And as I said in the other thread, Mason has parents. Why did they not try to rectify his behaviour? Surely they should take some blame? Let's not put this all on the club - they're running a football club - they're not parents.

I do not disagree with you at all. As I say recalling a conversation I had in the recent past. I also remember an article the MEN did on how the youth team has improved with people like Nicky Butt being there.

I did think people are correct that a prime 90's Ferguson would have stamped this out. He made it his "mantra to put youth development at the top of his priorities."

There are reports online about Besiktas being interested?
Except none of the parties involved have mentioned the phrase "role-play", whereas they have mentioned the phrase "original charges"

Yes, Manchester United was ready to reintegrate Mason Greenwood after hearing the tape because the original charge was “attempted rape” and in the tape he actually did commit the act so the original charge of attempt didn’t apply. Of course. Not insane or far-fetched at all.
I do not disagree with you at all. As I say recalling a conversation I had in the recent past. I also remember an article the MEN did on how the youth team has improved with people like Nicky Butt being there.

I did think people are correct that a prime 90's Ferguson would have stamped this out. He made it his "mantra to put youth development at the top of his priorities."

There are reports online about Besiktas being interested?
Only thing I can find is a link in Turkish (Türkiye-ish?) English language media is a link to the Sun (#DontBuyTheSun) talking about Fenerbaçhe being interested.

There's been some hint that a largish Turkish club might be interested in a loan, so it's probably journalists fly fishing
Yes, Manchester United was ready to reintegrate Mason Greenwood after hearing the tape because the original charge was “attempted rape” and in the tape he actually did commit the act so the initial charge didn’t apply. Of course. Not insane or far-fetched at all.
But they also knew that that part of the audio would never go out, so it could be just a well worded statement that was true but also hiding the truth.

I did say "as an example", there's no way I will ever learn what was on the rest of that tape. For all I know the next part of the tape could be Greenwood transforming into a werewolf or confessing his undying love to his left eyebrow.

My point was the statement from United was very specific about the phrase "original charges".

Look, one of his subsequent charges was breaking bail conditions, so it's probably that, but what I'm saying that it's a curiously specific phrase that wouldn't be used unless it was needed, that's the was company statements work.
I'm not intimately familiar with MGs life beyond some of the media reports and exposes, so not pretending to have much insight into his case specifically. But there does seem to be a level of 'neurodivergency' there, a little like Ravel or Gascoigne, in terms of prodigious talent and footballing IQ combined with developmental 'immaturity' of a certain sort. Anyone who has an spld and is still fairly high-functioning in terms of education/job, will recognize that tendency to be able to see certain complex things very clearly and then miss blindly simple ones, albeit in different forms. That's different to someone like Best, who was highly smart across the board, but had specific issues with depression and associated addictive tendencies.

That doesn't mean in each case that you give any of them free reign to indulge in self-destructive and actions harmful to others - I do think its a net positive that we've begun to question that ' uncritical licence of genius', which has bene particularly, though not solely, extended to men. But I think -crucially, in combination with the facts as they've been established, rather than supposition or suspicion or innuendo or even common sense probability' - this should inform the nature of our judgement. Numerous people, including myself, have repeated what the status of the evidence as its been made public is. That doesn't mean anyone 'knows' he's innocent, which would be an almost impossible thing in the circumstances to demonstrate, but rather that two investigations have judged the evidence in favour of his innocence to be stronger than that indicating his guilt. In that context, what we know he's culpable of, based upon what each statement has indicated as well as clarificatory statements by the claimant on social media is of being a bad , insensitive, verbally unpleasant partner in the past. His first duty is to his partner but as far as any 'public' responsibility, working as a sportsman in a club which represent communities, all we can legitimately ask for at this stage is evidence of reflection and contrition to the extent that any of these people can be expected to serve as examples. Even this 'example' is something which has been disputed but it's legitimate to make that a factor for any public figure to a reasonable degree.

The opportunity for full evidence to be laid out and scrutinized by the court as well as in the public domain doesn't exist in quite the same way. So now we have someone perpetually guilty without the possibility of absolution or potentially proving his innocence, since anything contextualizing the materials in the public domain is probably (and people who have judged him still unequivocally guilty constantly refer back to 'probability' or likelihood) going to put his partner in a vulnerable position, even as, of course, details about his own not-illegal but toxic behaviour as a partner, or 'strange' sexual predilections might also come up. Whether any of that's the case, again, is only speculation, however. The point is that he's essentially barred through the process of pressure from people who, like all of us, don't know the context but have resolved that he's definitely guilty and cannot be swayed from that judgement and will act accordingly. None of this is about whether he gets to play for United specifically or about missing out on a potentially rekindled talent as a fan of the team. It's just disturbing that, knowing what we know, people not only want to bar him de facto form finding a club by threatening to harass clubs and/or organize boycotts as well as continuing campaigns of vitriol across social media, but that they would do this in the context of revelations about his potential vulnerability or neurodivergency.

Do people remember presenters being driven to suicide through social media pressure? Does anyone consider the potential moral implications of asking not for justice ( the investigation of a potential crime) and accountability through proper mechanisms, but through accusations which have become divorced from any evidence or principles of truth and falsifiability. We have previous cultural examples of scapegoating that I'm sure many of us encountered at school/college (Arthur MIller's Crucible, for instance). Yet it never seems to cut through every time we have one of these panics, whether it's about cults or suspected abuse and innocent people are hounded into depression or suicide. It's horrible to think about the memes and self-righteous statements that would be posted if Mason were to take his own life a week from now, even if further evidence emerged in the public domain substantiating his innocence.

One reason I'm so excised about this is I've served as a foreman on a rape case between a young male and female partner, been through the process of instruction by the judge and seen the ambiguities and difficulties in determining conclusive truths in these matters a lot of the time: through my family, I've also spoken to circuit Barristers in criminal law who have confirmed similar things. Beyond that, I've worked with young men similar to Mason (the way he's been described) as a support worker: men without his sporting talent or any 'exceptional' talent in any field but with complex needs relating to splds, and mixture of residual anger (through circumstances and neurochemistry) but also regret and desire to change. In some cases they were able to in fairly visible ways. In the course of that work I also worked with women who had been assaulted by their partners, so it wasn't one-sided. Whatever else it did, passing blanket judgement when it comes to things weightier than how ETH's setting up the team becomes a lot harder.

I've also seen people I know bullied on social media over what were confirmed to be false allegations, who've subsequently self-harmed and put their lives at risk. So, no, it's not about giving a 'rapist a pass'. I wish people would, as the cliche goes, 'take a step back' and think about what they're really affirming when they participate in these kinds of campaigns....
Great post.

I do wonder whether there may be any way back for Greenwood in England in the mid to long term future, factoring in the old cliché of time healing all wounds.

There's obviously a lot of raw emotion around the audio recording/photographs right now, which makes any kind of defense or even mere mitigation for Greenwood completely taboo to raise.

However, as that emotion wears off and the conversation around this whole topic matures, will people become more receptive to viewing Greenwood as a human being who may have done something wrong, rather than this evil monster who deserves nothing more than a complete vanquishing?
Clubs aren’t moving for him because of the PR, nothing else. FFS Utd clearly want him - ETH wants him!

You’re making him out to be some kind of uncontrollable animalistic wild man - he’s been under the harshest of microscopes for the last year and a half and has done exactly what the club has told him, hasn’t spoken a word.

He’s now a young Dad who’s grown up a spoiled, unpleasant brat and by his own admission - in his own statement - is trying to rectify that.

Fair enough, you don’t want him at Utd, and lest you forget - you got your wish - but to make out he’s Ted fecking Bundy in a pair of football boots is daft, sensationalist nonsense.

Under that microscope he breached bail and impregnated the alleged victim in the criminal case against him. Doesn't make him a monster of any sort of course but it's laughable to imply that he behaved exemplary during this time and did exactly what the club told him to do.
Under that microscope he breached bail and impregnated the alleged victim in the criminal case against him. Doesn't make him a monster of any sort of course but it's laughable to imply that he behaved exemplary during this time and did exactly what the club told him to do.

They’re a couple, in Love. And they got pregnant together - she isn’t an inanimate object.

She could’ve instigated the contact for all any of us know.

He’s by all accounts been under a very fecking bright microscope, while having his entire career stripped away from him and hasn’t gone far off the rails in that time.

In fact, he’s by all accounts gone quite some way to actually sorting his life out while losing everything and under the kind of media pressure most humans will never experience - whether you think it’s deserved or not.
United have really screwed themselves over. Trying to bring him back and then facing the backlash over it has put all clubs on high alert as they don't want that for themselves. Now we're also trying to get rid of him at the height of the public backlash against him which weakens our position even more, when we could have allowed everyone to get used to the idea of him playing football again by introducing the idea many months ago.

If we'd have announced in March that we would move him on in the summer, we'd have avoided the public backlash, and it have allowed any negative publicity to die down over the course of months to the point he could slip into a foreign club with much less attention and eyeballs on the situation.

It baffles me how bad this club is run. Just pure incompetence and zero foresight in everything that we do.
They’re a couple, in Love. And they got pregnant together - she isn’t an inanimate object.

She could’ve instigated the contact for all any of us know.

He’s by all accounts been under a very fecking bright microscope, while having his entire career stripped away from him and hasn’t gone far off the rails in that time.

In fact, he’s by all accounts gone quite some way to actually sorting his life out while losing everything and under the kind of media pressure most humans will never experience - whether you think it’s deserved or not.

I'm not trying to make her out as an inanimate object ffs, and if she instigated the contact or not is completely irrelevant. I'm trying to show you that he did the exact opposite of what United, and more importantly, a court order told him to.

The fact that he was under that fecking bright microscope, while out on bail, with his career on the line isn't an excuse for that, it only makes it worse.
I'm not trying to make her out as an inanimate object ffs, and if she instigated the contact or not is completely irrelevant. I'm trying to show you that he did the exact opposite of what United, and more importantly, a court order told him to.

The fact that he was under that fecking bright microscope, while out on bail, with his career on the line isn't an excuse for that, it only makes it worse.

Yeah, and I feel that as far it goes, he’s been a very good boy in that time. He’s turned his life around and has a new purpose.

I acknowledge him breaking the bail - but they are a young couple in Love with a beautiful little daughter that came out it.

You want to condemn him further for that, that’s fine. I don’t.
Yeah, and I feel that as far it goes, he’s been a very good boy in that time. He’s turned his life around and has a new purpose.

I acknowledge him breaking the bail - but they are a young couple in Love with a beautiful little daughter that came out it.

You want to condemn him further for that, that’s fine. I don’t.
fecking hell!

Dude, what that actual feck!

You've been telling everybody "you don't know what was on the rest of the tape" despite us hearing a fecking horrible, horrible part, him saying what he did, in that tone.

What the feck do you know about his behaviour while he was on bail?! A very good boy? Maybe he spent that 18 months role playing! Or huffing laughing gas. Or banging random Swedish girls.

That man was on fecking ball and he was sleeping with the key fecking witness. He broke the fecking law every single time he was in contact with her.

She could have been throwing herself at him and the only legal thing he could have done is avoid her, not get her fecking pregnant.

fecking hell. A very good boy. For one thing he's a fecking man who was accused, with some very compelling evidence, of one of the worst fecking crimes you can do.

A young couple in love?! When he was banging randoms in sweden? Or the other girls that he's been alleged to have been with?! What is she, the top whore in his fecking harem?

Jesus Christ man, sort your fecking head out
fecking hell!

Dude, what that actual feck!

You've been telling everybody "you don't know what was on the rest of the tape" despite us hearing a fecking horrible, horrible part, him saying what he did, in that tone.

What the feck do you know about his behaviour while he was on bail?! A very good boy? Maybe he spent that 18 months role playing! Or huffing laughing gas. Or banging random Swedish girls.

That man was on fecking ball and he was sleeping with the key fecking witness. He broke the fecking law every single time he was in contact with her.

She could have been throwing herself at him and the only legal thing he could have done is avoid her, not get her fecking pregnant.

fecking hell. A very good boy. For one thing he's a fecking man who was accused, with some very compelling evidence, of one of the worst fecking crimes you can do.

A young couple in love?! When he was banging randoms in sweden? Or the other girls that he's been alleged to have been with?! What is she, the top whore in his fecking harem?

Jesus Christ man, sort your fecking head out

Your view on the topic is incredibly rigid, binary and sensationalistic.

‘A young couple in Love!??’, yes, that’s what they are by all accounts.

It might not match up with your hyper emotional, tabloid view of them but that’s what they are.

Have they been in the best place? No.

Have they been a troubled couple? Yes.

Should Mason Greenwood have been investigated following the social media leak? Yes.

Was he investigated thoroughly? Yes.

Was the case worth pursuing, even with seeming ‘bang to rights’ audio and images evidence? No.

Do Man Utd think he’s innocent of the original charges? Yes.

Should he now be allowed to continue his career and get his life back on track as a Dad and partner? Yes, in my opinion, but you’re free to your own.

Do I hope that he and his partner can build a happy family for their beautiful little baby now? Yes, again you’re free to hope they don’t.
Your view on the topic is incredibly rigid, binary and sensationalistic.

‘A young couple in Love!??’, yes, that’s what they are by all accounts.

It might not match up with your hyper emotional, tabloid view of them but that’s what they are.

Have they been in the best place? No.

Have they been a troubled couple? Yes.

Should Mason Greenwood have been investigated following the social media leak? Yes.

Was he investigated thoroughly? Yes.

Was the case worth pursuing, even with seeming ‘bang to rights’ audio and images evidence? No.

Do Man Utd think he’s innocent of the original charges? Yes.

Should he now be allowed to continue his career and get his life back on track as a Dad and partner? Yes, in my opinion, but you’re free to your own.

Do I hope that he and his partner can build a happy family for their beautiful little baby now? Yes, again you’re free to hope they don’t.
Mate, I really hope you never have to experience any of the horrible things that have been talked about in these two thread. But I can't engage with you anymore. Honestly man, your posts are glaikit. Insult the post, not the poster.

And yes, I did google a synonym for retarded because my wife said that word is now used as an insult towards special needs people.
Mate, I really hope you never have to experience any of the horrible things that have been talked about in these two thread. But I can't engage with you anymore. Honestly man, your posts are glaikit. Insult the post, not the poster.

And yes, I did google a synonym for retarded because my wife said that word is now used as an insult towards special needs people.
Maybe if it had happened to a close relative (or worse), people would see it differently.
Mate, I really hope you never have to experience any of the horrible things that have been talked about in these two thread. But I can't engage with you anymore. Honestly man, your posts are glaikit. Insult the post, not the poster.

And yes, I did google a synonym for retarded because my wife said that word is now used as an insult towards special needs people.

I was born into a family torn apart by serious domestic violence.

Since childhood, I’ve seen deeply into all sides of this issue and nothing I’ve said here is untrue.

We’ll agree to disagree.
Your view on the topic is incredibly rigid, binary and sensationalistic.

‘A young couple in Love!??’, yes, that’s what they are by all accounts.

It might not match up with your hyper emotional, tabloid view of them but that’s what they are.

Have they been in the best place? No.

Have they been a troubled couple? Yes.

Should Mason Greenwood have been investigated following the social media leak? Yes.

Was he investigated thoroughly? Yes.

Was the case worth pursuing, even with seeming ‘bang to rights’ audio and images evidence? No.

Do Man Utd think he’s innocent of the original charges? Yes.

Should he now be allowed to continue his career and get his life back on track as a Dad and partner? Yes, in my opinion, but you’re free to your own.

Do I hope that he and his partner can build a happy family for their beautiful little baby now? Yes, again you’re free to hope they don’t.

He has a point though. Greenwood has clearly cheated, he got kicked out of England for it not long before this. He also admits to mistakes that caused this situation.

Besides, it isn't some fantasic love story...either he assaulted and tried to rape her, or she lied about the whole thing and ruined his career. It's hardly the love story of the century and someone should be in deep trouble for all this. Funny how people who think he should be completely exonerated never broach the subject about her being punished for all this. Because people who make false claims like this should be punished fully too.

I really don't know why people still think he should play for United again either, bar the fact we need him and he's super hyped as a player. This happened on our watch, we turned a blind eye and now we fecked him around about bringing him back.

There is no fairytale ending, there is no "neurodivergent" answer as to how any of this is acceptable. Football be damned, the best thing that can be is they find a way to be a family and raise that child right. Whether he finds a club or works in McDonalds, there really is more to life than football.
Besides, it isn't some fantasic love story...either he assaulted and tried to rape her, or she lied about the whole thing and ruined his career. It's hardly the love story of the century and someone should be in deep trouble for all this. Funny how people who think he should be completely exonerated never broach the subject about her being punished for all this. Because people who make false claims like this should be punished fully too.
For something that happened privately and got leaked, and without any context or full story.

Why? Why should someone must be punished for this. Are we watching a soap opera?
He has a point though. Greenwood has clearly cheated, he got kicked out of England for it not long before this. He also admits to mistakes that caused this situation.

Besides, it isn't some fantasic love story...either he assaulted and tried to rape her, or she lied about the whole thing and ruined his career. It's hardly the love story of the century and someone should be in deep trouble for all this. Funny how people who think he should be completely exonerated never broach the subject about her being punished for all this. Because people who make false claims like this should be punished fully too.

I really don't know why people still think he should play for United again either, bar the fact we need him and he's super hyped as a player. This happened on our watch, we turned a blind eye and now we fecked him around about bringing him back.

There is no fairytale ending, there is no "neurodivergent" answer as to how any of this is acceptable. Football be damned, the best thing that can be is they find a way to be a family and raise that child right. Whether he finds a club or works in McDonalds, there really is more to life than football.

I’ve not said that it’s ‘a fantastic Love story’ - it’s not a story at all, it’s the real lives of two (now 3) young people.

And as I’ve clearly stated they’ve been a troubled couple and Greenwood has, at the very least verbally, behaved in a lowly, pathetic manner.

But there is the possibility of a good outcome for them as a family, and I want them to have it.

Do you?
For something that happened privately and got leaked, and without any context or full story.

Why? Why should someone must be punished for this. Are we watching a soap opera?

You don't think false allegations of abuse and attempted rape is serious?

The soap opera comment is ridiculous and it shows your level of comprehension of the subject.

I’ve not said that it’s ‘a fantastic Love story’ - it’s not a story at all, it’s the real lives of two (now 3) young people.

And as I’ve clearly stated they’ve been a troubled couple and Greenwood has, at the very least verbally, behaved in a lowly, pathetic manner.

But there is the possibility of a good outcome for them as a family, and I want them to have it.

Do you?

The post you just quoted said that. In fact I've never said anything else. Of all my posts in here or the many on the other thread, find a single one that says otherwise. Instead you'll find, more than anyone else, I've spoken about them moving on as a family.

But you know that. Answer my points or don't, but let's not try to act as if I've said anything wrong if you don't want to answer my points.
You don't think false allegations of abuse and attempted rape is serious?

The soap opera comment is ridiculous and it shows your level of comprehension of the subject.
No mate, it shows your obsession with the subject, you're more invested in this than the prosecution.

The GMP have more experience in these cases than everyone on the caf combined. If they didn't take the probation breaches seriously, then it just goes to show that perhaps the case wasn't as serious as you keep insisting.
Absolutely nothing in terms of transfer news on this fella'.

Hopefully it will pick up tomorrow ! Even Twitter has no bullshit rumours about him. Last that popped up was shitty sources linking him to "an unnamed club in Albania".
You don't think false allegations of abuse and attempted rape is serious?

The soap opera comment is ridiculous and it shows your level of comprehension of the subject.

The post you just quoted said that. In fact I've never said anything else. Of all my posts in here or the many on the other thread, find a single one that says otherwise. Instead you'll find, more than anyone else, I've spoken about them moving on as a family.

But you know that. Answer my points or don't, but let's not try to act as if I've said anything wrong if you don't want to answer my points.

I have answered your post and have done so in good faith - if there’s a direct question you want me to answer, ask away.

I don’t like how you’re using phrases like ‘Love story’ and ‘Fairytale Ending’, it lends weight to the notion that this is all a soap opera playing out for people’s moral entertainment, rather than a series of real events that are ongoing.

I also feel that you’re conflicted slightly by what you claim to want.

You say you want a good outcome - as do I.

You say you think Greenwood is better to move on from Utd - as do I.

But you simultaneously seem to sway toward not wanting him to play on at all and say things like, ‘someone needs to be punished’.

Which is essentially bordering vigilante language.

I think you do have good intentions but are a bit too emotionally invested in this specific case, or ‘story’…

Either way, I don’t mean any offence to you and hope all is good with you.
I see you’re missing out the one where he broke the conditions set by the judge, stay away from the victim. Instead he got her pregnant and 4 months later she withdraws the charges.
What?! Wow didn't know this. This is insane.
No mate, it shows your obsession with the subject, you're more invested in this than the prosecution.

The GMP have more experience in these cases than everyone on the caf combined. If they didn't take the probation breaches seriously, then it just goes to show that perhaps the case wasn't as serious as you keep insisting.
It's not the GMP's role to work whether it's worth pursuing. The courts made a ruling and it's the police's role to uphold that ruling. And it's not like the UK police to not do their job properly
No mate, it shows your obsession with the subject, you're more invested in this than the prosecution.

The GMP have more experience in these cases than everyone on the caf combined. If they didn't take the probation breaches seriously, then it just goes to show that perhaps the case wasn't as serious as you keep insisting.

Yep, as you keep demonstrating, you fail to understand anything and are now changing the point of discussion because you don't grasp even the basics.

I'm done with you, it will lead neither of us anywhere and be an endless circle of nonsense that no one needs.

I have answered your post and have done so in good faith - if there’s a direct question you want me to answer, ask away.

I don’t like how you’re using phrases like ‘Love story’ and ‘Fairytale Ending’, it lends weight to the notion that this is all a soap opera playing out for people’s moral entertainment, rather than a series of real events that are ongoing.

I also feel that you’re conflicted slightly by what you claim to want.

You say you want a good outcome - as do I.

You say you think Greenwood is better to move on from Utd - as do I.

But you simultaneously seem to sway toward not wanting him to play on at all and say things like, ‘someone needs to be punished’.

Which is essentially bordering vigilante language.

I think you do have good intentions but are a bit too emotionally invested in this specific case, or ‘story’…

Either way, I don’t mean any offence to you and hope all is good with you.


You know what, I just wrote a long retort but it's not worth doing it out here and further derailing the thread. Shoot me a PM mate, we aren't on different sides here.
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So you’ve just written - at length - about other people not reading your posts properly… and you’ve not even bothered to properly read the one that you were replying to!

:lol: I've just edited and said to pm me (I can't start one with you for some reason), talk about rotten timing!

It's not easy with wall of texts in here and this thread is really off course as it is.
It's not the GMP's role to work whether it's worth pursuing. The courts made a ruling and it's the police's role to uphold that ruling. And it's not like the UK police to not do their job properly
Does the GMP have a history of ignoring bail breaches? Seems awfully dismissive here.
You don't think false allegations of abuse and attempted rape is serious?

The soap opera comment is ridiculous and it shows your level of comprehension of the subject.

She didn’t make allegations of rape and she didn’t approach the police. Suspect she was reluctant dealing with them from the moment they approached her. Put herself in an impossible situation really
She didn’t make allegations of rape and she didn’t approach the police. Suspect she was reluctant dealing with them from the moment they approached her. Put herself in an impossible situation really

But she did record all the evidence and she did do the video statement the which led them to push the case to the CPS.

Then later on withdrew it after he broke bail.

Let's be clear here, I'm not actually suggesting she be punished nor he be further, the point is if we are to believe there's more to the story and it was a case of both fecking up on some level, it's still never going to just end up with him returning to United and them living a happy every after life. Hence why both statements are careful not to incriminate him further nor give ammo against her. The abuse alone against either or both will get would be off the charts.

The best outcome was always him leaving and rebuilding elsewhere and them making it work as a family. Now we are in the shit situation of no one wanting him, which is sad in it's own way and only can be further damaging.
But she did record all the evidence and she did do the video statement the which led them to push the case to the CPS.

Then later on withdrew it after he broke bail.

Let's be clear here, I'm not actually suggesting she be punished nor he be further, the point is if we are to believe there's more to the story and it was a case of both fecking up on some level, it's still never going to just end up with him returning to United and them living a happy every after life. Hence why both statements are careful not to incriminate him further nor give ammo against her. The abuse alone against either or both will get would be off the charts.

The best outcome was always him leaving and rebuilding elsewhere and them making it work as a family. Now we are in the shit situation of no one wanting him, which is sad in it's own way and only can be further damaging.
Wasn't a part of him breaking bail to do with her still using his debit/credit card or something? I swear I saw that in an article somewhere a long time ago.
Wasn't a part of him breaking bail to do with her still using his debit/credit card or something? I swear I saw that in an article somewhere a long time ago.
Even if that was true, his only legal routes would have been to cancel the card or report the incidents to his lawyer/the police.

He can stay within the rules of football but he can't stick to the rules of the judge?
Even if that was true, his only legal routes would have been to cancel the card or report the incidents to his lawyer/the police.

He can stay within the rules of football but he can't stick to the rules of the judge?
I don't know the legalities of him doing that. But to my untrained mind I would say you are 100% correct, he should have just cancelled the cards.
fecking hell!

Dude, what that actual feck!

You've been telling everybody "you don't know what was on the rest of the tape" despite us hearing a fecking horrible, horrible part, him saying what he did, in that tone.

What the feck do you know about his behaviour while he was on bail?! A very good boy? Maybe he spent that 18 months role playing! Or huffing laughing gas. Or banging random Swedish girls.

That man was on fecking ball and he was sleeping with the key fecking witness. He broke the fecking law every single time he was in contact with her.

She could have been throwing herself at him and the only legal thing he could have done is avoid her, not get her fecking pregnant.

fecking hell. A very good boy. For one thing he's a fecking man who was accused, with some very compelling evidence, of one of the worst fecking crimes you can do.

A young couple in love?! When he was banging randoms in sweden? Or the other girls that he's been alleged to have been with?! What is she, the top whore in his fecking harem?

Jesus Christ man, sort your fecking head out
Mate, you don't understand. He scores goals for Man United so it's OK.
I think he'll struggle to find a team that will give him an offer him and his team thinks he's worth. Going from being the golden boy at a club like United, to a new club who will probably not give you a lot of rope or play at a much lower level, can't be an easy choice.
The dark cloud that is over him will make it impossible with any clubs fans. Whoever takes him on will face a shit storm from fans and media.

I think he's completely fecked.

If the tape was longer then why hasn't Mason released the remainder of the recording to at least defend himself. He hasn't because it ended where it ended and that's that.
That man was on fecking ball and he was sleeping with the key fecking witness. He broke the fecking law every single time he was in contact with her.
Easy there Judge dredd...I often cross on a red when I'm walking home in the middle of the night and there's not a car for miles, does that mean I'll never be a good boy?
I've seen a few people reference his use of nos/laughing gas as if that's an indicator of bad character/at all relevant to the issue at hand. Weird.
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