Film Greatest trilogy ever?

Lord of the Rings and nothing else comes close
Godfather, although the third wasn't great the first 2 were so sublime it outweighs the third imo.


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Sequels are the Mcdonalds fries of movies.
Do the stories need to continue/overlap? If no, then Chan-wook Park's vengeance trilogy is great.

But the answer is clearly LOTR.
Does it count as a trilogy if other numbered/intentionally connected films are released?

Toy Story 1-3 was close to perfect, coming from someone who actually thinks 2 isn't quite as good as 1 & 3 (most people tend to say 2 is the best and I get it).

I also really like Toy Story 4, about as much as 2. However, I do think it probably should not have been called 'Toy Story 4' and the people who disliked it wouldn't have been so vocal. I feel that people don't like Toy Story 4 purely on the basis of it changing a near perfect trilogy that should have closed the book.

If Toy Story 1-3 does count, then that would be my shout.
Godfather, although the third wasn't great the first 2 were so sublime it outweighs the third imo.
Godfather 3 Coda makes a strong argument for this being the greatest trilogy ever, hard to not have the original trilogy of Star Wars not far from the top of the pile.
Captain America: the first Avenger

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America: Civil War
three colours trilogy or original Star Wars for me
Kieslowski Three Colour trilogy is one of my favs, Blue being the particular standout though I enjoy the dry humour of White.

It kind of goes unnoticed at times that Poland produced three of the greatest directors of all time in Kieslowski, Zulawski and Wajda.
The Bale/Nolan Batman films are up there.

I reckon a dodgy 3rd installment should rule anything out of being "best". Its not really a great trilogy at that point. Its two great films and a crap/weak one.

They never made a 3rd GI Joe otherwise that would obviously sweep this thread clean.
OK, I made the thread, I make the rules. I'm allowing any "trilogy" of three consecutive films continuing the same story/themes, even if there were more movies about the same story/themes subsequently made. So Toy Story 1-3 counts as a trilogy, even though they made more Toy Story movies afterwards.

EDIT: You could also nominate Toy Story 2-4 as a trilogy. If you were an absolute maniac.
OK, I made the thread, I make the rules. I'm allowing any "trilogy" of three consecutive films continuing the same story/themes, even if there were more movies about the same story/themes subsequently made. So Toy Story 1-3 counts as a trilogy, even though they made more Toy Story movies afterwards.

EDIT: You could also nominate Toy Story 2-4 as a trilogy. If you were an absolute maniac.
Could have 4, 7 and 9 of the Fast and Furious films?
For me, Lord of the Rings is the best movie trilogy, with the Indiana Jones original trilogy a close second (probably based on whether you liked Temple of Doom or not).

The third movie of other notable trilogies like Nolan/Batman, Original Star Wars, Godfather etc always seems to never quite live up the standard of the others despite themselves being good movies.

LOTR has three 10/10 movies to me, and still hold up incredibly well 20 years later.
Interms of fantastic cinema, I regard LOTR a more coherent and less baggy trilogy if you were to compare it to the original (un edited) SW.
The ROTJ has alot of rubbish in it unfortunately though the execution of the Battle of Endor is a strong highlight of the trilogy.
The Bale/Nolan Batman films are up there.

I reckon a dodgy 3rd installment should rule anything out of being "best". Its not really a great trilogy at that point. Its two great films and a crap/weak one.
That's a good shout, although like the Godfather the 3rd is below the standard of the first 2.
Kieslowski Three Colour trilogy is one of my favs, Blue being the particular standout though I enjoy the dry humour of White.

It kind of goes unnoticed at times that Poland produced three of the greatest directors of all time in Kieslowski, Zulawski and Wajda.
Polanski too who's a scumbag but made some great and influential films.

As for the thread, Three Colours is the best. Kieslowski also made the greatest tv show ever, so not bad for someone who died at 54.
That's a good shout, although like the Godfather the 3rd is below the standard of the first 2.

Its still pretty good though IMO. It just doesn't stand up to the "lets see how many stupid bits of the plot there are" scrutiny...but then neither does any of Lord of the Rings tbf.
Polanski too who's a scumbag but made some great and influential films.

As for the thread, Three Colours is the best. Kieslowski also made the greatest tv show ever, so not bad for someone who died at 54.
Purposefully avoided him.
The Bale/Nolan Batman films are up there.

I reckon a dodgy 3rd installment should rule anything out of being "best".
Its not really a great trilogy at that point. Its two great films and a crap/weak one.

They never made a 3rd GI Joe otherwise that would obviously sweep this thread clean.
But the 3rd Nolan Batman film is absolutely shite.