Glazers / Woodward out! (One down)

Ok I’ll be the one to say what a lot will be thinking but too afraid of the ban hammer, the horror and condemnation of the snowflake generation.

Let’s all not get too offended by songs and a flare outside the guys house whose systematically ruining the club. A step too far yes but it’s not this level that Bruno is actually escaping from -

Would I have done it? No but is it going to have more effect than us lot whinging on a fan forum in all honesty?

from my experience, the biggest snowflake is most often the one calling others snowflake.

Anyway I didn't really care much for the song implying his death but flare in or outside his house is a whole new level. This only garners sympathy for Woodward in the media and people looking from outside, and also delegitimizes all the other forms of legitimate protest that have been done and could be done in the future. Now, just wait and see how the protests (songs, banners, walkouts etc) will be covered from now on. It will mainly be from the point of view of all those protesting fans being these fecking idiots who threw flares outside his house.
I’ll hazard a guess that his £2m house is set a very long way back from his gates so unless they are firing rocket launchers that is a very unlikely event and I’m sure even these guys aren’t that crazy, it’s a protest gone too far but let’s no get to dramatic.
Blimey. Get a life
Its out of order completely. But it does show the growing level of dissent with the board and that they should take some action. Unfortunately this will probably now be used to discredit legitimate protests
from my experience, the biggest snowflake is most often the one calling others snowflake.

Anyway I didn't really care much for the song implying his death but flare in or outside his house is a whole new level. This only garners sympathy for Woodward in the media and people looking from outside, and also delegitimizes all the other forms of legitimate protest that have been done and could be done in the future. Now, just wait and see how the protests (songs, banners, walkouts etc) will be covered from now on. It will mainly be from the point of view of all those protesting fans being these fecking idiots who threw flares outside his house.

Haha if your calling me a snowflake your wrong pal but you maybe right about it will do more harm than good (just to be clear it wasn’t me)
I have nothing positive to say about Woodward at all, but why is he getting so much hate? He’s incompetent and he’s made a ton of costly mistakes but the actual hate should be directed at the Glazers.
I have nothing positive to say about Woodward at all, but why is he getting so much hate? He’s incompetent and he’s made a ton of costly mistakes but the actual hate should be directed at the Glazers.

He negotiated the deal that give the glazers the club and left us in debt for most of this century?
He negotiated the deal that give the glazers the club and left us in debt for most of this century?

Yes, I know. He's an instrument. An integral instrument, but an instrument nonetheless.

There aren't many things directed at the Glazers that would shock me, or make me jump around moralising, but I think it's over the top this bit with Woodward tonight. Stupid and extremely counter productive. The more vile the opposition to the hierarchy, the more they can moralise in the media and change the narrative.
What you talking about? I’m just describing the layout of a £2m mansion in Cheshire is not in reach of a hand thrown flare. I wasn’t defending it so don’t go all outrage on me you pussy.
You wished death upon Ed Woodward in the past and put it down to you being intoxicated. Are you intoxicated now aswell?

Whether the flare was in reach or not isn't the point. The point is you DO NOT turn up outside someone's house in a large group of 30 wearing balaclavas with the aim of intimidation. He has two children who would've been petrified had they been at home with 30 thugs outside with their faces covered throwing flares at the house and spraying graffiti. Football isn't that important either.
Best thing that could have happened to him, PR wise.

By which I mean it was a stupid thing to do.
I don't agree with fergiesarmy1 comments on this matter because it's a disgrace what happened at Woodward's home but are we not a platform for United fans to express their feelings . As long as we are not abusing each other ?
We can agree or disagree with each others views ?
He did so habitually, including in this thread.

I can't comment on his other posts and I'm guessing he was previously warned of his behaviour I just tonight his comments where what alot of Manchester based fans feel atm . I've said before I will be part of the walk out at the weekend but in my own eyes these clowns chucking fireworks have made the weekend protest less meaningful
If many people experience the same event(s), they exhibit a wide range of responses to them. While many of us may think we would not have acted in this way and condemn this behaviour, it is rational to expect that some people would act this way given what the Glazers and their vassal, Woodward, have done to Man Utd.
If many people experience the same event(s), they exhibit a wide range of responses to them. While many of us may think we would not have acted in this way and condemn this behaviour, it is rational to expect that some people would act this way given what the Glazers and their vassal, Woodward, have done to Man Utd.
No excuse for this. Full stop. Call me cynical but it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that this was concocted by the team's new spin doctor to elicit sympathy for Eddie and his owners.
No excuse for this. Full stop. Call me cynical but it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that this was concocted by the team's new spin doctor to elicit sympathy for Eddie and his owners.

I mean Sporting Lisbon's former president is currently being tried for ordering 50 masked thugs to attack his own players during training.

Ordering thugs to act threatening outside your own house probably isn’t even illegal, so the barrier would be far lower. The timing is curious, right after the Spin Doctor stepped in.
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Sympathy for his family. Still #woordardOut.
Sad part about this is that it takes the discussion away from the shit job he's doing.
I want Woodward gone but this behaviour is pathetic.. Its one thing chanting but intimidation of a family with young kids in their home is disgusting.
If we do sign Bruno I hope fans are not fickle and forget that they still are the problem. Either sack Woodward or Glazers leave.
If we do sign Bruno I hope fans are not fickle and forget that they still are the problem. Either sack Woodward or Glazers leave.
Glazers won’t replace Woodward with someone better. I’m ready to roll the dice on new owners honestly. There are no guarantees but these viruses are not the answer to anything.
Ok I’ll be the one to say what a lot will be thinking but too afraid of the ban hammer, the horror and condemnation of the snowflake generation.

Let’s all not get too offended by songs and a flare outside the guys house whose systematically ruining the club. A step too far yes but it’s not this level that Bruno is actually escaping from -

Would I have done it? No but is it going to have more effect than us lot whinging on a fan forum in all honesty?


Dear god.
Can we all agree:

Woodward is a c**t
Throwing a flare/firework/nuclear bomb into his front garden is probably not ok.
The reaction to point 2 has been a little over the top, same with the “death” songs.
I've said before I will be part of the walk out at the weekend but in my own eyes these clowns chucking fireworks have made the weekend protest less meaningful

Exactly this. I am all for protest in the correct manner but death chants and attacking a mans house is completely unnecessary.

Where United fans were looking at creating media attention at Woodward and his job, we are now going to turn the media against the fans thanks to some twats.
No excuse for this. Full stop. Call me cynical but it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that this was concocted by the team's new spin doctor to elicit sympathy for Eddie and his owners.

That's exactly what I thought as well I heard about this. Detestable behavior and those morons should all be arrested and jailed assuming they were real, but the timing of the new PR guy hire combined with the fans' pressure on Ed building up to a point where no article was going to make him look better is suspicious. The easiest way to spin a positive PR is to garner sympathy. Happens all the time in other fields, sports, politics, etc... someone becomes the center of public criticism and all of a sudden physical/death threats are mentioned in the media, followed by a whole bunch of people coming to defend the person.
Keep up the pressure on the leeches. More protests without breaking the law.
Here’s my proposal: Let's get tough. The time for talking is over. Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit them hard and hit them fast with a major - and I mean major - leaflet campaign, and while their reeling from that, we'd follow up with a {whist} drive, a car boot sale, some street theatre and possibly even some benefit concerts. OK? Now, if that's not enough, I'm sorry, it's time for the T-shirts: ‘Glazers Out’ ... ‘Chameleonic Life Forms - No Thanks’ ... and if that's not enough, well, I don't know what will be.
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Woodward leaving isn't gonna make a big difference.
I don't know man. One part of me thinks he is the only guy around with the Glazers' ear, he usually gets what he wants for them and has secured some huge funds and deals for the first team which should have been utilized better. One can't look at the figures invested by United over the past seven years and decide that what the owners have done isn't enough to build a competitive team. Another part then looks at the disastrous managers, the transfer sagas that always seem to drag, our performances, that wage bill and how he is the only constant in it all.

In reality all the Glazers can do is allow for funds to be available, whether they are used effectively is down to Woodward and he has failed miserably on that front. He says that with Ole they have changed the transfer policy and he completely trusts Ole but what if Ole fails just like more accomplished managers than him have also failed? What next, considering that we would have spent hundreds of millions on his vision? Does Woodward have enough football intellect or the human resources within his proximity to come up with a fall back plan? Does he know of people like Nagelsmann and Rose and critically would he be interested or have the means to lure them? This is the difference between us and City/Liverpool, they won't collapse if they lose Pep/Klopp because they have the infrastructure in house to find and lure competent replacements and their squads won't need half a billion pound rebuilds.
That's what I needed this morning, go to Sainsbury's and hear the blokes stacking the shelf discussing whether they would rather have an unbeaten season or just a league and Champions League double. Then pissing themselves laughing that, had United been given two points for every one earned, we would still be behind Liverpool in the league.

Things are bad.

If this tyrant was half as good at his job as he is with media briefings and empty promises then we wouldn't have needed a 'renaissance' in the first place.