Glazers / Woodward out! (One down)

What you need is a mass pitch invasion disrupting games, preventing the kick off..
A few thousand supporters peacefully sitting on the pitch would take ages to remove them all.
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Gone to far a Old Trafford walk out is enough. If we had more energy in actually agreeing on a solution we would be a much better club.
If that's true,I hope they have the book thrown at them. We don't condone violence against the bloke or wish harm to him or his family, it's a game for fecks sake.
As per
'Ed Woodward’s Cheshire home was attacked by 20-30 balaclava clad United fans around 8pm tonight. Woodward and his family weren’t home, thankfully. Depressing story

Going a bit too far isn't it.
Shite behaviour. Discredits the true aims of the unhappiness.
That’s fecked up.

Ok I’ll be the one to say what a lot will be thinking but too afraid of the ban hammer, the horror and condemnation of the snowflake generation.

Let’s all not get too offended by songs and a flare outside the guys house whose systematically ruining the club. A step too far yes but it’s not this level that Bruno is actually escaping from -

Would I have done it? No but is it going to have more effect than us lot whinging on a fan forum in all honesty?

Ok I’ll be the one to say what a lot will be thinking but too afraid of the ban hammer, the horror and condemnation of the snowflake generation.

Let’s all not get too offended by songs and a flare outside the guys house whose systematically ruining the club. A step too far yes but it’s not this level that Bruno is actually escaping from -

Would I have done it? No but is it going to have more effect than us lot whinging on a fan forum in all honesty?


If you're genuinely condoning this, you need mental help
Nope but then again I havent been defrauding the millions of united fans for 6 years so wouldn’t really expect it.

Its fecking football man.

If you really think things not going well for your football club are a genuine reason to potentially burn down a guys house, terrify or injure his family, then there is something seriously wrong with your life
Exactly so get a grip man. The idiots were throwing flares at his house. They literally could have burned it down FFS.

I’ll hazard a guess that his £2m house is set a very long way back from his gates so unless they are firing rocket launchers that is a very unlikely event and I’m sure even these guys aren’t that crazy, it’s a protest gone too far but let’s no get to dramatic.
I’ll hazard a guess that his £2m house is set a very long way back from his gates so unless they are firing rocket launchers that is a very unlikely event and I’m sure even these guys aren’t that crazy, it’s a protest gone too far but let’s no get to dramatic.
What planet do you live on :lol:
I’ll hazard a guess that his £2m house is set a very long way back from his gates so unless they are firing rocket launchers that is a very unlikely event and I’m sure even these guys aren’t that crazy, it’s a protest gone too far but let’s no get to dramatic.
What if it landed inside the barn ?
You’ve heard of bonfire night right? While I don’t think throwing a flare over a fence is the right thing to do the faux moral outrage is over the top.
It's not a right thing to do, especially if there's a wicker man nearby. Doubt even Guy Fawkes would approve.
All they’ve done is make themselves look like complete cnuts. There are obviously better ways to ‘protest’.

I agree, puts the fans in a bad light as well who have nothing to do with it. But it wasn’t an attempt to hurt anyone it was a protest that went too far. I wish they wouldn’t have thrown a flare over the gate.
I’ll hazard a guess that his £2m house is set a very long way back from his gates so unless they are firing rocket launchers that is a very unlikely event and I’m sure even these guys aren’t that crazy, it’s a protest gone too far but let’s no get to dramatic.

:lol: goodness me
I’ll hazard a guess that his £2m house is set a very long way back from his gates so unless they are firing rocket launchers that is a very unlikely event and I’m sure even these guys aren’t that crazy, it’s a protest gone too far but let’s no get to dramatic.

You need help, the guy has a family