This will never happen but I had the idea of canning the line-drawing & reviewing the film footage of offsides just by looking - it'd be quicker for a start.
And if you can't tell (identify a clear/obvious error) then the on field decision would stand - like for everything else kind of thing.
I do agree with the point that the line has to be drawn somewhere, somehow & that it is reasonable that that should stand whether it;s 1mm or whatever. But it's getting bogged down in the detail perhaps too.
As for anything, well... they're not actually hardly using it to make any actual decisions different to what their faultless refs have already decided on the park, so I sence that neither side of our heated debate is that impressed with it, atm.
Btw, Talksport commentary had had a full discussion of the implications of Spurs leading 2-0 this morning, winning the game & being back on the up before that goal got ruled out, it was farcical. Must have been 3 minutes.
And they said it changed the game. Lifted Leicester & the crowd allegedly/apparently.
But somehow, on the plus side, I do feel like there is more actual playing of football & less messing about by the players.