German football is turd

Bayern teaching Barcelona Rangers and WestHam how to play Frankfurt

Actually - until last season the Champion always got the opening match on homeground. Last season it was played the first time on away ground against Bayern's bogey team Mönchengladbach - so it was a draw and no loss.

Then the DFL thought - we cannot start the first match in Gladbach again, Bayern does not like away games in Frankfurt especially as the fans still really push the SGE because of that Europa Cup win...

Did not seem to work either...

Everybody told that without Lewy Bayern will have difficulties to score goals... 5 against Leipzig, 6 against Frankfurt...
I'm sorry, i do not follow the Bundesliga and i'm confused by the discrepancy between comments here. Could someone confirm to me if its turd or not?
Thank you.
I'm sorry, i do not follow the Bundesliga and i'm confused by the discrepancy between comments here. Could someone confirm to me if its turd or not?
Thank you.

Yes it is, but the German brigade is pretty good at polishing it while making sarcastic comments about other leagues :wenger: (waiting for you in the Serie A thread, lieben freunde).
French league is definitely better.
I've always believed that as well. Germany is better at their infrastructure and fan interest, but the quality of the league itself is inferior to me, although I think those differences are overstated from the English fans.
Yes it is, but the German brigade is pretty good at polishing it while making sarcastic comments about other leagues :wenger: (waiting for you in the Serie A thread, lieben freunde).
I'm German and still, yes it is. 2. Bundesliga is where it's at
Is it a surprise? What do you expect if the rock bottom EPL team gets more TV money from the league then Bayern Munich?

There are only 2 ways out of this mess and both aren't popular at all.
Either promote Bayern to the ESL or scrap the 50+1 rule to attract investors and sponsors.
And yes they will definitely come as it's more lucrative to invest in Bundesliga teams than EPL now.
Why? In England you already have a top 6, soon to 7 with be Newcastle plus teams like Leicester, West Ham, or Everton, which also have investors, but there are only 4 CL places to fight for. Investing in a Bundesliga team will pretty much guarantee the investor CL football and huge returns from UEFA.
However, as long as 50+1 is in place there will be only idiots like Windhorst or diehard club fans like Kühne in Hamburg who will invest bigger sums of money.
Is it a surprise? What do you expect if the rock bottom EPL team gets more TV money from the league then Bayern Munich?

There are only 2 ways out of this mess and both aren't popular at all.
Either promote Bayern to the ESL or scrap the 50+1 rule to attract investors and sponsors.
And yes they will definitely come as it's more lucrative to invest in Bundesliga teams than EPL now.
Why? In England you already have a top 6, soon to 7 with be Newcastle plus teams like Leicester, West Ham, or Everton, which also have investors, but there are only 4 CL places to fight for. Investing in a Bundesliga team will pretty much guarantee the investor CL football and huge returns from UEFA.
However, as long as 50+1 is in place there will be only idiots like Windhorst or diehard club fans like Kühne in Hamburg who will invest bigger sums of money.

yeah you definitely need to get with the times. you can’t call yourself a real football club nowadays unless you’re being led around on a chain with a ball gag in your mouth by a war criminal.
Is it a surprise? What do you expect if the rock bottom EPL team gets more TV money from the league then Bayern Munich?

There are only 2 ways out of this mess and both aren't popular at all.
Either promote Bayern to the ESL or scrap the 50+1 rule to attract investors and sponsors.
And yes they will definitely come as it's more lucrative to invest in Bundesliga teams than EPL now.
Why? In England you already have a top 6, soon to 7 with be Newcastle plus teams like Leicester, West Ham, or Everton, which also have investors, but there are only 4 CL places to fight for. Investing in a Bundesliga team will pretty much guarantee the investor CL football and huge returns from UEFA.
However, as long as 50+1 is in place there will be only idiots like Windhorst or diehard club fans like Kühne in Hamburg who will invest bigger sums of money.

There are loads more options than that, as long as the overall standard of the domestic league is the goal.

- Give Bayern a 10 year transfer ban from buying Bundesliga players.
- Give Bayern a requirement to always field 7(?) Germans (if they can’t purchase from the league they’ll have to source their own, which is absolutely possible)

Those two as a pair help the league far more than the league being ran by dickhead oligarchs.
While I wouldn't mind three or four different German champions per decade like in the good ol' thymes, I don't think it's realistic.
Consider this: in the last ten years, Bayern generated approximately 2 billion € more than their closest rival, Dortmund, with everyone else being even further behind - most of them not even closely.
They were the only club basically unaffected by the pandemic (even getting a second-grade CL title as a bonus for their letterhead) and can invest heavily in the squad where everyone else has to cut costs and sell their best players.

It is not their fault but not many people are interested in watching a game of Monopoly where one player has all the good real estate AND gets ten times the salary of the other contenders everytime they pass "Go".

I am just a bit irritated that players like Neuer and Kimmich are content with heaping on worthless national titles year after year instead of taking the risk of joining teams elsewhere where they would have to work for their accolades.
There are loads more options than that, as long as the overall standard of the domestic league is the goal.

- Give Bayern a 10 year transfer ban from buying Bundesliga players.
- Give Bayern a requirement to always field 7(?) Germans (if they can’t purchase from the league they’ll have to source their own, which is absolutely possible)

Those two as a pair help the league far more than the league being ran by dickhead oligarchs.

Not sure whether this is meant seriously.

You could of course also let Bayern start every single match 0:3 down.
The only thing you will achieve this way is to make Bayern worse without improving the other teams.

Also when was the last time Bayern sign top talents playing in the Bundesliga? Bar Upamecano there was nobody.
Havartz, Werner, Sancho, Haaland, Aubameyang all went to the EPL.
I am just a bit irritated that players like Neuer and Kimmich are content with heaping on worthless national titles year after year instead of taking the risk of joining teams elsewhere where they would have to work for their accolades.

And earn 50% less? Who with the right mindset would do such a thing?
And earn 50% less? Who with the right mindset would do such a thing?

I think they'd earn more in the EPL or La Liga. Kimmich is hands down own of the best CMs in the world and if he ever were to decide he wants to try something new, the list of interested clubs would be very long
I think what would be needed is a universal international salary cap. In exchange, players should be in charge of their image rights themselves.

Said it last year, it is only a matter of time until the resistance to the ESL faints in Germany. This is a natural monopole and every natural monopole will have one monopolist at the end of the days. It's going to be the same in the ESL a few decades down the road
Definitely turd. A struggling Bayern with a suspect defense smacks the living shit out of the reigning EL champs in their stadium after losing the best player on this planet? Definitely turd.
It'd a garbage league with garbage rules that get hipster fans thinking it's some progressive form of football. The fifty percent fan ownership nonesense is one thing that comes to mind.
I think they'd earn more in the EPL or La Liga. Kimmich is hands down own of the best CMs in the world and if he ever were to decide he wants to try something new, the list of interested clubs would be very long

I thought he meant to do a Süle and join another Bundesliga team not moving abroad.
It'd a garbage league with garbage rules that get hipster fans thinking it's some progressive form of football. The fifty percent fan ownership nonesense is one thing that comes to mind.
At least their midtable teams are good enough to beat Barca and win the EL.
An absolute turd of a league, even the French league is better if you compare the last 4-5 seasons. Considering the advantage Bayern has, they should be ashamed of themselves trying to poach players on a cheap/free from other teams in their league, case in point --> trying to unsettle Laimer from Leipzig.
An absolute turd of a league, even the French league is better if you compare the last 4-5 seasons. Considering the advantage Bayern has, they should be ashamed of themselves trying to poach players on a cheap/free from other teams in their league, case in point --> trying to unsettle Laimer from Leipzig.
I would actually rate the Belgium league above it as well. Better entertainment and, if we are being honest, better teams besides Bayern who only poach other Bundesliga players and should be forced to buy in Italy, England or even the Netherlands as well.
It'd a garbage league with garbage rules that get hipster fans thinking it's some progressive form of football. The fifty percent fan ownership nonesense is one thing that comes to mind.
Of all the things you could attack them on, you chose the fan ownership thing?
I would actually rate the Belgium league above it as well. Better entertainment and, if we are being honest, better teams besides Bayern who only poach other Bundesliga players and should be forced to buy in Italy, England or even the Netherlands as well.
You mean force them to do what they already are doing? Look at where they signed their new players for this season...

Edit: Nevermind... now I got your sarcasm
You mean force them to do what they already are doing? Look at where they signed their new players for this season...

Edit: Nevermind... now I got your sarcasm
Mate we covered this already. The Netherlands are basically a German outpost, and if you look at Bayern's transfers in this light it's really just Mane, a 17 year old kid and a couple of closet Germans/players from West West Germany
The clubs should just ignore Bayern and the bundesliga and whoever finishes 2nd they celebrate on the pitch with a trophy end of the season.

I'm not sure what happens if someone actually manages to finish above Bayern, but bare with me, I only came up with this idea 2 seconds ago after reading this thread.
The clubs should just ignore Bayern and the bundesliga and whoever finishes 2nd they celebrate on the pitch with a trophy end of the season.

I'm not sure what happens if someone actually manages to finish above Bayern, but bare with me, I only came up with this idea 2 seconds ago after reading this thread.

Think that's the best solution! Even better, the DFL should give out trophies for all second place finishes retrospectively, that would be fair
Think that's the best solution! Even better, the DFL should give out trophies for all second place finishes retrospectively, that would be fair

Considering that Bayern is the team with the most 2nd place finishes in the Bundesliga, this just seems like an excuse to give Bayern even more trophies.
The clubs should just ignore Bayern and the bundesliga and whoever finishes 2nd they celebrate on the pitch with a trophy end of the season.

I'm not sure what happens if someone actually manages to finish above Bayern, but bare with me, I only came up with this idea 2 seconds ago after reading this thread.

Won't ever happen again so won't be an issue.

I like your plan!
They should introduce knockout rules. A league with a first phase with 20 clubs, then eight clubs qualify for the knockout stage. Bayern would probably win it, but at least is exciting.
Not sure whether this is meant seriously.

You could of course also let Bayern start every single match 0:3 down.
The only thing you will achieve this way is to make Bayern worse without improving the other teams.

Also when was the last time Bayern sign top talents playing in the Bundesliga? Bar Upamecano there was nobody.
Havartz, Werner, Sancho, Haaland, Aubameyang all went to the EPL.

Kimmich, Gnabry, Goretzka, Upamencano.

My suggestion wasn’t a suggestion to implement. What I suggested is much better for German football than letting the 50+1 principle die though. Honestly, the league is better without charlatans being let in.

However, if Bayern were actually banned from buying from German teams, AND had to field a crazy number of Germans, they’d still challenge. They’ve got a great academy. They’d do alright. The other teams have a decade advantage to even up the league.

I appreciate its properly nutty. But people often look at solutions that won’t have any impact. (Your suggestion of making them start games 3-0 is just silly).

There really wouldn’t be anything wrong with having 10 years of titles with an asterisk. The game should be protected. Even if a single team loses a little. Bayern are a wonderful club. Great culture. Great stadium. But they’re a monopoly and German football suffers for it.

Having said all that, not all leagues need to be the same. The national side does well too. Different strokes for different folks.

Edit : I’m an idiot who forgot where Leipzig are located. The name is too German. Feel free to ridicule my mistake.
Of all the things you could attack them on, you chose the fan ownership thing?

Just to emphasize the nature of German football circle jerk. If you look into it it's nothing special. German league and football has gone backwards in many ways and people praise it like its this amazing form of football (without ever watching it )
Kimmich, Gnabry, Goretzka, Upamencano.

We bought Kimmich in 2015 when he was playing 2nd BuLi, Gnabry was seen as a laughing stock in this forum, now when it fits the narrative, he's a poached top talent. That leaves us with 2 players in 4 years. Hardly enough to support this myth of us feeding on our league.

Just to emphasize the nature of German football circle jerk. If you look into it it's nothing special. German league and football has gone backwards in many ways and people praise it like its this amazing form of football (without ever watching it )

But you are watching it, for sure
Bundesliga is a top league and arguably the 3rd strongest in the world imho (I always put on a similar level as Serie A and definitely above L1 of course) but Bayern scoring ELEVEN goals in the first two official (AWAY) matches against two important german teams that play in the Champions League this season it's something a bit shocking to see

It's too early to have an opinion though, maybe Bayern are simply unplayable for everyone at the moment, let's see if in Champions League they'll be able to do the same against the likes of Spurs, OM, Sevilla, Napoli etc.
Kimmich, Gnabry, Goretzka, Upamencano.

My suggestion wasn’t a suggestion to implement. What I suggested is much better for German football than letting the 50+1 principle die though. Honestly, the league is better without charlatans being let in.

However, if Bayern were actually banned from buying from German teams, AND had to field a crazy number of Germans, they’d still challenge. They’ve got a great academy. They’d do alright. The other teams have a decade advantage to even up the league.

I appreciate its properly nutty. But people often look at solutions that won’t have any impact. (Your suggestion of making them start games 3-0 is just silly).

There really wouldn’t be anything wrong with having 10 years of titles with an asterisk. The game should be protected. Even if a single team loses a little. Bayern are a wonderful club. Great culture. Great stadium. But they’re a monopoly and German football suffers for it.

Having said all that, not all leagues need to be the same. The national side does well too. Different strokes for different folks.

Edit : I’m an idiot who forgot where Leipzig are located. The name is too German. Feel free to ridicule my mistake.

@2ndTouch already answered about the players you mentioned as top talents.

Who you want Bayern to sign when you even criticize the purchase of Kimmich who only played in the 2nd division?

Why don't let Bayern play in the EPL? Problem solved and the EPL will have a top 7 instead of a top 6. I would love to see how Bayern would perform there.
it's funny that the opinions on the Bundesliga - at least judging by this thread - are mostly hyperbolic extremes (turd/sugarcoated). Realistically imo it's a league with very obvious flaws but also very obvious pros and while it's highly professional, hasn't reached the dystopian capitalist heights of the EPL/La Liga (yet?). In terms of sheer football quality/capability, it's fluctuating constantly around 3rd or 4th place in Europe since quite some time now. It's a good league, especially enjoyable for german speaking viewers. Not so much for english speaking viewers for obvious reasons.
I went to watch Hertha Berlin last year. It was a fantastic experience but the standard was laughable.

For context, I sometimes go and watch Bradford City and I honestly believe the standard in the English League One is on a par with, if not above the lower ranked teams in the Bundesliga.