
The petty personal name calling, not the topic. (Leave it here [with you, on this personal trend, especially]).

[personal part redacted, I'll let you maintain the trademark on that score]

We had red lines before Poland, by the way, it was to save face that they declared war not because they cared about Poland (who they sold out to the Soviets in the end anyway :) )

I've called Russia a war criminal society steeped in autocracy. How is that better than the West? The distnction is that Russia is far worse internally but because of its limited capacity is far better externally. Same with China. The last fifty or hundred years of wars and numbers of dead proves the point beyond all subjective reasoning.

No war has been declared, by the US/UK/NATO, for freedom. It may be advertised as that to naive people, but no sane country goes around the world overthrowing democracies (or supporting autocracies, or doing the inverse) in the name of freedom. It's great power politics and dominance and self-interest. That's how it is. Every country involved in war has been involved in this to some degree and the largest countries are obviously involved in it far more often.

You've been spot on in this thread. I've yet to come across a post of yours in this thread I don't agree with.

I think its hard for some people to acknowledge that in the sphere of politics between nation states there's no "good" guy here fighting against the "bad" guy. The world is not binary and every nation state is in it for themselves and their actions are governed by there respective self interests, sometimes self interest aligns with the moral thing to do and obviously the govt of the concerned nation state sells morality as the casus belli when it really isn't but a big segment of the populace buys it.
You've been spot on in this thread. I've yet to come across a post of yours in this thread I don't agree with.

I think its hard for some people to acknowledge that in the sphere of politics between nation states there's no "good" guy here fighting against the "bad" guy. The world is not binary and every nation state is in it for themselves and their actions are governed by there respective self interests, sometimes self interest aligns with the moral thing to do and obviously the govt of the concerned nation state sells morality as the casus belli when it really isn't but a big segment of the populace buys it.

Whilst this is perhaps true in its simplest form, it becomes more complicated the further you dig, unsurprisingly.

Looking at "states" as being all the same/acting on purely self-serving measures lays the framework for understanding how and why certain actions are taken by whoever happens to be in governance, but it also fails to account for that which is actually the only thing that matters - the people living in said states. And it also fails to pay any attention to the systems these states have in place regarding how they're governed.

Personally, if a state/mode of governance embraces a culture which oppresses, restricts and acts with violence towards its own civilians, then I couldn't really care less about the "state reasonings" behind whatever actions are being taken in a geopolitical space. This debate has always been embraced by hard-line right and leftists to ultimately overlook the one thing a government should be there to serve, and in the same breath giving credence to systems of governance which should be absolutely rejected.

So to your "good" and "bad" guy reference, yes - you're right, it's never that simple, and to say that Democratic states act virtuously is just wishful thinking at best. But there are clear systems of governance which are worse and better. Supporting those which allow populations the right to make their own decisions in regards to how their country is governed, and to hold their governments to account, should be supported and protected, and sadly it is these systems which are increasingly under threat both domestically and from abroad. From afar, it is also this which is being fought over in the case of Russia and Ukraine. An oppressive dictatorship wanting to destroy a free and democratic society.
And I would suggest you remove yourself from this quasi fairytale thinking. A European country has invaded another and is committing atrocities there. The other country is being supported with weapons by other European countries, as well as North American countries. Sanctions are in place from Europe, North America, English speaking Australasia and 4 close Asian allies of the West (Singapore, SK, Taiwan, Singapore). That's it.

Much of the rest of the world, democratic or otherwise, either (rightly) condemns or mostly stays out of a conflict they see as ultimately not that much different from previous ones.

And do those countries have experience fighting with their aircraft carriers against an enemy that can actually fight back? Do they have the capability to defend the carriers in hostile territorial waters? Why would China need lots of carriers in a fight literally right on their doorstep? The whole point of them is to project power afar, not to fight in your backyard.

One wonders why, in defence of democracy and decency, we don't all recognise Taiwan as a country and cut ties with China? A much easier step to take than sailing carriers halfway round the world against a nuclear armed superpower.

You need to specify exactly what "fairy-tale" thinking you're referring to, because I don't see any.

As for the rest, does China have a lot of experience fighting against an enemy that can fight back? No. Nor is Taiwan "literally right on China's doorstep" - it's separated at its closest point by 100 miles of sea: half of any Chinese invasion fleet would be sunk - some of them by carrier-launched jets - before they even reached the Taiwanese coast.

The reason for not recognising Taiwan is to avoid unnecessarily antagonising China. And recognising Taiwan would not add materially to its defence. It's simply an unnecessary step at this point. However, were China to start making pre-invasion preparations (such things being easily detectable), then I'm pretty sure that several carrier groups would start heading to the South China sea
The petty personal name calling, not the topic. (Leave it here [with you, on this personal trend, especially]).

[personal part redacted, I'll let you maintain the trademark on that score]

We had red lines before Poland, by the way, it was to save face that they declared war not because they cared about Poland (who they sold out to the Soviets in the end anyway :) )

I've called Russia a war criminal society steeped in autocracy. How is that better than the West? The distnction is that Russia is far worse internally but because of its limited capacity is far better externally. Same with China. The last fifty or hundred years of wars and numbers of dead proves the point beyond all subjective reasoning.

No war has been declared, by the US/UK/NATO, for freedom. It may be advertised as that to naive people, but no sane country goes around the world overthrowing democracies (or supporting autocracies, or doing the inverse) in the name of freedom. It's great power politics and dominance and self-interest. That's how it is. Every country involved in war has been involved in this to some degree and the largest countries are obviously involved in it far more often.

Britain declared war against Germany simply to "save face"? I suggest you don't take up any job offers working as an historian: Britain had a formal mutual assistance agreement with Poland which contained military clauses in the event that Poland was attacked.

And yes, concerning NATO/the West and Russia it's "great power politics and dominance and self-interest" - the difference being that Russia's is interested is in crushing freedom and democracy and harking back to to some mythical USSR "Golden Age" that never existed, whilst NATO/the West is, amongst other things, interested in fostering democracy and freedom. If you don't understand that essential difference then you understand nothing.
WW2 was absolutely nothing to do with democracy or fighting fascism as a model of government, you're wrong and incredibly rude whilst being so. We were still slicing up territory at this point allowing nay supporting fascist dictators annexation across the world.

It was solely about territorial integrity and the balance of power in europe, largely fear of germany.

I think this thread could do without US style bumper sticker level opinions of war.

Total rubbish. WWII was instigated by a fascist (Hitler), aided and abetted by another fascist (Mussolini), both of whom were dedicated to crushing freedom and democracy and replacing it with fascist rule.

You wish to sweep all this under the carpet and pretend that WWII had nothing to do with fascism? That's incredible, laughable, fantasy level stuff.
Please don’t.

Why not, when it's true?

There were some very bad consequences of the British Empire, but also some good ones. The good ones include the establishment of ideas concerning parliamentary democracy.
Why not, when it's true?

There were some very bad consequences of the British Empire, but also some good ones. The good ones include the establishment of ideas concerning parliamentary democracy.

Your takes in this thread over the last couple pages have made your football ones look nuanced and insightful
Why not, when it's true?

There were some very bad consequences of the British Empire, but also some good ones. The good ones include the establishment of ideas concerning parliamentary democracy.

If it were up the British Empire, India wouldn't have been a democracy :lol:

We had to riot and sacrifice ourselves to get you out of our country. It would be an interesting question whether Britain would have ever given up India if WWII didn't happen as it completely drained the empire of financial resources to govern the region.
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Why not, when it's true?

There were some very bad consequences of the British Empire, but also some good ones. The good ones include the establishment of ideas concerning parliamentary democracy.

You have no way of proving one way or the other the validity of your assertion. But the implication that Indians should be grateful for inheriting a particular political system as a consequence of the violent imposition of illegitimate colonial rule - and that, by extension, this in some way offsets that violence and illegitimacy - is both grotesque and a classic conceit of empire.
And I would suggest you remove yourself from this quasi fairytale thinking. A European country has invaded another and is committing atrocities there. The other country is being supported with weapons by other European countries, as well as North American countries. Sanctions are in place from Europe, North America, English speaking Australasia and 4 close Asian allies of the West (Singapore, SK, Taiwan, Singapore). That's it.

Much of the rest of the world, democratic or otherwise, either (rightly) condemns or mostly stays out of a conflict they see as ultimately not that much different from previous ones.

And do those countries have experience fighting with their aircraft carriers against an enemy that can actually fight back? Do they have the capability to defend the carriers in hostile territorial waters? Why would China need lots of carriers in a fight literally right on their doorstep? The whole point of them is to project power afar, not to fight in your backyard.

One wonders why, in defence of democracy and decency, we don't all recognise Taiwan as a country and cut ties with China? A much easier step to take than sailing carriers halfway round the world against a nuclear armed superpower.

I think "that's it" is a bit of an understatement when Russia is sanctioned by two of the three economic super powers in the modern world and the 4 close Asian allies include the second and third strongest economies of the continent after China. I mean, EU, US, UK, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Turkey and Australia alone account for >15% of the world population. At the UN, 141 countries voted against Russia, 35 abstained and only 5 supported it.

Moreover, I doubt that China would face no sanctions if it were to attack Taiwan. They may not be as severe but it would definitely happen, especially after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The US brought over Nazis to work in the government, especially the space program, ffs (operation paperclip). They went as far as facilitating them by changing their names so people would not identify them.

So did the Soviets. Nazi Germany had some of the world's leading scientists in the 30s and 40s. The US didn't bring them over after the war because of sympathtic ideology. It was pure Geo-politial manoeuvring. The Nazis were far ahead of everyone else in terms of military application of physics and both countries recognized the benefit of smuggling these individuals in to employ them in their own weapons programs.
Why not, when it's true?

There were some very bad consequences of the British Empire, but also some good ones. The good ones include the establishment of ideas concerning parliamentary democracy.
Fully agree, and Britain got some nice curries as well as some bad tasting ones out of it, so it balances out.
So did the Soviets. Nazi Germany had some of the world's leading scientists in the 30s and 40s. The US didn't bring them over after the war because of sympathtic ideology. It was pure Geo-politial manoeuvring. The Nazis were far ahead of everyone else in terms of military application of physics and both countries recognized the benefit of smuggling these individuals in to employ them in their own weapons programs.

What have the Nazis ever done for us?

Peace out, Doc.
So did the Soviets. Nazi Germany had some of the world's leading scientists in the 30s and 40s. The US didn't bring them over after the war because of sympathtic ideology. It was pure Geo-politial manoeuvring. The Nazis were far ahead of everyone else in terms of military application of physics and both countries recognized the benefit of smuggling these individuals in to employ them in their own weapons programs.

Well that is the point of the discussion, and why it was brought up, that the US doesn't always act for the sanctity of democracy or to fight evil but rather for their own interests. This is a perfect example of it, if they cared so much about defeating evil they would've jailed the Nazis rather than assimilating them into the US.
Britain declared war against Germany simply to "save face"? I suggest you don't take up any job offers working as an historian: Britain had a formal mutual assistance agreement with Poland which contained military clauses in the event that Poland was attacked.
You're contradicting yourself here, cause this has nothing to do with 'democracy' or 'freedom', pure geopolitics.

There was anyway significant sympathy in Britain in the 30s for the way Hitler ruled his country. Many of the ruling elite would have loved to have his kind of authoritarian control over the UK. (Not including the genocidal side obviously - though more generally, anti-semitism was rife in the western world at the time.)

You're confusing the rhetorics of morality (used to motivate the masses) with the actual political thinking here. Just as the EU, US, and Canada aren't just supporting Ukraine now because of its 'freedom and democracy'.
Total rubbish. WWII was instigated by a fascist (Hitler), aided and abetted by another fascist (Mussolini), both of whom were dedicated to crushing freedom and democracy and replacing it with fascist rule.
That's also nonsense. Their purpose wasn't to 'crush freedom and democracy', it was to conquer additional territory and bring it under their rule. What political systems existed in their own or other countries wasn't an argument in that. If you disagree, why did Germany attack the totalitarian state of Russia? Or do you think Germany would have left the Netherlands alone if it had had a fascist government?
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You're contradicting yourself here, cause this has nothing to do with 'democracy' or 'freedom', pure geopolitics.

There was anyway significant sympathy in Britain in the 30s for the way Hitler ruled his country. Many of the ruling elite would have loved to have his kind of authoritarian control over the UK. (Not including the genocidal side obviously - though more generally, anti-semitism was rife in the western world at the time.)

You're confusing the rhetorics of morality (used to motivate the masses) with the actual political thinking here. Just as the EU, US, and Canada aren't just supporting Ukraine now because of its 'freedom and democracy'.

That's also nonsense. Their purpose wasn't to 'crush freedom and democracy', it was to conquer additional territory and bring it under their role. What political systems existed in their own or other countries wasn't an argument in that. If you disagree, why did Germany attack the totalitarian state of Russia? Or do you think Germany would have left the Netherlands alone if it had had a fascist government?

Or Spain.
Well that is the point of the discussion, and why it was brought up, that the US doesn't always act for the sanctity of democracy or to fight evil but rather for their own interests. This is a perfect example of it, if they cared so much about defeating evil they would've jailed the Nazis rather than assimilating them into the US.

Your post was in response to Mikhail's statement that the US had some popular, deep rooted sympathy to Nazi ideology. You used the importation of Nazi scientists to back that up. Let me replay that for you in case you forgot:

There was a significant nazi element in the US. A plot to overthrow FDR, too. Also, massive pro-nazi marches. The nazis took a lot of inspiration from the US in terms of eugenics, as well. Also England.

The US brought over Nazis to work in the government, especially the space program, ffs (operation paperclip). They went as far as facilitating them by changing their names so people would not identify them.

But back to your reply to me, why would anyone jail physicists? I'd see your point if they brought over members of the SS or even the Wehrmacht General Staff but, excluding guys like Mengele, scientists don't exactly fit the profile of what's being alluded to here.
But back to your reply to me, why would anyone jail physicists? I'd see your point if they brought over members of the SS or even the Wehrmacht General Staff but, excluding guys like Mengele, scientists don't exactly fit the profile of what's being alluded to here.

Wernher von Braun used slave labour to build the V2 rocket, which he then fired on civilians (or facilitated the firing of). He was a war criminal, except now he's remembered as an American hero.

Now as you say, that wasn't because of any Nazi ideology in the US. It was mostly just realpolitik. But the virulent anti-communist nature of many of them definitely made it easier to swallow.
Wernher von Braun used slave labour to build the V2 rocket, which he then fired on civilians. He was a war criminal, except now he's remembered as an American hero.

Now as you say, that wasn't because of any Nazi ideology in the US. It was mostly just realpolitik. But the virulent anti-communist nature of many of them definitely made it easier to swallow.

That's a pretty wide net to cast on a scientist. I'm not deep enough into Nazi corporate structure to understand if von Braun made those hiring decisions himself or if they were made by the government, Goering or the SS. If we want to bring in bombing civilians as a war crime then we can apply that to the allies as well. I'd place the scientists who developed munitions way down on the list myself.

But yes, both the Yanks and the Soviets were simply very opportunistic when it came to the physicists. No sympathy to any ideology was required, they knew an advantage when they saw one.
That's a pretty wide net to cast on a scientist. I'm not deep enough into Nazi corporate structure to understand if von Braun made those hiring decisions himself or if they were made by the government, Goering or the SS. If we want to bring in bombing civilians as a war crime then we can apply that to the allies as well. I'd place the scientists who developed munitions way down on the list myself.

But yes, both the Yanks and the Soviets were very opportunistic when it came to the physicists. No sympathy to any ideology was required, they knew an advantage when they saw one.

I definitely favour applying that on the allies as well, but that's a bit of a moot point by now. Von Braun wasn't just any guy, he was deeply involved. He didn't pull the trigger on anyone, but he was still responsible.

I haven't been following this thread at all, so I don't know how we got here and I might be missing the significance. I will, however, take any opportunity to get history involved in CE threads. This time I didn't even have to start it!
But yes, both the Yanks and the Soviets were simply very opportunistic when it came to the physicists. No sympathy to any ideology was required, they knew an advantage when they saw one.
Yeah, it'd be far-fetched to claim that scientists were brought over because they were nazis, or that this specifically demonstrates nazi sympathies on the side of the US or Russia. Scientists were brought over opportunistically due to their skills, regardless of their ideologies or previous actions/behaviours.
I definitely favour applying that on the allies as well, but that's a bit of a moot point by now. Von Braun wasn't just any guy, he was deeply involved. He didn't pull the trigger on anyone, but he was still responsible.

I haven't been following this thread at all, so I don't know how we got here and I might be missing the significance. I will, however, take any opportunity to get history involved in CE threads. This time I didn't even have to start it!

:lol: it's ok I have a history degree too.

Of course he was deeply involved but none of us really know what it was like for those involved. Motivation could be due to being a fervent Nazi, patriotic German or dedicated scientist who used whatever means to push the limits of their field of study. For some it may have even been self-preservation. Maybe those details are out there, I'm not sure.
Yeah, it'd be far-fetched to claim that scientists were brought over because they were nazis, or that this specifically demonstrates nazi sympathies on the side of the US or Russia. Scientists were brought over opportunistically due to their skills, regardless of their ideologies or previous actions/behaviours.

The other aspect was that both the Americans and the Soviets were well aware of what the post WWII world order was going to look like and made a mad dash to to get an advantage over the other side.
Ukraine’s Propaganda War
Since the Russian offensive inside Ukraine commenced on Feb. 24, the Ukrainian military has cultivated the image of a plucky little army standing up to the Russian Goliath. To bolster the perception of Ukrainian military mettle, Kiev has churned out a steady stream of sophisticated propaganda aimed at stirring public and official support from Western countries.

The campaign includes language guides, key messages and hundreds of propaganda posters, some of which contain fascist imagery and even praise Neo-Nazi leaders.

Behind Ukraine’s public relations effort is an army of foreign political strategists, Washington, D.C., lobbyists, and a network of intelligence-linked media outlets.

Ukraine’s propaganda strategy earned it praise from a NATO commander who told The Washington Post, “They are really excellent in stratcom — media, info ops, and also psy-ops.” The Post ultimately conceded that “Western officials say that while they cannot independently verify much of the information that Kyiv puts out about the evolving battlefield situation, including casualty figures for both sides, it nonetheless represents highly effective stratcom.”

Key to the propaganda effort is an international legion of public relations firms working directly with Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to wage information warfare.

According to the industry news site PRWeek, the initiative was launched by an anonymous figure who allegedly founded a Ukraine-based public relations firm.

“From the first hour of war, we decided to join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help them distribute the official sources to show the truth,” the nameless figure told PR Week. “This is a hybrid war: the mix of bloodily struggling fight with a huge disinformation and fake campaign lead by Russia [sic].”

According to the anonymous figure, more than 150 public relations firms have joined the propaganda blitz.

The international effort is spearheaded by public relations firm PR Network co-founder Nicky Regazzoni and Francis Ingham, a top public relations consultant with close ties to the U.K.’s government. Ingraham previously worked for Britain’s Conservative Party, sits on the U.K. Government Communication Service Strategy and Evaluation Council, is chief executive of the International Communications Consultancy Organisation, and leads the membership body for U.K. local government communicators, LG Comms.

“We’ve been privileged to help coordinate efforts to support the Ukrainian Government in the last few days, “ Ingham told PRovoke Media. “Agencies have offered up entire teams to support Kyiv in the communications war. Our support for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is unwavering and will continue for as long as needed.”

With an anonymous Ukrainian figure joining two of the top public relations figures in the Kiev government’s propaganda blitz, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed a dossier folder (archived) with materials instructing public relations agencies on “key messages,” approved language, content for debunked propaganda constructs, far-right and Neo-Nazi propaganda.

The folder is run by Yaroslav Turbil, described on his LinkedIn page as “Head of — Ukraine’s digital ecosystem for global communications. Strategic Communications & Country Brand Promotion.” Turbil has worked at multiple “civil society” organizations closely linked to the U.S. government and interned at Internews, a U.S. intelligence-linked organization that operates under the guise of promoting press freedom.

Among the propaganda constructs distributed in the dossier, is a video of the Snake Island incident, which was quickly proven false, in which Ukrainian border guards stationed on a small island were reported to have been killed after they told an approaching Russian warship that had urged them to surrender to “Go f*** yourself.” President Volodymyr Zelensky held a press conference announcing he would award the men the Hero of Ukraine medal as mainstream media spread the story widely. However, the supposedly-dead soldiers quickly turned up alive and well, proving their heroic stand to be a farce.

Despite the story being proven as fake, the dossier contains a propaganda video promoting it.

Another folder in the dossier is run by Ukrainian MFA graphic artist Dasha Podoltseva and contains hundreds of propaganda graphics submitted by artists in Europe and the United States.

Some feature generic “no war” messages, while dozens of other images celebrate “The Ghost of Kiev” – a heroic Ukrainian pilot who turns out to be non-existent – and the phony “Snake Island 13” incident.

Many use xenophobic and racist language, and some are explicit in their praise of prominent Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, including C14 leader Yevhen Karas, the Right Sector fascist paramilitary, and the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Multiple images call for “Banderite smoothies” – a reference to Molotov cocktails named for the late OUN-B commander Stepan Bandera, who collaborated with Nazi Germany in the mass murder of Jews and ethnic Poles during World War II. Another image depicts a book titled the: ”Encyclopedia of Incurable Diseases,” listing Russia, Belorussia, North Korea, Syria, and Eritrea.

While the Ukrainian government says tens of thousands have answered their call, some commentators expressed doubt at those figures, calling it a “PR exercise.”

However, the foreigners who have traveled to Ukraine have encountered a much more severe reality than they anticipated.

Russia’s air force bombed military installations adjacent to where the foreign fighters were sleeping. Having fled to neighboring Poland, a Spanish fighter described the bombing as a “message” that could have killed thousands.

Similarly, an American fighter who hid in an ambulance to escape the frontlines warned that Ukrainian authorities were killing foreigners who decided not to fight, calling it a “trap.”

Correct Wording
One document inside the dossier delineates acceptable language on the conflict with Russia as determined by the Ukrainian government.

“Such Russian clichés like ‘referendum in Crimea’ or ‘will of the people of Crimea’ are absolutely unacceptable,” the document states, in reference to the 2014 overwhelmingly successful referendum to separate from Ukraine.

The document deems unacceptable the terms “Civil war in Donbass,” “Internal conflict,” “Conflict in Ukraine” and “Ukrainian crisis” to describe the Ukrainian military’s war with the breakaway republics of the Donbass region. This, despite the fact that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights estimates that 14,200 people, including 3,404 civilians, have been killed in internal fighting in Ukraine since 2014.

In place of these phrases, the document calls for the use of the terms “Armed aggression by the Russian Federation in Donbass, international armed conflict, Russian war against Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian conflict armed conflict.”

Key Messages
Another document titled “Key Messages” contains specific propaganda claims that were widely disseminated in mainstream Western media, but which have since been discredited. One section claims the “entire Europe was put on the brink of nuclear disaster, when the Russian troops began shelling the largest in Europe Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.”

However, International Atomic Energy Agency’s director-general, Rafael Mariano Grossi, said that the building hit by a Russian “projectile” at the Zaporizhzhia plant was “not part of the reactor” but instead a training center. Russian troops also left Ukrainian workers to continue operating the plant.

Another section thanks Turkey for the decision “to block the access of Russian warships to the Black Sea.”

However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan closed the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits to all military vessels, preventing both NATO and Russian vessels from accessing the Black Sea.

Among the document’s key messages is a statement of gratitude to the “Anti-war demonstrations held by citizens of many nations throughout the world demonstrate strong support to Ukraine in defending against Russia.”

This refers to large pro-Ukraine demonstrations in Europe which have featured calls for the U.S. and NATO to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine and shoot down Russian military aircraft, potentially transforming the conflict into a world war between nuclear-armed powers.

“Despite Russia’s propaganda, there is no discrimination based on the race or nationality, including when it comes to the crossing of the state border by foreign citizens,” claims the Ukrainian document.

However, numerous videos and reports have documented Ukrainian authorities preventing Africans from fleeing the fighting. Even The New York Times – hardly a bastion of Kremlin propaganda – published a report documenting these racist practices.

One message says that “On 16 March, the Russian forces dropped a bomb on a drama theatre where up to 1300 civilians were being sheltered. The number of casualties is still unknown.”

However, as Max Blumenthal reported the explosion appears to be the result of a false flag operation designed by the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and aimed at triggering a NATO intervention.

NATO-Backed Troll Farms
Another anonymously-penned investigation shows how Ukrainian public relations firms have used targeted advertisements to astroturf Russian internet and social media networks with messaging calling to economically isolate Moscow and “stop the war.” This effort is led by Bezlepkin Evgeny Vitalievich, who uses the alias Evgeny Korolev, along with Pavel Antonov of the Targetorium organization. From behind his Korolev pseudonym, the Ukrainian information warrior composed a post on his Facebook page (now private) boasting that his firm’s Facebook ads achieved 30 million hits in three days.

At the same time, Facebook has blocked Russian state-owned media outlets from running ads and monetizing content. Several fake accounts for media outlets like Russia 24 have sprung up, burying the authentic account under a series of impostors. Facebook has also marked statements from Russian officials, including the Ministry of Defense, as “false.”

This campaign has reportedly been carried out upon recommendation from StopFake, a self-described “fact checking” outlet that is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, Atlantic Council, Czech and U.K. foreign ministries and the International Renaissance Foundation, which is funded by billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

StopFake was hired by Facebook in March 2020 to “curb the flow of Russian propaganda” but was found to be employing multiple figures closely tied to violent Neo-Nazis. The journalist who co-authored the exposé received death threats and ultimately fled Ukraine.

Those revelations have apparently not prevented Facebook from relying on the organization for censorship guidance.

Meanwhile, Russian hackers located a public Google document (since made private, uploaded here) detailing the propaganda operation, which has been distributed in Telegram channels of “creative farms.”

“Here you can find links to Ukrainian media that need promotion, bot accounts with logins and passwords from which anti-war messages and messages with fakes about the Ministry of Defense were sent to users, theses and specific instructions on which posts and which audiences to embroider,” the investigation reads.

Another campaign is run by Nataliya Popovych, the founder of the public relations agency, One Philosophy, in Kiev. Popovych’s LinkedIn profile shows she has worked with the U.S. State Department and advised former President Petro Poroshenko. She is also co-founder and board member of Ukraine Crisis Media Center, a propaganda arm funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy, the U.S. embassy and NATO, among many others.

A Campaign Asia article profiles several public relations firms involved in the effort. Among them is Richard Edelman, CEO of Edelman PR. Edelman is also a member of the Atlantic Council’s Board of Directors and the World Economic Forum.

“Geopolitics has become the new test for trust. We saw this with the allegations of human rights abuses in Xinjiang and the war between Ukraine and Russia has only reinforced it,” he said, linking the U.S. propaganda campaign surrounding China’s deradicalization campaign for Uyghur Muslims.

PR Approved Media Outlets
An article in PRWeek profiles several figures partaking in what they describe as a “PR army” that is “fighting on the informational frontline” against Russia’s “barbaric genocide of Ukrainians.”

“Propaganda is the same as real lethal weapons,” declares Marta Dzhumaha, PR manager at healthcare company BetterMe.

Julia Petryk, head of public relations at MacPaw, offers a list of approved media outlets, authored by her colleague Tetiana Bronistka, a former employee of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office. The list includes Russian and English language sources, as well as Telegram channels. However, these “verified sources that objectively cover what is happening in Ukraine” are anything but independent. Most of them are tied to the U.S. and European governments and billionaire foundations.

She also lists several Russian-language websites:
Among the Telegram channels listed are:
  • Radio Svoboda – CIA-founded propaganda organ Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
  • Espresso TV, largely owned by the wife of former Ukrainian member of parliament Mykola Knyazhytsky
  •, formerly the largest media site in Ukraine, whose motto is “To bring down Russia”, and whose owner operates a “parade of international trolls.”
Intelligence Operations
While the public relations firms distribute content, CIA cutouts and billionaire foundations run the media outlets they derive it from. At the core of this operation is a project called the Russian Language News Exchange that was the product of a network of opposition media outlets founded in 2016 that operate in post-Soviet countries, as revealed by an investigation by the Russian media agency, RIA FAN.

In July 2021, a group of journalists flew to Warsaw for media training after being exempted from coronavirus-related restrictions and quarantine orders by Poland’s top medical authorities.

Among the six journalists were Andrey Lipsky, deputy editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, and Yuliia Fediv, CEO of Hromadske TV media, one of the most-watched networks in Ukraine.

Hromadske’s financial reports show it is funded by numerous governments and foundations, including the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the European Endowment for Democracy and Free Press Unlimited. Silicon Valley billionaire Pierre Omidary was also involved in creating the outlet.

Hromadske recently hosted a commentator demanding genocide of ethnic Russians in the Donbass, saying it is populated with 1.5 “superfluous” people that “must be exterminated.”

The training, held behind closed doors from July 19 to July 21, was titled “Media Network 2021+” and closely tied to Mediaset, also known as the Russian Language News Exchange, a network founded in 2015. Russian Language News Exchange’s website is sparse, with little available information on its activities – apparently made private since the publication of RIA FAN’s investigation.

While it claims to be independent, Russian Language News Exchange is a project of Free Press Unlimited, funded by the Dutch government and the European Commission.

Today, it includes 14 media outlets that act as “nodes,” cross-publishing each other’s articles in various countries.

The website’s introductory video is hosted by Maxim Eristavi, a former Radio Free Europe reporter and founder of Hromadske. Today, he heads the Millennium Leadership Program at the NATO and arms industry-backed think tank, the Atlantic Council.

Since its inception, Mediaset has coordinated between outlets in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. In March 2021, Mediaset expanded with the Colab Medios Project, created through the Free Press Unlimited Viable Media for Empowered Societies (VIMES) program. This program created training for journalists and saw articles from the El Salvadoran outlet El Faro published in Euroradio (Belarus), Coda(Georgia), and Ziarul de Garda (Moldova).

On March 4, several days after Russia launched its military offensive, a new project called the Media Lifeline Ukraine was created.

The next day, Free Press Unlimited held an emergency conference for Ukraine featuring Hromadske co-founders Maxim Eristavi and Nataliya Gumenyuk. The meeting called to raise 2 million euros for the project. “Only with ongoing external support, will local media entities be able to continue to do their work,” its introductory page asks.

Days later, Free Press Unlimited announced a partnership to support a new joint project of Reporters Without Borders and its Ukrainian partner, the Institute for Mass Information, called The Lviv Press Freedom Center. The Institute for Mass Information is headed by USAID communications officer Oksana Romaniuk and funded by USAID and the UK government.

Washington DC Lobbyists Wag the Dog
While public relations firms and intelligence-linked propaganda operations target the public, Washington, D.C., lobbyists are agitating in Congress to extend the war in Ukraine

Daniel Vajdich, a registered foreign agent and lobbyist for the Ukrainian Federation of Employers of the Oil and Gas Industry, the largest in Ukraine, is working on behalf of Volodymyr Zelensky to lobby members of Congress to approve more weapons shipments to Ukraine. Now the head of Yorktown Solutions, he previously advised Ted Cruz and Scott Walker’s campaigns and is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

“Stingers, Javelins, and let’s figure out the fighter aircraft issue,” he told Politico, claiming Russia is attempting to carry out a “genocide” and “depopulate certain areas of Ukraine.”

Vajdich also wrote Zelenskyy’s March 16 speech to U.S. Congress, in which he quoted Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech to call for a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

Ukrainian Permanent Representative at the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya’s Feb. 23 speech to the United Nations General Assembly was written by D.C. lobbying firm SKDKnickerbocker Managing Director Stephen Krupin, a former senior speechwriter to President Barack Obama who worked extensively on Biden’s 2020 campaign.

Most prominent among the registered lobbyists promoting Ukrainian government and business interests is Andrew Mac, who also contributed to writing Zelensky’s speech to Congress. Mac registered as a lobbyist for Zelensky in 2019 and runs the Washington, D.C., office of Ukrainian law firm Asters Law.

The lobbying firm Your Global Strategy, founded by Shai Franklin, who has been affiliated with numerous Zionist organizations including the World Jewish Congress and Anti-Defamation League, is also using its influence with local officials in the U.S. Franklin has set up meetings between Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov and U.S. mayors, including Eric Adams in New York City, Michelle Wu in Boston and Lori Lightfoot in Chicago. He is also attempting to set up a meeting between U.S. officials and the mayors of Odessa and Kiev. A media outlet owned by the mayor of Kiev’s wife recently featured a presenter calling for genocide against Russians, beginning with children.

Franklin said he’s working with Zelensky’s administration to help set up virtual meetings between mayors of Odessa and Kiev and U.S. counterparts.

Maryland-based lawyer Lukas Jan Kaczmarek is also working on behalf of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to increase U.S. weapons shipments, specifically seeking to arrange shipments of guns from Kel-Tec CNC Industries based in Cocoa, Florida, to the city of Odessa, Ukraine.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul described the network of public relations professionals and lobbyists surrounding Zelensky. “These are people around Mr. Zelenskyy who are like the intermediaries and interlocutors. They’ve been interacting with the American elites and American media for a long time,” he said.

McFaul and John E. Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, act as informal advisers to Zelensky. McFaul told Politico that he speaks to Ukrainian government officials “probably everyday,” and “has helped them make connections with NBC or MSNBC producers.”

McFaul recently told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that “Hitler did not kill German-speaking people,” facing accusations of Holocaust denial.

Zelensky also held a “strategic video call” with McFaul before he spoke to House democrats.

With a powerful Russian military fighting alongside DPR and LPR forces, the Ukrainian military’s defeat seems to be imminent unless the United States and NATO directly confront Russian forces, a scenario President Joe Biden has already ruled out. Lobbyists nevertheless persist in their campaign to portray the Ukrainian military as underdogs scoring blow after blow against Russian hordes. In doing so, they help extend the war and continue the carnage.
Ukraine’s Propaganda War
Since the Russian offensive inside Ukraine commenced on Feb. 24, the Ukrainian military has cultivated the image of a plucky little army standing up to the Russian Goliath. To bolster the perception of Ukrainian military mettle, Kiev has churned out a steady stream of sophisticated propaganda aimed at stirring public and official support from Western countries.

The campaign includes language guides, key messages and hundreds of propaganda posters, some of which contain fascist imagery and even praise Neo-Nazi leaders.

Behind Ukraine’s public relations effort is an army of foreign political strategists, Washington, D.C., lobbyists, and a network of intelligence-linked media outlets.

Ukraine’s propaganda strategy earned it praise from a NATO commander who told The Washington Post, “They are really excellent in stratcom — media, info ops, and also psy-ops.” The Post ultimately conceded that “Western officials say that while they cannot independently verify much of the information that Kyiv puts out about the evolving battlefield situation, including casualty figures for both sides, it nonetheless represents highly effective stratcom.”

Key to the propaganda effort is an international legion of public relations firms working directly with Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to wage information warfare.

According to the industry news site PRWeek, the initiative was launched by an anonymous figure who allegedly founded a Ukraine-based public relations firm.

“From the first hour of war, we decided to join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help them distribute the official sources to show the truth,” the nameless figure told PR Week. “This is a hybrid war: the mix of bloodily struggling fight with a huge disinformation and fake campaign lead by Russia [sic].”

According to the anonymous figure, more than 150 public relations firms have joined the propaganda blitz.

The international effort is spearheaded by public relations firm PR Network co-founder Nicky Regazzoni and Francis Ingham, a top public relations consultant with close ties to the U.K.’s government. Ingraham previously worked for Britain’s Conservative Party, sits on the U.K. Government Communication Service Strategy and Evaluation Council, is chief executive of the International Communications Consultancy Organisation, and leads the membership body for U.K. local government communicators, LG Comms.

“We’ve been privileged to help coordinate efforts to support the Ukrainian Government in the last few days, “ Ingham told PRovoke Media. “Agencies have offered up entire teams to support Kyiv in the communications war. Our support for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is unwavering and will continue for as long as needed.”

With an anonymous Ukrainian figure joining two of the top public relations figures in the Kiev government’s propaganda blitz, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed a dossier folder (archived) with materials instructing public relations agencies on “key messages,” approved language, content for debunked propaganda constructs, far-right and Neo-Nazi propaganda.

The folder is run by Yaroslav Turbil, described on his LinkedIn page as “Head of — Ukraine’s digital ecosystem for global communications. Strategic Communications & Country Brand Promotion.” Turbil has worked at multiple “civil society” organizations closely linked to the U.S. government and interned at Internews, a U.S. intelligence-linked organization that operates under the guise of promoting press freedom.

Among the propaganda constructs distributed in the dossier, is a video of the Snake Island incident, which was quickly proven false, in which Ukrainian border guards stationed on a small island were reported to have been killed after they told an approaching Russian warship that had urged them to surrender to “Go f*** yourself.” President Volodymyr Zelensky held a press conference announcing he would award the men the Hero of Ukraine medal as mainstream media spread the story widely. However, the supposedly-dead soldiers quickly turned up alive and well, proving their heroic stand to be a farce.

Despite the story being proven as fake, the dossier contains a propaganda video promoting it.

Another folder in the dossier is run by Ukrainian MFA graphic artist Dasha Podoltseva and contains hundreds of propaganda graphics submitted by artists in Europe and the United States.

Some feature generic “no war” messages, while dozens of other images celebrate “The Ghost of Kiev” – a heroic Ukrainian pilot who turns out to be non-existent – and the phony “Snake Island 13” incident.

Many use xenophobic and racist language, and some are explicit in their praise of prominent Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, including C14 leader Yevhen Karas, the Right Sector fascist paramilitary, and the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Multiple images call for “Banderite smoothies” – a reference to Molotov cocktails named for the late OUN-B commander Stepan Bandera, who collaborated with Nazi Germany in the mass murder of Jews and ethnic Poles during World War II. Another image depicts a book titled the: ”Encyclopedia of Incurable Diseases,” listing Russia, Belorussia, North Korea, Syria, and Eritrea.

While the Ukrainian government says tens of thousands have answered their call, some commentators expressed doubt at those figures, calling it a “PR exercise.”

However, the foreigners who have traveled to Ukraine have encountered a much more severe reality than they anticipated.

Russia’s air force bombed military installations adjacent to where the foreign fighters were sleeping. Having fled to neighboring Poland, a Spanish fighter described the bombing as a “message” that could have killed thousands.

Similarly, an American fighter who hid in an ambulance to escape the frontlines warned that Ukrainian authorities were killing foreigners who decided not to fight, calling it a “trap.”

Correct Wording
One document inside the dossier delineates acceptable language on the conflict with Russia as determined by the Ukrainian government.

“Such Russian clichés like ‘referendum in Crimea’ or ‘will of the people of Crimea’ are absolutely unacceptable,” the document states, in reference to the 2014 overwhelmingly successful referendum to separate from Ukraine.

The document deems unacceptable the terms “Civil war in Donbass,” “Internal conflict,” “Conflict in Ukraine” and “Ukrainian crisis” to describe the Ukrainian military’s war with the breakaway republics of the Donbass region. This, despite the fact that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights estimates that 14,200 people, including 3,404 civilians, have been killed in internal fighting in Ukraine since 2014.

In place of these phrases, the document calls for the use of the terms “Armed aggression by the Russian Federation in Donbass, international armed conflict, Russian war against Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian conflict armed conflict.”

Key Messages
Another document titled “Key Messages” contains specific propaganda claims that were widely disseminated in mainstream Western media, but which have since been discredited. One section claims the “entire Europe was put on the brink of nuclear disaster, when the Russian troops began shelling the largest in Europe Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.”

However, International Atomic Energy Agency’s director-general, Rafael Mariano Grossi, said that the building hit by a Russian “projectile” at the Zaporizhzhia plant was “not part of the reactor” but instead a training center. Russian troops also left Ukrainian workers to continue operating the plant.

Another section thanks Turkey for the decision “to block the access of Russian warships to the Black Sea.”

However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan closed the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits to all military vessels, preventing both NATO and Russian vessels from accessing the Black Sea.

Among the document’s key messages is a statement of gratitude to the “Anti-war demonstrations held by citizens of many nations throughout the world demonstrate strong support to Ukraine in defending against Russia.”

This refers to large pro-Ukraine demonstrations in Europe which have featured calls for the U.S. and NATO to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine and shoot down Russian military aircraft, potentially transforming the conflict into a world war between nuclear-armed powers.

“Despite Russia’s propaganda, there is no discrimination based on the race or nationality, including when it comes to the crossing of the state border by foreign citizens,” claims the Ukrainian document.

However, numerous videos and reports have documented Ukrainian authorities preventing Africans from fleeing the fighting. Even The New York Times – hardly a bastion of Kremlin propaganda – published a report documenting these racist practices.

One message says that “On 16 March, the Russian forces dropped a bomb on a drama theatre where up to 1300 civilians were being sheltered. The number of casualties is still unknown.”

However, as Max Blumenthal reported the explosion appears to be the result of a false flag operation designed by the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and aimed at triggering a NATO intervention.

NATO-Backed Troll Farms
Another anonymously-penned investigation shows how Ukrainian public relations firms have used targeted advertisements to astroturf Russian internet and social media networks with messaging calling to economically isolate Moscow and “stop the war.” This effort is led by Bezlepkin Evgeny Vitalievich, who uses the alias Evgeny Korolev, along with Pavel Antonov of the Targetorium organization. From behind his Korolev pseudonym, the Ukrainian information warrior composed a post on his Facebook page (now private) boasting that his firm’s Facebook ads achieved 30 million hits in three days.

At the same time, Facebook has blocked Russian state-owned media outlets from running ads and monetizing content. Several fake accounts for media outlets like Russia 24 have sprung up, burying the authentic account under a series of impostors. Facebook has also marked statements from Russian officials, including the Ministry of Defense, as “false.”

This campaign has reportedly been carried out upon recommendation from StopFake, a self-described “fact checking” outlet that is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, Atlantic Council, Czech and U.K. foreign ministries and the International Renaissance Foundation, which is funded by billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

StopFake was hired by Facebook in March 2020 to “curb the flow of Russian propaganda” but was found to be employing multiple figures closely tied to violent Neo-Nazis. The journalist who co-authored the exposé received death threats and ultimately fled Ukraine.

Those revelations have apparently not prevented Facebook from relying on the organization for censorship guidance.

Meanwhile, Russian hackers located a public Google document (since made private, uploaded here) detailing the propaganda operation, which has been distributed in Telegram channels of “creative farms.”

“Here you can find links to Ukrainian media that need promotion, bot accounts with logins and passwords from which anti-war messages and messages with fakes about the Ministry of Defense were sent to users, theses and specific instructions on which posts and which audiences to embroider,” the investigation reads.

Another campaign is run by Nataliya Popovych, the founder of the public relations agency, One Philosophy, in Kiev. Popovych’s LinkedIn profile shows she has worked with the U.S. State Department and advised former President Petro Poroshenko. She is also co-founder and board member of Ukraine Crisis Media Center, a propaganda arm funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy, the U.S. embassy and NATO, among many others.

A Campaign Asia article profiles several public relations firms involved in the effort. Among them is Richard Edelman, CEO of Edelman PR. Edelman is also a member of the Atlantic Council’s Board of Directors and the World Economic Forum.

“Geopolitics has become the new test for trust. We saw this with the allegations of human rights abuses in Xinjiang and the war between Ukraine and Russia has only reinforced it,” he said, linking the U.S. propaganda campaign surrounding China’s deradicalization campaign for Uyghur Muslims.

PR Approved Media Outlets
An article in PRWeek profiles several figures partaking in what they describe as a “PR army” that is “fighting on the informational frontline” against Russia’s “barbaric genocide of Ukrainians.”

“Propaganda is the same as real lethal weapons,” declares Marta Dzhumaha, PR manager at healthcare company BetterMe.

Julia Petryk, head of public relations at MacPaw, offers a list of approved media outlets, authored by her colleague Tetiana Bronistka, a former employee of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office. The list includes Russian and English language sources, as well as Telegram channels. However, these “verified sources that objectively cover what is happening in Ukraine” are anything but independent. Most of them are tied to the U.S. and European governments and billionaire foundations.

She also lists several Russian-language websites:
Among the Telegram channels listed are:
  • Radio Svoboda – CIA-founded propaganda organ Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
  • Espresso TV, largely owned by the wife of former Ukrainian member of parliament Mykola Knyazhytsky
  •, formerly the largest media site in Ukraine, whose motto is “To bring down Russia”, and whose owner operates a “parade of international trolls.”
Intelligence Operations
While the public relations firms distribute content, CIA cutouts and billionaire foundations run the media outlets they derive it from. At the core of this operation is a project called the Russian Language News Exchange that was the product of a network of opposition media outlets founded in 2016 that operate in post-Soviet countries, as revealed by an investigation by the Russian media agency, RIA FAN.

In July 2021, a group of journalists flew to Warsaw for media training after being exempted from coronavirus-related restrictions and quarantine orders by Poland’s top medical authorities.

Among the six journalists were Andrey Lipsky, deputy editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, and Yuliia Fediv, CEO of Hromadske TV media, one of the most-watched networks in Ukraine.

Hromadske’s financial reports show it is funded by numerous governments and foundations, including the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the European Endowment for Democracy and Free Press Unlimited. Silicon Valley billionaire Pierre Omidary was also involved in creating the outlet.

Hromadske recently hosted a commentator demanding genocide of ethnic Russians in the Donbass, saying it is populated with 1.5 “superfluous” people that “must be exterminated.”

The training, held behind closed doors from July 19 to July 21, was titled “Media Network 2021+” and closely tied to Mediaset, also known as the Russian Language News Exchange, a network founded in 2015. Russian Language News Exchange’s website is sparse, with little available information on its activities – apparently made private since the publication of RIA FAN’s investigation.

While it claims to be independent, Russian Language News Exchange is a project of Free Press Unlimited, funded by the Dutch government and the European Commission.

Today, it includes 14 media outlets that act as “nodes,” cross-publishing each other’s articles in various countries.

The website’s introductory video is hosted by Maxim Eristavi, a former Radio Free Europe reporter and founder of Hromadske. Today, he heads the Millennium Leadership Program at the NATO and arms industry-backed think tank, the Atlantic Council.

Since its inception, Mediaset has coordinated between outlets in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. In March 2021, Mediaset expanded with the Colab Medios Project, created through the Free Press Unlimited Viable Media for Empowered Societies (VIMES) program. This program created training for journalists and saw articles from the El Salvadoran outlet El Faro published in Euroradio (Belarus), Coda(Georgia), and Ziarul de Garda (Moldova).

On March 4, several days after Russia launched its military offensive, a new project called the Media Lifeline Ukraine was created.

The next day, Free Press Unlimited held an emergency conference for Ukraine featuring Hromadske co-founders Maxim Eristavi and Nataliya Gumenyuk. The meeting called to raise 2 million euros for the project. “Only with ongoing external support, will local media entities be able to continue to do their work,” its introductory page asks.

Days later, Free Press Unlimited announced a partnership to support a new joint project of Reporters Without Borders and its Ukrainian partner, the Institute for Mass Information, called The Lviv Press Freedom Center. The Institute for Mass Information is headed by USAID communications officer Oksana Romaniuk and funded by USAID and the UK government.

Washington DC Lobbyists Wag the Dog
While public relations firms and intelligence-linked propaganda operations target the public, Washington, D.C., lobbyists are agitating in Congress to extend the war in Ukraine

Daniel Vajdich, a registered foreign agent and lobbyist for the Ukrainian Federation of Employers of the Oil and Gas Industry, the largest in Ukraine, is working on behalf of Volodymyr Zelensky to lobby members of Congress to approve more weapons shipments to Ukraine. Now the head of Yorktown Solutions, he previously advised Ted Cruz and Scott Walker’s campaigns and is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

“Stingers, Javelins, and let’s figure out the fighter aircraft issue,” he told Politico, claiming Russia is attempting to carry out a “genocide” and “depopulate certain areas of Ukraine.”

Vajdich also wrote Zelenskyy’s March 16 speech to U.S. Congress, in which he quoted Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech to call for a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

Ukrainian Permanent Representative at the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya’s Feb. 23 speech to the United Nations General Assembly was written by D.C. lobbying firm SKDKnickerbocker Managing Director Stephen Krupin, a former senior speechwriter to President Barack Obama who worked extensively on Biden’s 2020 campaign.

Most prominent among the registered lobbyists promoting Ukrainian government and business interests is Andrew Mac, who also contributed to writing Zelensky’s speech to Congress. Mac registered as a lobbyist for Zelensky in 2019 and runs the Washington, D.C., office of Ukrainian law firm Asters Law.

The lobbying firm Your Global Strategy, founded by Shai Franklin, who has been affiliated with numerous Zionist organizations including the World Jewish Congress and Anti-Defamation League, is also using its influence with local officials in the U.S. Franklin has set up meetings between Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov and U.S. mayors, including Eric Adams in New York City, Michelle Wu in Boston and Lori Lightfoot in Chicago. He is also attempting to set up a meeting between U.S. officials and the mayors of Odessa and Kiev. A media outlet owned by the mayor of Kiev’s wife recently featured a presenter calling for genocide against Russians, beginning with children.

Franklin said he’s working with Zelensky’s administration to help set up virtual meetings between mayors of Odessa and Kiev and U.S. counterparts.

Maryland-based lawyer Lukas Jan Kaczmarek is also working on behalf of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to increase U.S. weapons shipments, specifically seeking to arrange shipments of guns from Kel-Tec CNC Industries based in Cocoa, Florida, to the city of Odessa, Ukraine.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul described the network of public relations professionals and lobbyists surrounding Zelensky. “These are people around Mr. Zelenskyy who are like the intermediaries and interlocutors. They’ve been interacting with the American elites and American media for a long time,” he said.

McFaul and John E. Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, act as informal advisers to Zelensky. McFaul told Politico that he speaks to Ukrainian government officials “probably everyday,” and “has helped them make connections with NBC or MSNBC producers.”

McFaul recently told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that “Hitler did not kill German-speaking people,” facing accusations of Holocaust denial.

Zelensky also held a “strategic video call” with McFaul before he spoke to House democrats.

With a powerful Russian military fighting alongside DPR and LPR forces, the Ukrainian military’s defeat seems to be imminent unless the United States and NATO directly confront Russian forces, a scenario President Joe Biden has already ruled out. Lobbyists nevertheless persist in their campaign to portray the Ukrainian military as underdogs scoring blow after blow against Russian hordes. In doing so, they help extend the war and continue the carnage.

Unfortunately you quoted everything but the byline:

By Dan Cohen
in Washington, D.C.
MintPress News

"Dan Cohen is an American journalist and filmmaker based in Washington, D.C.. He is the host of Behind the Headlines. Formerly of RT America"

"Described as a conspiratorial website,[9][2][10] MintPress News publishes disinformation and anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, according to researchers at Rutgers University.[11] A report from New Knowledge includes MintPress News as part of the "Russian web of disinformation."[12][13] The source of MintPress News's funding remains opaque.[6]"

Your post was in response to Mikhail's statement that the US had some popular, deep rooted sympathy to Nazi ideology. You used the importation of Nazi scientists to back that up. Let me replay that for you in case you forgot:

But back to your reply to me, why would anyone jail physicists? I'd see your point if they brought over members of the SS or even the Wehrmacht General Staff but, excluding guys like Mengele, scientists don't exactly fit the profile of what's being alluded to here.

I didn't say that I agree with him about Nazi elements in the government in terms of ideology, maybe that was misconstrued.

If it weren't such a big issue, why was it attempted to be hidden from the public?

In any case, it does not agree with the overall notion being set that the US are defenders of good and purely against fascists when they are willing to bring in fascists into their government.
Unfortunately you quoted everything but the byline:

By Dan Cohen
in Washington, D.C.
MintPress News

"Dan Cohen is an American journalist and filmmaker based in Washington, D.C.. He is the host of Behind the Headlines. Formerly of RT America"

"Described as a conspiratorial website,[9][2][10] MintPress News publishes disinformation and anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, according to researchers at Rutgers University.[11] A report from New Knowledge includes MintPress News as part of the "Russian web of disinformation."[12][13] The source of MintPress News's funding remains opaque.[6]"


Haven't red what was posted in the article but you also miss that he's a contributor to news agencies such as Al Jazeera and Vice news as well, which aren't conspiratory at all. If the guy was such a loon then those new agencies wouldn't have him as a contributor I feel.
I didn't say that I agree with him about Nazi elements in the government in terms of ideology, maybe that was misconstrued.

Possibly. Apologies if so.

If it weren't such a big issue, why was it attempted to be hidden from the public?

It's definitely a big issue but that contradicts the idea that there was "significant" support for Nazi ideology in America. (I'll note that the text in quotes is not yours but seen in a couple of other posts on the notion).

In any case, it does not agree with the overall notion being set that the US are defenders of good and purely against fascists when they are willing to bring in fascists into their government.

I think it's a big assumption that all of the scientists were fascists. Enemies, yes, but maybe not dyed in the wool fascists.
Haven't red what was posted in the article but you also miss that he's a contributor to news agencies such as Al Jazeera and Vice news as well, which aren't conspiratory at all. If the guy was such a loon then those new agencies wouldn't have him as a contributor I feel.

Just someone who formerly worked for Russian propaganda, posting an article on a Russian propaganda site using Russian state media as his sources. 10/10 would unironically full quote him without comment, too.

"If we want to stop this war we need to protest the US government [...] no more weapons to Ukraine"

A fine journalist.
You're contradicting yourself here, cause this has nothing to do with 'democracy' or 'freedom', pure geopolitics.

There was anyway significant sympathy in Britain in the 30s for the way Hitler ruled his country. Many of the ruling elite would have loved to have his kind of authoritarian control over the UK. (Not including the genocidal side obviously - though more generally, anti-semitism was rife in the western world at the time.)

You're confusing the rhetorics of morality (used to motivate the masses) with the actual political thinking here. Just as the EU, US, and Canada aren't just supporting Ukraine now because of its 'freedom and democracy'.

That's also nonsense. Their purpose wasn't to 'crush freedom and democracy', it was to conquer additional territory and bring it under their rule. What political systems existed in their own or other countries wasn't an argument in that. If you disagree, why did Germany attack the totalitarian state of Russia? Or do you think Germany would have left the Netherlands alone if it had had a fascist government?

A military agreement with Poland had nothing to do with its sovereign freedom when it was invaded by fascists? Sorry, but its sovereign freedom as nation was destroyed by that invasion - and fascists aren't exactly big fans of freedom either. Your claim is just a tired old cynicism in which there is nothing good in the world, no principles and always only naked self-interest. I think you're wrong about that.

So what if there were some fascists in Britain? They were only a small minority and they exist in every country.

Your cynicism applies to Ukraine also. The West is supporting Ukraine, at least in part (the major part I believe), because of freedom and democracy.

You don't believe that a part of Hitler's purpose, under fascist ideology, was to crush freedom and democracy? That's absurd. It doesn't matter if territorial expansion was also part of his purpose. Once he gained any territory, the Nazis then set about crushing all freedoms in that territory.
under fascist ideology
For reference:
"After socialism, Fascism trains its guns on the whole block of democratic ideologies, and rejects both their premises and their practical applications and implements. Fascism denies that numbers, as such, can be the determining factor in human society; it denies the right of numbers to govern by means of periodical consultations; it asserts the irremediable and fertile and beneficent inequality of men who cannot be leveled by any such mechanical and extrinsic device as universal suffrage."
- Benito Mussolini, "The Doctrine of Fascism", 1932
Ukraine’s Propaganda War
Since the Russian offensive inside Ukraine commenced on Feb. 24, the Ukrainian military has cultivated the image of a plucky little army standing up to the Russian Goliath. To bolster the perception of Ukrainian military mettle, Kiev has churned out a steady stream of sophisticated propaganda aimed at stirring public and official support from Western countries.

The campaign includes language guides, key messages and hundreds of propaganda posters, some of which contain fascist imagery and even praise Neo-Nazi leaders.

Behind Ukraine’s public relations effort is an army of foreign political strategists, Washington, D.C., lobbyists, and a network of intelligence-linked media outlets.

Ukraine’s propaganda strategy earned it praise from a NATO commander who told The Washington Post, “They are really excellent in stratcom — media, info ops, and also psy-ops.” The Post ultimately conceded that “Western officials say that while they cannot independently verify much of the information that Kyiv puts out about the evolving battlefield situation, including casualty figures for both sides, it nonetheless represents highly effective stratcom.”

Key to the propaganda effort is an international legion of public relations firms working directly with Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to wage information warfare.

According to the industry news site PRWeek, the initiative was launched by an anonymous figure who allegedly founded a Ukraine-based public relations firm.

“From the first hour of war, we decided to join the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help them distribute the official sources to show the truth,” the nameless figure told PR Week. “This is a hybrid war: the mix of bloodily struggling fight with a huge disinformation and fake campaign lead by Russia [sic].”

According to the anonymous figure, more than 150 public relations firms have joined the propaganda blitz.

The international effort is spearheaded by public relations firm PR Network co-founder Nicky Regazzoni and Francis Ingham, a top public relations consultant with close ties to the U.K.’s government. Ingraham previously worked for Britain’s Conservative Party, sits on the U.K. Government Communication Service Strategy and Evaluation Council, is chief executive of the International Communications Consultancy Organisation, and leads the membership body for U.K. local government communicators, LG Comms.

“We’ve been privileged to help coordinate efforts to support the Ukrainian Government in the last few days, “ Ingham told PRovoke Media. “Agencies have offered up entire teams to support Kyiv in the communications war. Our support for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is unwavering and will continue for as long as needed.”

With an anonymous Ukrainian figure joining two of the top public relations figures in the Kiev government’s propaganda blitz, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed a dossier folder (archived) with materials instructing public relations agencies on “key messages,” approved language, content for debunked propaganda constructs, far-right and Neo-Nazi propaganda.

The folder is run by Yaroslav Turbil, described on his LinkedIn page as “Head of — Ukraine’s digital ecosystem for global communications. Strategic Communications & Country Brand Promotion.” Turbil has worked at multiple “civil society” organizations closely linked to the U.S. government and interned at Internews, a U.S. intelligence-linked organization that operates under the guise of promoting press freedom.

Among the propaganda constructs distributed in the dossier, is a video of the Snake Island incident, which was quickly proven false, in which Ukrainian border guards stationed on a small island were reported to have been killed after they told an approaching Russian warship that had urged them to surrender to “Go f*** yourself.” President Volodymyr Zelensky held a press conference announcing he would award the men the Hero of Ukraine medal as mainstream media spread the story widely. However, the supposedly-dead soldiers quickly turned up alive and well, proving their heroic stand to be a farce.

Despite the story being proven as fake, the dossier contains a propaganda video promoting it.

Another folder in the dossier is run by Ukrainian MFA graphic artist Dasha Podoltseva and contains hundreds of propaganda graphics submitted by artists in Europe and the United States.

Some feature generic “no war” messages, while dozens of other images celebrate “The Ghost of Kiev” – a heroic Ukrainian pilot who turns out to be non-existent – and the phony “Snake Island 13” incident.

Many use xenophobic and racist language, and some are explicit in their praise of prominent Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, including C14 leader Yevhen Karas, the Right Sector fascist paramilitary, and the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. Multiple images call for “Banderite smoothies” – a reference to Molotov cocktails named for the late OUN-B commander Stepan Bandera, who collaborated with Nazi Germany in the mass murder of Jews and ethnic Poles during World War II. Another image depicts a book titled the: ”Encyclopedia of Incurable Diseases,” listing Russia, Belorussia, North Korea, Syria, and Eritrea.

While the Ukrainian government says tens of thousands have answered their call, some commentators expressed doubt at those figures, calling it a “PR exercise.”

However, the foreigners who have traveled to Ukraine have encountered a much more severe reality than they anticipated.

Russia’s air force bombed military installations adjacent to where the foreign fighters were sleeping. Having fled to neighboring Poland, a Spanish fighter described the bombing as a “message” that could have killed thousands.

Similarly, an American fighter who hid in an ambulance to escape the frontlines warned that Ukrainian authorities were killing foreigners who decided not to fight, calling it a “trap.”

Correct Wording
One document inside the dossier delineates acceptable language on the conflict with Russia as determined by the Ukrainian government.

“Such Russian clichés like ‘referendum in Crimea’ or ‘will of the people of Crimea’ are absolutely unacceptable,” the document states, in reference to the 2014 overwhelmingly successful referendum to separate from Ukraine.

The document deems unacceptable the terms “Civil war in Donbass,” “Internal conflict,” “Conflict in Ukraine” and “Ukrainian crisis” to describe the Ukrainian military’s war with the breakaway republics of the Donbass region. This, despite the fact that the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights estimates that 14,200 people, including 3,404 civilians, have been killed in internal fighting in Ukraine since 2014.

In place of these phrases, the document calls for the use of the terms “Armed aggression by the Russian Federation in Donbass, international armed conflict, Russian war against Ukraine, Russian-Ukrainian conflict armed conflict.”

Key Messages
Another document titled “Key Messages” contains specific propaganda claims that were widely disseminated in mainstream Western media, but which have since been discredited. One section claims the “entire Europe was put on the brink of nuclear disaster, when the Russian troops began shelling the largest in Europe Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.”

However, International Atomic Energy Agency’s director-general, Rafael Mariano Grossi, said that the building hit by a Russian “projectile” at the Zaporizhzhia plant was “not part of the reactor” but instead a training center. Russian troops also left Ukrainian workers to continue operating the plant.

Another section thanks Turkey for the decision “to block the access of Russian warships to the Black Sea.”

However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan closed the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits to all military vessels, preventing both NATO and Russian vessels from accessing the Black Sea.

Among the document’s key messages is a statement of gratitude to the “Anti-war demonstrations held by citizens of many nations throughout the world demonstrate strong support to Ukraine in defending against Russia.”

This refers to large pro-Ukraine demonstrations in Europe which have featured calls for the U.S. and NATO to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine and shoot down Russian military aircraft, potentially transforming the conflict into a world war between nuclear-armed powers.

“Despite Russia’s propaganda, there is no discrimination based on the race or nationality, including when it comes to the crossing of the state border by foreign citizens,” claims the Ukrainian document.

However, numerous videos and reports have documented Ukrainian authorities preventing Africans from fleeing the fighting. Even The New York Times – hardly a bastion of Kremlin propaganda – published a report documenting these racist practices.

One message says that “On 16 March, the Russian forces dropped a bomb on a drama theatre where up to 1300 civilians were being sheltered. The number of casualties is still unknown.”

However, as Max Blumenthal reported the explosion appears to be the result of a false flag operation designed by the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and aimed at triggering a NATO intervention.

NATO-Backed Troll Farms
Another anonymously-penned investigation shows how Ukrainian public relations firms have used targeted advertisements to astroturf Russian internet and social media networks with messaging calling to economically isolate Moscow and “stop the war.” This effort is led by Bezlepkin Evgeny Vitalievich, who uses the alias Evgeny Korolev, along with Pavel Antonov of the Targetorium organization. From behind his Korolev pseudonym, the Ukrainian information warrior composed a post on his Facebook page (now private) boasting that his firm’s Facebook ads achieved 30 million hits in three days.

At the same time, Facebook has blocked Russian state-owned media outlets from running ads and monetizing content. Several fake accounts for media outlets like Russia 24 have sprung up, burying the authentic account under a series of impostors. Facebook has also marked statements from Russian officials, including the Ministry of Defense, as “false.”

This campaign has reportedly been carried out upon recommendation from StopFake, a self-described “fact checking” outlet that is funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, Atlantic Council, Czech and U.K. foreign ministries and the International Renaissance Foundation, which is funded by billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

StopFake was hired by Facebook in March 2020 to “curb the flow of Russian propaganda” but was found to be employing multiple figures closely tied to violent Neo-Nazis. The journalist who co-authored the exposé received death threats and ultimately fled Ukraine.

Those revelations have apparently not prevented Facebook from relying on the organization for censorship guidance.

Meanwhile, Russian hackers located a public Google document (since made private, uploaded here) detailing the propaganda operation, which has been distributed in Telegram channels of “creative farms.”

“Here you can find links to Ukrainian media that need promotion, bot accounts with logins and passwords from which anti-war messages and messages with fakes about the Ministry of Defense were sent to users, theses and specific instructions on which posts and which audiences to embroider,” the investigation reads.

Another campaign is run by Nataliya Popovych, the founder of the public relations agency, One Philosophy, in Kiev. Popovych’s LinkedIn profile shows she has worked with the U.S. State Department and advised former President Petro Poroshenko. She is also co-founder and board member of Ukraine Crisis Media Center, a propaganda arm funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy, the U.S. embassy and NATO, among many others.

A Campaign Asia article profiles several public relations firms involved in the effort. Among them is Richard Edelman, CEO of Edelman PR. Edelman is also a member of the Atlantic Council’s Board of Directors and the World Economic Forum.

“Geopolitics has become the new test for trust. We saw this with the allegations of human rights abuses in Xinjiang and the war between Ukraine and Russia has only reinforced it,” he said, linking the U.S. propaganda campaign surrounding China’s deradicalization campaign for Uyghur Muslims.

PR Approved Media Outlets
An article in PRWeek profiles several figures partaking in what they describe as a “PR army” that is “fighting on the informational frontline” against Russia’s “barbaric genocide of Ukrainians.”

“Propaganda is the same as real lethal weapons,” declares Marta Dzhumaha, PR manager at healthcare company BetterMe.

Julia Petryk, head of public relations at MacPaw, offers a list of approved media outlets, authored by her colleague Tetiana Bronistka, a former employee of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s Office. The list includes Russian and English language sources, as well as Telegram channels. However, these “verified sources that objectively cover what is happening in Ukraine” are anything but independent. Most of them are tied to the U.S. and European governments and billionaire foundations.

She also lists several Russian-language websites:
Among the Telegram channels listed are:
  • Radio Svoboda – CIA-founded propaganda organ Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
  • Espresso TV, largely owned by the wife of former Ukrainian member of parliament Mykola Knyazhytsky
  •, formerly the largest media site in Ukraine, whose motto is “To bring down Russia”, and whose owner operates a “parade of international trolls.”
Intelligence Operations
While the public relations firms distribute content, CIA cutouts and billionaire foundations run the media outlets they derive it from. At the core of this operation is a project called the Russian Language News Exchange that was the product of a network of opposition media outlets founded in 2016 that operate in post-Soviet countries, as revealed by an investigation by the Russian media agency, RIA FAN.

In July 2021, a group of journalists flew to Warsaw for media training after being exempted from coronavirus-related restrictions and quarantine orders by Poland’s top medical authorities.

Among the six journalists were Andrey Lipsky, deputy editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, and Yuliia Fediv, CEO of Hromadske TV media, one of the most-watched networks in Ukraine.

Hromadske’s financial reports show it is funded by numerous governments and foundations, including the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the European Endowment for Democracy and Free Press Unlimited. Silicon Valley billionaire Pierre Omidary was also involved in creating the outlet.

Hromadske recently hosted a commentator demanding genocide of ethnic Russians in the Donbass, saying it is populated with 1.5 “superfluous” people that “must be exterminated.”

The training, held behind closed doors from July 19 to July 21, was titled “Media Network 2021+” and closely tied to Mediaset, also known as the Russian Language News Exchange, a network founded in 2015. Russian Language News Exchange’s website is sparse, with little available information on its activities – apparently made private since the publication of RIA FAN’s investigation.

While it claims to be independent, Russian Language News Exchange is a project of Free Press Unlimited, funded by the Dutch government and the European Commission.

Today, it includes 14 media outlets that act as “nodes,” cross-publishing each other’s articles in various countries.

The website’s introductory video is hosted by Maxim Eristavi, a former Radio Free Europe reporter and founder of Hromadske. Today, he heads the Millennium Leadership Program at the NATO and arms industry-backed think tank, the Atlantic Council.

Since its inception, Mediaset has coordinated between outlets in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine. In March 2021, Mediaset expanded with the Colab Medios Project, created through the Free Press Unlimited Viable Media for Empowered Societies (VIMES) program. This program created training for journalists and saw articles from the El Salvadoran outlet El Faro published in Euroradio (Belarus), Coda(Georgia), and Ziarul de Garda (Moldova).

On March 4, several days after Russia launched its military offensive, a new project called the Media Lifeline Ukraine was created.

The next day, Free Press Unlimited held an emergency conference for Ukraine featuring Hromadske co-founders Maxim Eristavi and Nataliya Gumenyuk. The meeting called to raise 2 million euros for the project. “Only with ongoing external support, will local media entities be able to continue to do their work,” its introductory page asks.

Days later, Free Press Unlimited announced a partnership to support a new joint project of Reporters Without Borders and its Ukrainian partner, the Institute for Mass Information, called The Lviv Press Freedom Center. The Institute for Mass Information is headed by USAID communications officer Oksana Romaniuk and funded by USAID and the UK government.

Washington DC Lobbyists Wag the Dog
While public relations firms and intelligence-linked propaganda operations target the public, Washington, D.C., lobbyists are agitating in Congress to extend the war in Ukraine

Daniel Vajdich, a registered foreign agent and lobbyist for the Ukrainian Federation of Employers of the Oil and Gas Industry, the largest in Ukraine, is working on behalf of Volodymyr Zelensky to lobby members of Congress to approve more weapons shipments to Ukraine. Now the head of Yorktown Solutions, he previously advised Ted Cruz and Scott Walker’s campaigns and is a nonresident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

“Stingers, Javelins, and let’s figure out the fighter aircraft issue,” he told Politico, claiming Russia is attempting to carry out a “genocide” and “depopulate certain areas of Ukraine.”

Vajdich also wrote Zelenskyy’s March 16 speech to U.S. Congress, in which he quoted Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech to call for a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

Ukrainian Permanent Representative at the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya’s Feb. 23 speech to the United Nations General Assembly was written by D.C. lobbying firm SKDKnickerbocker Managing Director Stephen Krupin, a former senior speechwriter to President Barack Obama who worked extensively on Biden’s 2020 campaign.

Most prominent among the registered lobbyists promoting Ukrainian government and business interests is Andrew Mac, who also contributed to writing Zelensky’s speech to Congress. Mac registered as a lobbyist for Zelensky in 2019 and runs the Washington, D.C., office of Ukrainian law firm Asters Law.

The lobbying firm Your Global Strategy, founded by Shai Franklin, who has been affiliated with numerous Zionist organizations including the World Jewish Congress and Anti-Defamation League, is also using its influence with local officials in the U.S. Franklin has set up meetings between Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov and U.S. mayors, including Eric Adams in New York City, Michelle Wu in Boston and Lori Lightfoot in Chicago. He is also attempting to set up a meeting between U.S. officials and the mayors of Odessa and Kiev. A media outlet owned by the mayor of Kiev’s wife recently featured a presenter calling for genocide against Russians, beginning with children.

Franklin said he’s working with Zelensky’s administration to help set up virtual meetings between mayors of Odessa and Kiev and U.S. counterparts.

Maryland-based lawyer Lukas Jan Kaczmarek is also working on behalf of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense to increase U.S. weapons shipments, specifically seeking to arrange shipments of guns from Kel-Tec CNC Industries based in Cocoa, Florida, to the city of Odessa, Ukraine.

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul described the network of public relations professionals and lobbyists surrounding Zelensky. “These are people around Mr. Zelenskyy who are like the intermediaries and interlocutors. They’ve been interacting with the American elites and American media for a long time,” he said.

McFaul and John E. Herbst, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, act as informal advisers to Zelensky. McFaul told Politico that he speaks to Ukrainian government officials “probably everyday,” and “has helped them make connections with NBC or MSNBC producers.”

McFaul recently told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that “Hitler did not kill German-speaking people,” facing accusations of Holocaust denial.

Zelensky also held a “strategic video call” with McFaul before he spoke to House democrats.

With a powerful Russian military fighting alongside DPR and LPR forces, the Ukrainian military’s defeat seems to be imminent unless the United States and NATO directly confront Russian forces, a scenario President Joe Biden has already ruled out. Lobbyists nevertheless persist in their campaign to portray the Ukrainian military as underdogs scoring blow after blow against Russian hordes. In doing so, they help extend the war and continue the carnage.

Earning much Rubles?
In Yemen, the other side is Iran. It is the Saudis vs Iran. Do you think that Iran is for "freedom and democracy"?

In Yemen the other side is the Zaidis and the Shia population in Yemen. Not Iran. Iran to the Zaidis is as (USA) to Ukraine in todays wars.
I can't see any similarities at all.

Ukraine is a European democratic country that wants to join EU and NATO. Naturally, EU and NATO want to help them.

Yemenis were not democratic, they wanted saria law. Which is the opposite of democracy. Why would EU and NATO support them against Saudi Arabia? It doesn't make sense.

I don't understand why some people keep bringing Yemen into these discussions. Why don't the Middle East countries resolve these problems? The EU and NATO have absolutely nothing to do with this! Why don't you all complain that the Middle East countries don't do anything? Or perhaps UN.
So many wrong points I dont know where to begin :lol: