Geoff Konopka - United guest of Honour - also convicted paedophile

This happened last year,

And only now being reported......

Strange that.
It’s open season on the club. This is a recycled story from over a year ago that they’ve rerun deliberately to get the clicks - and apparent “supporters” just lap it up getting outraged over it on social media.
That’s what happened when you act weak on Greenwood. All the hounds smell blood and come for you. This is just the beginning.

At this point I’m looking forward to it so that Glazers see no benefit keeping the club any more.
Who's being canceled here? United?
You have to ask why now? why didn't media report it last year. There's certainly agenda against the club atm but this is no excuse for incompetence

Agenda or not, if the reports are right then we should get our house in order before worrying about others.

None of the Greenwood reports nor these ones have been proven false, that should concern everyone far more than the usual journalists doing what they do.
It is like all those things happening are for the purpose of getting club selling price down.
The whole Greenwood - Crafton thing was a big deal for the athletic and is apparently a "no-no" for club-media relationships (be given notice of a story and ask for a response, grant the club an extension and then instead of receiving a response, see the club make a statement to the press).

The club should show a giant middle finger to Crafton and the athletic going forward. Regardless of your thoughts on the Greenwood situation they have been feasting on that story based around a leak for weeks now, when you know that it would not be the case if it was another club.
I admit I'd never heard of the guy before today. When I saw the thread title I kind of assumed the club was unlucky - the usual stuff, a sponsor or a charity event at a match rather than a United invite.

Unfortunately it seems he was being celebrated as the coach of our Ladies team, back in the 80s/90s before it closed when the Glazers arrived. Making him a special guest for the Everton match at OT and putting together an exhibit honouring his work in the museum though - that's worse than bad luck.

Someone did the research needed to celebrate him, but didn't spot that he's currently banned by the FA under the safeguarding rules. That is embarrassing.

Simple human error by the researcher I assume. However knowing the lack of knowledge around the club about the old United Ladies team and about the women's game in general, it's a silly error to make. They have to do better.

Gary Glitter was released in January, we maybe approaching him and Rolf Harris to record a new club anthem

If it wasn't that this is about a nonce it would be absolutely hilarious
The club should show a giant middle finger to Crafton and the athletic going forward. Regardless of your thoughts on the Greenwood situation they have been feasting on that story based around a leak for weeks now, when you know that it would not be the case if it was another club.
This story appears to come from a Times reporter.

United are news. They always have been and there's blood in the water right now which means people will be taking them new stories every day. Frankly the stories deserve to come out - the issue are serious.

Why do other teams get away with it? I don't actually care, because I don't care how stupid other clubs are. I suspect some of them will be seeing their own errors highlighted soon.
Gary Glitter was released in January, we maybe approaching him and Rolf Harris to record a new club anthem

If it wasn't that this is about a nonce it would be absolutely hilarious
Thankfully one of them is dead
Wonder what despicable individual the club is going to align with next? Maybe a Bashar al Assad type dictator?
Glitter got hauled back to jail after being caught attempting to access the dark web on his phone.

Had to google this to see if it was true, and it is! Now unfortunately I have “Gary glitter” in my google search history forever though.
I admit I'd never heard of the guy before today. When I saw the thread title I kind of assumed the club was unlucky - the usual stuff, a sponsor or a charity event at a match rather than a United invite.

Unfortunately it seems he was being celebrated as the coach of our Ladies team, back in the 80s/90s before it closed when the Glazers arrived. Making him a special guest for the Everton match at OT and putting together an exhibit honouring his work in the museum though - that's worse than bad luck.

Someone did the research needed to celebrate him, but didn't spot that he's currently banned by the FA under the safeguarding rules. That is embarrassing.

Simple human error by the researcher I assume. However knowing the lack of knowledge around the club about the old United Ladies team and about the women's game in general, it's a silly error to make. They have to do better.
I know the people responsible for the museum thing (which is no more than a 50 word panel on a wall about managers) and during their research, a well-regarded expert in local football who's written several books about it told them there had been some kind of falling out. The other historians they deal with don't mention it either. There's no mention on the Internet of anything to do with his convictions up until today's story. In fact, if you do a Websearch for his name prior to 2022, you'll find nothing.

Everything that the museum does has to go through several levels of branding and management all the way up to Richard Arnold. And none of them flagged anything. Worth noting that the club curator at the time had been there since the early 90s and was not aware.

The bigger story here is actually that the museum staff had to fight branding to include any mention at all of the old MUFC Ladies side in the museum, as they only wanted to mention the current Womens team. The implication being that to acknowledge the Ladies was to admit that the Glazers had closed them down.
I know the people responsible for the museum thing (which is no more than a 50 word panel on a wall about managers) and during their research, a well-regarded expert in local football who's written several books about it told them there had been some kind of falling out. The other historians they deal with don't mention it either. There's no mention on the Internet of anything to do with his convictions up until today's story. In fact, if you do a Websearch for his name prior to 2022, you'll find nothing.

Everything that the museum does has to go through several levels of branding and management all the way up to Richard Arnold. And none of them flagged anything. Worth noting that the club curator at the time had been there since the early 90s and was not aware.

The bigger story here is actually that the museum staff had to fight branding to include any mention at all of the old MUFC Ladies side in the museum, as they only wanted to mention the current Womens team. The implication being that to acknowledge the Ladies was to admit that the Glazers had closed them down.
That's interesting and reflects my feeling that there would be little knowledge of the Ladies team inside the club or amongst the people who we'd normally rely on for the club's history. Not surprising really, because it was never part of the day to day professional operations at United. I think it was treated more like a community team that United sponsored.

Classic, "hidden from history," stuff. It's unfortunate that the museum staff's effort to include the story turned into a PR negative.

Of course men's youth team football has had similar hidden or forgotten abusers. A whole bunch of cases came out of the woodwork following the revelations about Barry Bennell a few years back. Those stories included reports of abusers (sometimes with criminal convictions) getting sacked at one place and then getting jobs elsewhere. Thankfully United weren't the villains in that story.
Next we'll probably invite Danny Masterson for a 70's retro theme night.
This club really needs a change doesn't it. I mean the club gets some unfair pelters but this sort of thing doesn't help.

Even if the Glazers were just money grubbing insects (which they are), they still don't have to be so bad the club is in this shape. The leadership of the club needs to be punished.

Not us. Every club has people like this in its history. It's just our club is currently ran by people who don't give a damn and don't expel these people as they should.

Unfortunately, they're going to have to be shamed and practically harassed into doing better like they were in the Greenwood situation.
Pedophiles, rapists, domestic abusers. I'm borderline done with this club. If I was a better person I would have cut ties already.