Same walked in and out.
I voted at 4pm on the dot too, was expecting a queue of mums with kids. Disappointed by the lack of people tbh.
Same walked in and out.
Even the weather is a fecking Tory.![]()
What are you doing in England? 29 degrees here and not a cloud in the sky!
So we have to use Tories policy of not costing anything and using the old excuse of "we'll get to it eventually...". I'm sorry, but given I distrust the Tories already, their Manifesto and their lack of interest in discussing ANY of their policies puts me on red alert.
Corbyn has his faults, he'a dreamer and very ambitious but he's also a very good speaker and comes across as an honest guy. He's someone people could negotiate with. May has many faults as well, personally if my old business had to deal with someone like her we'd be laughing at her. Someone who wants it all her own way and won't back down, she comes across in every interview as someone who's back is against the wall. That is a great trait to have as a leader in war time, but Brexit isn't war, it's negotiation and with negotiation comes compromise, something that May simply doesn't look comfortable or capable of doing.
I am biased though, I have no love for the woman. Cameroon was a much better PM than she is.
Done and cheers alto.Thanks mate. Hopefully we can give the winner a nice tagline or something.
We now have 48 responses, can we get 50 before 5pm? Enter now:
I'm heading to vote soon, get in before the work traffic. Most of the older crowd were probably in before lunch!Voted about 4ish just got back more officials sat on the chairs then voters.
CheersDone and cheers alto.
I just had to google what a teller is, I've voted my whole life and never once been asked outside the polling centre what my polling number was. I'd definitely have told them to mind their own fecking business. That's one of the shit things about our UK political system, its never really just clearly explained to potential voters how it all works. I'm a full on politics nerd and have been for over 20 years, so if I didn't know about this, then someone voting for the first time isn't likely to either.
Why was she doing that?
Just a word - a few of you might want to edit your entries. The first question is asking for the Tory MAJORITY and not the amount of seats they will win. I think there's 4 or 5 of you who might not have realised that. Have until 5pm:
You know it was Cameron what done the referendum do you? Not that it matters in order to assess the reply you threw out here, I just wasn't sure.
But you then seem to say...
May called the Election due to the Labour momentum (with regard to something or other) so as to shore up her position?
You think people are voting Labour now to damage the Brexit that they voted to in favour of? (because they are stupid, I believe you said)
Is there any chance you could attempt a clarification of what you're actually trying to say here?
@AlvaroMaestreSorry to be a pain but could you tell us which of us have screwed up? You have to do the whole form again otherwise, it doesn't just let you change your answer.
I'm assuming no-one thinks they're going to get a 200-300 seat majority.![]()
I hope they make that illegal.It's standard practice for the more diligent (or marginal) MP's. Throughout the campaign they will ask people who they're voting for. The people who are voting for your party then have their polling number taken down. They will then have all polling stations manned by staff and volunteers who will ask everyone for their polling number. At say 6pm of the evening everyone that hasn't yet voted (according to the polling numbers provided) who said they would vote for your party will get a phone-call or knock at the door asking whether they've voted and if not asking when they are and if they need any help getting to the polling station.
It's literally just someone doing their job and during the last few elections the harshest words have been "I don't feel comfortable giving you that information", which is naturally accepted.
This is an isolated incident of course but after my posts yesterday about the sheer level of vitriol aimed at non-Labour voters by the left during this election campaign it doesn't surprise me one bit. The MP in question has now instructed all "tellers" in her constituency to remove anything that would indicate they are Tory supporters.
A pretty sad state of affairs if you ask me.
Canvassing should be illegal?I hope they make that illegal.
Obviously, obviously, obviously I'm not happy your Mrs was attacked.
But that should be illegal.
Ah, yep, will edit, cheers.Cheers
Just a word - a few of you might want to edit your entries. The first question is asking for the Tory MAJORITY and not the amount of seats they will win. I think there's 4 or 5 of you who might not have realised that. Have until 5pm:
That's why I hope we at least get a hung parliament.
Canvassing is fineCanvassing should be illegal?
Usually I'd agree with you, but this isn't even the 'usual' Tories anymore. Big business and the city didn't want brexit, once that couldn't be undone they didn't want the government to trigger article 50 until things are "sorted", and they sure wouldn't have wanted WTO rules to be even mentioned as a possible outcome. I don't think the Tories represent the majority of the UK big business anymore, they have their clientele within big business who's interests I've not fully come to understand yet.
I hope you are right though.
It's getting out the vote and it helps left parties because their vote is historically lower propensity. It's been going on for decades, if our politics is now so mean spirited that you can't do that kind of thing then it's a pretty shocking state of affairs.Canvassing is fine
Taking people's details down, checking to see if they have voted, and if not, going round their house to "ask nicely that they please vote like they said they would".
How many... "not strong" people would just say "yes I'm voting for you", "yes here is my poll card number," "yes I'll go vote now".
Seems wrong
@I_Love_Dong ()
The rest are fine it looks like.
Just seems wrong. I half knew this happened, but it seems wrong.It's getting out the vote and it helps left parties because their vote is historically lower propensity. It's been going on for decades, if our politics is now so mean spirited that you can't do that kind of thing then it's a pretty shocking state of affairs.
Exept they won't be exactly the same, because they're politically very different. The idea that 'they're all the same' is not actually true. Blair seemed similar to the Tories because he ran on a centrist platform and then the Tories moved to the centre to compete. During that period they were indeed very similar. Now the Tories are back on the right, Labour is back on the left, and they're nothing like each other.
In my reading of things that would pretty much guarantee no deal. No one could begrudge them for pulling out, but that changes nothing about the consequences of no deal for the UK, for which they will have to take responsibility.Don't underestimate the game! My guess is Conservatives are going full attack to see what Brexit they could get. This keeps the brexiters happy, remember that was the vote. Once those negotiations happen then either a) a brexit deal actually looks quite good so would actually make even remainders happy or b) it looks shockingly bad, at which point no one could begrudge them for pulling out.
It's as win win as you can get in their position.
I've been a teller and I always wore my rosette. It's a very long-standing way of identifying who's not voted, and no-one's obliged to give any info to the tellers - although a lot of people seem to think it's something official.Does sound very odd, i wouldn't provide that information to someone. Especially now i know it helps them canvass.
Also i thought you weren't allowed any political flyers, rosettes or anything identifying political party support at the polling station?
In my reading of things that would pretty much guarantee no deal. No one could begrudge them for pulling out, but that changes nothing about the consequences of no deal for the UK, for which they will have to take responsibility.
It's a lose-lose, if anything.
This is frustratingly true, which leaves me as a centrist disappointed, but still taking an economic stance to support Conservatives as truly believe they are better at getting and winning business and controlling spiralling costs and interest payments. I e. Conservatives are more like CEOs, Labour are more like the Secretary in charge of the Xmas budget, will always look for a way to squeeze a few more budgets just to make everyone at the party happy, but then wonders why there is no Xmas party the next year!
I've been a teller and I always wore my rosette. It's a very long-standing way of identifying who's not voted, and no-one's obliged to give any info to the tellers - although a lot of people seem to think it's something official.
Used to be that the Tory and Labour ones wouldn't help each other, now they often sit side by side and share info!
@I_Love_Dong ()
The rest are fine it looks like.
I see it more as Labour are the guys who've been running a firm for decades having come up from the shop floor. They know what is needed lower down in the business, and that just focusing on profit alone would ruin productivity. The Tories are the shiny consultant brought in to maximize profits, who fires the most expensive workers and hires cheap replacements (while cutting all the worker facilities) and then then can't work out why the company starts performing badly.
That's how every election goes down. How old are you, out of curiosity?
It seems this year will have the highest turnout ever. That can only be a good thing for labour.
There is so many interesting questions here.
Why was this your first time voting?
Why are you voting now?
Who did you vote for?
What do you know of the electoral system? Ho would you like it to be?
Are you in St. Helens North or South?
I voted at 7.30ish. Was about five voters there and I was the youngest by at least three decades.
Me too. Weather has gone nice now.EDIT - I tell a lie, it was North.
Have you not copied me over from the original survey?Competition entries:
I also have a hardcopy saved in case I have fecked up and let you lot edit it.