Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Started off well for me.... Then, well you all saw it. I'm out.... I'm tired.
Actually had they elected him just for him to turn out to be their strongest foe it would've been an awesome twist instead of this shitfest.

In my head that's how it's ending. I wanted the Night King to win and damn well he's winning
How did Jon, get away with killing Dany? Greyworm would have killed him on the spot
How did Jon, get away with killing Dany? Greyworm would have killed him on the spot
Same as Jon revealing his secret to his sisters. If it doesn't fit the storyline then you skip it and hope for the best
I was looking forward to getting the blu-ray seasons 1-8 box set of this and going through it all again some day.

All enthusiasm for that is gone.