Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Visually stunning but that was so poor from a storytelling perspective, particularly the characters. They threw characters under the bus to emphasise the themes (and the theme was powerful) but when you've gone 7/8 seasons with these characters they deserve a bit more. The Jaime/Cersei ending was just naff.
Meh, was it?

He went from bad boy, to Cersei's bitch, to misunderstood, to handless misunderstood, to Cersei's handless bitch, to Cersei's handless bitch errandboy, back to Cersei's handless bitch, to handless do-good'r, to handless Brienne boner, back to Cersei's handless bitch.

Via a slap-fight with Captain Jack on a particularly rough binge.

His redemption arc had no payoff, it was entirely pointless. He didn't even get a gold dildo hand attachment.
Meh, was it?

He went from bad boy, to Cersei's bitch, to misunderstood, to handless misunderstood, to Cersei's handless bitch, to Cersei's handless bitch errandboy, back to Cersei's handless bitch, to handless do-good'r, to handless Brienne boner, back to Cersei's handless bitch.

Via a slap-fight with Captain Jack on a particularly rough binge.

His redemption arc had no payoff, it was entirely pointless. He didn't even get a gold dildo hand attachment.

It was good
Meh.. Visually stunning but poor story telling. Everything felt rushed especially the golden company part, they had a total of 1 minute? screen time, don't even know why they were introduced.
And the dragon is suddenly unaffected by a zillion scorpions
I really wish the writers put in a bit more effort in storytelling than setting up set pieces
Meh.. Visually stunning but poor story telling. Everything felt rushed especially the golden company part, they had a total of 1 minute? screen time, don't even know why they were introduced.
And the dragon is suddenly unaffected by a zillion scorpions
I really wish the writers put in a bit more effort in storytelling than setting up set pieces

This. Good pictures don't make it a good episode overall
prediction for the next episode

jon kills daenerys. the dragon explodes into glass when she dies. jon marries sansa, sam is the best man. arya joins the second sons. last scene is tyrion as lord of casterly rock dying in his own bed at age 80 surrounded by several generations of dwarf descendants. camera zooms in on him as he says "actually, its frankensteins monster" and then cuts to black
Loved the idea of showing the city from a civilian point of view. They pretty much breezed over any hand to hand combat.

Daenerys character has been completely butchered. Do we really think she would have burned the entire city like that? Cmon, that's against every fibre of her character arc. Burning down the Red Keep would have been fair IMO. Burning down the entire city feels way too exaggerated. Guarantee that was done to allow the Arya walks through the city while it's burning arc. Rather than a specific reason for Daenerys character development. Doesn't sit right with me, I also feel somewhat annoyed that they tried to make us feel sympathy for Cersei. A character who fecked the entire of Westeros over by not fighting the dead. Yeah, ok.

They made 180 degree heel turn, made it look like Daenerys is the vaillain and Lannisters are the good guys here.
Prediction for the next episode

Random little girl hiding behind the pillar comes back to kill dany, Drogon flies off to feast on her whilst Jon remembers (after famously forgetting) he's dead and shatters like the WWs.

Sam figures out Bran has a brain tumour caused by the fall and was never magical, his eyes just do weird shit because of it and the 'assassin' was really a trained dr trying to operate. That failure to ends with Bran's death. Due to the already zombie like acting, no one notices for weeks.

Arya and Jaqen the horse travel the 7 kingdoms bringing death to the elderly. Arya eats lots of chickens, but ironically her chicken legs never fatten.

Sansa is ginger. She is shunned.
That was a bit easy though, wasn't it?

If only they went there first, they'd have 3 dragons, likely no crazy queen, and the WW's would have been a breeze.

This is all Jon's fault!
Ikr, she just needed the three dragons tbh. I mean with all those scorpions v 2.0 on the walls and on the iron fleet, they couldn't touch one dragon, imagine if she had three..
I understand they wanted to even the odds by killing two dragons but when they killed the second dragon so darn easily, how come this one was untouched by like a million scorpions, just doesn't make sense
They made 180 degree heel turn, made it look like Daenerys is the vaillain and Lannisters are the good guys here.
The writing is all over the place, they don't even know what the feck they are doing. Cersei who is probably the most vile and evil character gets an ending where fans should feel sorry for her but Dany who has struggled so much and done so much good over the last 7 seasons is now a fecking monster
Yeah, I'm not sure a 5min wrestling video has the desired comedic effect there chief.

It's not for comedy, this is the first thing I remembered when Danny was acting mad after the bell.
feck the Huffington Post. Seriously feck them. Can't even look at my fecking phone this morning to check the weather without it coming up randomly on my news feed. Why the feck is the Huff even on my feed anyway?
Ultimately episode being good or not will fall upon one willing to buy Dany's dark turn. I personally thought it made little sense that she burner the whole city. Maybe initially she would have burnt a few but after it was clear that the war was won, her character arc so far doesn't support this kind of madness. Cleganebowl was done well but didn't land for me due there being no consequences to it. Just another check box to tick.
They really did drop the ball with this season. So so rushed.

Having read the leaks for the final episode (the leaker has been spot on thus far) it is going to amount in the shittest ending possible.

1) You really shouldn't be talking about leaks. Right up until the very end, you guys don't fecking get it :lol: @KM

2) I think we all knew deep down it was never going to end well. But hey, we aren't writers so what do we know!
It's got to be Jon as King, or at least killing Dany.

Has he done anything right this season? He has to have his moment.
Ultimately episode being good or not will fall upon one willing to buy Dany's dark turn.

Think you've hit the nail on the head here. Whilst I think it's a great idea, in keeping with the tone of the world of Westeros, right now I'm leaning towards feeling it was too rushed a conversion to the dark side. Not Anakin levels of WTF? but needed a bit more work. It didn't come out of nowhere but like everything in the past few seasons it was a bit rushed.
Since theyve left the book material, the writers have gone to the typical Hollywood predictable and lazy writing, where plot is predictable and crap, just spend loads of money on special effects and exposions without any logic for the need of all those over the top explosions
Can I confirm - if Jon had done the perfectly normal thing of sleeping with Dany, he may have saved the slaughter?

I blame Jon. Aunt or not, you aren't turning that down
Think you've hit the nail on the head here. Whilst I think it's a great idea, in keeping with the tone of the world of Westeros, right now I'm leaning towards feeling it was too rushed a conversion to the dark side. Not Anakin levels of WTF? but needed a bit more work. It didn't come out of nowhere but like everything in the past few seasons it was a bit rushed.

In all seriousness I guess it depends on what happens to her now.

If she lives and is queen, then it's by fear and it fits with what she was always becoming.

If she dies, then it kind of makes the turn that much more a waste of time. As although she was always going mad, making her lose at the very last second after it won't be bittersweet, just same old.
They've ruined it. There's more focus on CGI and visuals than on the story. Everything that made us love the show has been thrown out the window. The Night King and Cersei, the main antagonists of the show, have been turned into complete dummies.
To say I'm immensely disappointed with this 8th season, would be a huge understatement.

Dumb&Dumber strike again.
this show and united over the last season is a good parallel. It jumped the shark 3 seasons ago. Oh well. Nothing like destroying your own inheritance for catharsis and a block of stone being the valonqar.
I don't think dany was pure madness but it was through choice

She realises she doesn't have the love of the city that Jon has / would have
She can't free slaves like she did before to get them on her side as they aren't slaves
She wanted to break the wheel and didn't wanna rule by fear but I think she realised that's the only way if she was gonna be in charge

She didn't want to be queen of the ashes but she is now. Previous seasons she did some bad stuff, but it was to bad people and her advisors made sure they stopped any bad thoughts from becoming reality.

You just know if they had a few more episodes some people would complain that they telegraphed it and it was too predictable
Well some would

I'm wondering how Jon can stop dany if she surrounds herself with the troops who were happy to take part in destroying the land
At least, now we know what Daenarys dreamed about. It was not snow but ashes that were falling on King's Landing. At this point, I don't care how they end it. Dany will probably die at the hands of Jon or Arya. Who will sit on the Iron Throne is the only thing left with Jon being the likely candidate. But I'm not invested in it anymore.
I don't think dany was pure madness but it was through choice

She realises she doesn't have the love of the city that Jon has / would have
She can't free slaves like she did before to get them on her side as they aren't slaves
She wanted to break the wheel and didn't wanna rule by fear but I think she realised that's the only way if she was gonna be in charge

She didn't want to be queen of the ashes but she is now. Previous seasons she did some bad stuff, but it was to bad people and her advisors made sure they stopped any bad thoughts from becoming reality.

You just know if they had a few more episodes some people would complain that they telegraphed it and it was too predictable
Well some would

I'm wondering how Jon can stop dany if she surrounds herself with the troops who were happy to take part in destroying the land

It was predictable though. In fact, loads of us did.

That was the point, it astounds me you still don't see it since I've answered all your points on it since S1. Dany was ALWAYS going bad. How that's even in debate is just weird at this point. Looking back at the whole saga, be it books or tv, she was always the bittersweet ending.

Just get it for christs sake. Just accept, GRRM always had her following the Mad King, accept that we were supposed to think Robert's rebellion and Ned were the good guys but it turns out the whole thing was based on a secret and as such they aren't so good either. Everyone is grey.

As for Dany, she has become part of the wheel, she is just as bad as the others. We meet this young sweet girl who has done no harm and we cheer for her, the queen to unbreak the chains. And end up, via circumstance and genes, with the woman who literally destroys everything but still thinks she is right.

The point is the world doesn't change, people don't change. Whoever ends on the throne, shit continues.