Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended

Anyone else think Arya’s dragon glass weapon will be the kill shot that takes down the ice dragon/night king? Also, where’s Ghost been hiding out at?
Could be she sees people she loves die and panics as her army starts getting destroyed so she orders a retreat and they all flee. I mean she has two objectives after all and she can't see her entire army and dragons all die even if they do win because then Cersei will just destroy her. Especially when it becomes apparent that Cersei betrayed them all, Daenerys is after all obsessed with the throne. Her fleeing after watching a large portion of her army destroyed would be in character. That would be the required kick up the arse for Jon as well. Her reaction to the Cersei betrayal will be important next episode to understand what she'll do in the next few episodes I guess (assuming she survives that long).

Perhaps. I can see them going down a pregnancy route still though.
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That was dire in parts, Jon and Danys teenage romance was woeful :lol:
Anyone else think Arya’s dragon glass weapon will be the kill shot that takes down the ice dragon/night king? Also, where’s Ghost been hiding out at?

They're building him dragonglass armour so he can just crash into whitewalkers and disintegrate them.
The two biggest characters are the two worst actors in the show. It was pretty much what you expect after such a long break to establish where everyone and everything. Dragon scene was so bad. Show him getting on the dragon, if it is later referenced, and as long as we now he can do it, it can end there. Don't need 2 minutes of bad CGI.
Now that Cersei is definitely having a baby, makes me sure the army of dead battle will be done by episode 4, also makes me think she might win at the very end. And a scene with Jaime just staring at her and Euron as the prince is hailed Lion King style
Given the unprecedented level of anticipation and the UK air time being later than in the US can we ask that we all use spoiler tags for 24hrs for all discussion after we watch this episode please?
It's being aired at the same time in the UK as it is in the US. The first airing here was 2 am this morning.
FFS why do people still feel the need to question the idea that the UK people watch it a few hours later thanks to something called time? It really isn't hard, like at all.

It's apparently a lot harder to see reason :lol:
In TV threads you are normally allowed to post unspoilered as soon as the episode is aired. That fact that some people can't watch it live shouldn't change that.

- spoiler tags do not need to be used if the episode has been shows on television anywhere in the world AND the thread title relates to the TV show in question.
In TV threads you are normally allowed to post unspoilered as soon as the episode is aired. That fact that some people can't watch it live shouldn't change that.

I'm not really bothered mate. Just find it amusing that some seem to have an issue with a really straight forward request. Particularly on a forum which is bound to have such a huge UK member base.
I enjoyed that episode. These episodes are necessary to set the scene for the battles to come, would be kind of dumb if they just threw us into the battle of Winterfell straight away. That being said, the dragon scene was a bit naff and the Theon/Yara rescue was not how I imagined it would be at all.

Cersei giving into Euron was pretty sad and I got the impression she might have already lost her baby. She cries just as Euron leaves after he mentions giving her a son. Some dark foreshadowing with Bronn also hints that she didn't make a deal with Tyrion in season 7.
I'm not really bothered mate. Just find it amusing that some seem to have an issue with a really straight forward request. Particularly on a forum which is bound to have such a huge UK member base.
Did you miss the part where I stayed away from the thread to avoid being spoiled. If you are going to change the rules at the drop of a hat let people know about it. Outside of the thread.

Anybody agree?

I'm ready for the destruction of my feelings - I've had this nervousness in my stomach that Arya's life will end very soon and i'm not sure why

Anybody agree?

I'm ready for the destruction of my feelings - I've had this nervousness in my stomach that Arya's life will end very soon and i'm not sure why

Speculation :

I don't think Arya's character is completed yet. She's still to kill Cersei. Her entire story would be pointless if all she went through was to just avenge some Freys

Further speculation

Tyrion though I think is finished in this show. He took out Tywin, which in turn made Cersei the head of the lannisters and eventually queen. Over the last couple of seasons he's exposed that Danaerys is a very poor politician and wouldn't make a good queen. I don't know what he's got to offer in the story now

Nah, it's obvious she was never pregnant, but was just manipulating his brothers.

Personally I think she cries after talking with Euron because she now is certainly pregnant after receiving the full Euron's load.

ps. read another theory suggesting she wasn't pregnant in the first place, but menopausic, so maybe that's the one. She can't have babies never again so that's why she cries when babies are mentioned
The two biggest characters are the two worst actors in the show. It was pretty much what you expect after such a long break to establish where everyone and everything. Dragon scene was so bad. Show him getting on the dragon, if it is later referenced, and as long as we now he can do it, it can end there. Don't need 2 minutes of bad CGI.
Agreed. I can't tell if it's worse when they are in scenes with each other or with good actors. The CGI was weirdly bad, I thought it was usually quite good, but it looked so cheap at times. That whole section was painful to watch.

On the whole it was what GoT has become. Pretty but the minute you think about any of it or listen to any of the dialogue it falls apart. I liked the bit in the deserted castle though.