Red Hand Devil
Plan M ish
Bad winners?
You get a hammering and look for solace on internet message boards. The idea is to give stick back. The great thing about the GAA was the fans ability to take stick. I have lost more big matches as a fan at Croker than I care remember and have always gotten stick and never thought it disprespectful, just par for the course when we played like big girls.
I was there, you just seem to be a bad loser. The only thing that I haven't seen before by winning fans was the Olé-ing when we were hand passing with a minute left, but most of the Tyrone supporters had left by then, proper fans that ye are.
You come on an internet message board an call us city fans and other baseless nonsense, when really yesterday was the time to show your support, but like all the Tyrone fans I was surrounded by you were probably sat there in stunned silence.
Find me one newspaper report to back up your theory and I'll put me not hearing it dwon to bias.
"Congrats to Dublin, excellent display & fully deserved win. They'll be hard to beat thats for sure..
...the Dubs players were outstanding, some brilliant individual performances - too many to mention. Fair play!"
Yeah thats me being a bad loser alright...