Saw this yesterday and really enjoyed it as a worthy addition to the Mad Max saga - I'd rank it behind Fury Road, obviously, but that's hardly a slight on it, I consider Fury Road to be one of the best films of this century and by far the action standout.
There's issues with Furiosa, mainly casting a very uncharismatic guy as Jack and giving Anya Taylor Joy about 2 lines of script - which is a real shame cos I think she has massive star potential, and she handles the physicality of the roles well, but she's just given too little to play with here. The visuals are a bit dodgy at times, but not to the extent where it bothered me, first of all because the choreography of the action scenes is so good it makes up for it, and secondly because it lends it an almos charming/nostalgic vibe. It didn't distract me from the film at all. The pacing of the film is a bit weird, but most Mad Max films are in fact and it's a rhythm I kinda enjoy; Fury Road was different, but films shouldn't be judged vs Fury Road, it's unfair.
The plot is better than Fury Road's - which isn't very hard, there barely was a plot in Fury Road, which was kind of the point - and I was surprised at how long we stayed with young Furiosa. I enjoyed all the Mad Max mythology building, the returning characters from FR, and the new ones - Chris Hemsworth's nihilistic Dementus is obviously the stand out, you can tell he's having a lot of fun and it's contagious. Absolutely top notch performance, from start to finish. The action scenes, whether the grand scale ones (the first attack on the war rig when adult-Furiosa reveals herself is beautifully choreographed) or the smaller ones (the whole intro when Furiosa is kidnapped and the chase across the wastelands is so wonderfully tense), are all pitch-perfect, there really is no one that can touch Miller when it comes to that area of filmmaking.
It won't leave as strong an impression as Fury Road did, but then again films like Fury Road seldom come around, and this is still a very enjoyable fun ride.