oh and as I brought christmas films into it, Muppets christmas carol and national lampoons christmas vacation are both great.
I making a point of watching this every year. Not always at Christmas time either. It is actually amazing.
oh and as I brought christmas films into it, Muppets christmas carol and national lampoons christmas vacation are both great.
This thread has become largely about Adam Sandler...He's very marmite isn't he. Personally I hate marmite so there you go...
Thing about this kind of question is that 'funniest film' is different to 'best comedy'....Dr Strangelove for example is a much better film than Role Models...But I laughed out loud more at Role Models..So therefore it was funnier. It just wasn't a better film.
Juvenile films are invariably funnier as there is a higher joke per minute ratio...it may be scatter gun, but you'll laugh harder and more often at a film like that than you will at many of Christopher Guests films, which to me are mostly fecking brilliant, but more chuckle humorously to yourself type things
For me Holy Grail sticks out as the one I can watch repeatedly and almost always laugh....Nothing with Adam Sandler in has ever left me thinking anything but 'how is this man so successful?'
Gonna have to say Anchorman.
If that makes me a kid then I'll go play in my sand pit.
In Bruges is probably the funniest film I've seen in the last year or so.
Farrell is brilliant in In Bruges
Yes, but as a distressed man that becomes suicidal after shooting a child dead. His pain was there to see. How is that funny? It doesn't belong in a comedy
Its a Black Comedy...there shouldn't be comedy in Steve Buscemi's ashes blowing back into John Goodmans face in the Big Lebowski but there is....
It's a very funny film, with that one bit of pathos in there, and because it's in there very briefly, and brilliantly acted, it makes it all the more poignant...There's more funny than serious in that film
Spot on.
The writer/director Martin McDonagh seems to specialise in black comedy and I was gutted that I missed 'The Pillowman' when it was on here at the Theatre. Check out the synopsis on that if you want 'black'.
The Burbs
you actually like that?
Was one of the worst films i've ever seen
seriously? Coogan and Brydon are great in it. For me its got everything that you need in a quality comedy.
I want to kill everyone. Satan is good. Satan is our pal.
The Burbs is the greatest movie of all time.