Television From - TV Series | Season 3 airs September 22 - Episode 5 out now

First Teaser trailer is out for Season 3. Can't wait for this. One of my favourite shows.
Giving it a couple more eps but it needs to start going somewhere imo. Asks cool questions but feeling very lost (ha) in terms of having answers.
Giving it a couple more eps but it needs to start going somewhere imo. Asks cool questions but feeling very lost (ha) in terms of having answers.
Agreed, the first season was intense and tight, the second one was just meandering along and the new characters seemed to only be there to create conflict.
I fecking love this series. Can't wait.

Hopefully Ethan gets eviscerated by the smiley monsters this year.
Where are people watching this? Looks like it will be just my jam, but only appears to be on now tv?
I don't know, are you fussy about everything being perfect?

I don't mind everything not being amazing, I do need it to be believable in the world it's grounded in though. Don't like characters doing dumb shit or not making sense.
I don't mind everything not being amazing, I do need it to be believable in the world it's grounded in though. Don't like characters doing dumb shit or not making sense.
It’s good. Very creepy and had me and the Mrs engrossed straight away. I don’t generally like stupid stuff, it’s very sci-fi but it’s plausible and well-written in the world it’s based in.
I don't mind everything not being amazing, I do need it to be believable in the world it's grounded in though. Don't like characters doing dumb shit or not making sense.
There's a bunch of people who make incredibly stupid decisions in this show. Its still brilliant though.
I’m giving this a go. The initial premise was quite interesting but they’re losing me a bit not spending enough time on the mystery and these brand new people asking almost zero pertinent questions.

Currently on episode 4 and I never really notice these but there’s a huge continuity error in the diner pancakes scene where the same two guys walk into the diner two shots in a row. Amateur stuff to not spot that in editing.
I’m giving this a go. The initial premise was quite interesting but they’re losing me a bit not spending enough time on the mystery and these brand new people asking almost zero pertinent questions.

Currently on episode 4 and I never really notice these but there’s a huge continuity error in the diner pancakes scene where the same two guys walk into the diner two shots in a row. Amateur stuff to not spot that in editing.
So I'm still only 4 eps in but I'm getting the impression this goes down the Lost style of adding mystery upon mystery until it gets quite much?

Imo the original premise of creatures that knock on your window all night and try and convince you to let them in was quite good. I imagined the first season revolving around them trying to come up with some longer term solution, maybe slowly cutting down the forest in the day or trying to get up higher to see how the looping road works? Or just unraveling the mystery a bit slower but we've already got some tree that transports you places (which feels very 'the Wheel' in Lost).

Also feels like the creatures have got less scary as it's gone on due to them not being present when a situation would demand it. For example how much more unsettling would be if every night scene inside the houses just had this subtle background tapping of the windows that everyone had to just try to ignore. It would add such a cool layer of underlying fear instead of kind of giving them that Walking Dead style 'only scary and relevant when required' role. Instead we get the new family's first night in the house a little girl just died in (that we know they can climb onto the second floor of) and Spanish mum is like "Yeah I slept decent tbf".

Giving them this weird sentience/pre planning with the ability to control a girl by writing messages on her arm also takes away some of that creature fear for me. They're much more of a visceral chilling concept if they're just acting upon instinct and presenting a very real constant threat based on the grounded laws of the world it's set in.

I dunno, I'm not trying to be hypercritical and will continue watching. I really enjoyed the first episode. Felt like they were onto something but the more they elaborate the further from that they appear to be going.
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Ok ep 6 and people are asking the right questions now.
They'll be extremely daft again soon enough.
Just finished S1. It’s so Lost isn’t it. Harold Perrineau chasing a dog into the woods, a random weird guy that has a ‘connection’ to the world, a boy that appears to be the key to it all, a community pulling together to create a thing that brings hope but actually ends up bad (the radio tower here is basically the raft plot in Lost), a weird building in the middle of nowhere that shouldn’t be there, etc..

I don’t dislike it. It’s a good watch but I wish I couldn’t see it all coming a mile off. I’m very tired of the ‘wow everything’s looking pretty good = instantly something bad happens’ trope.
Finished season 1. Enjoyed it for the most part but the most interesting part of the show for me are the monsters and they barely featured.

Has too many of the same story beats as Lost too, without anywhere near as much character depth (although the lack of filler is welcome). Either way, it feels like every season is probably going to end in frustration, I look forward to binging season 2 regardless.

Quick question - how spoiler free are the opening pages of this thread? Would be good to see the discussions on season 1, in particular episode 7 which was the highlight.
Ok so I’m caught up.

It’s good on the whole. It’s not the best show I’ve ever seen but I think I enjoy this whole Lost-esque style mystery stuff that I can forgive a lot. It is really lacking in great characters though for the most part. I’ve only really found myself liking Jade and Donna. Boyd is good too but flip flops a bit too much and does some dumb shit. Jade at least is spending all his time trying to figure shit out.

As others have said it’s frustrating to have a show like this where the characters just do not share information with each other. I guess it’s done for plot purposes to keep it from going too fast but there are more natural ways to do that. They’ve got 90% of the town playing the “ugh we’ve tried everything” role and only like 3 people trying anything. Like have they tried fire with the things? What about building stuff up high? Can they climb ladders? They don’t seem to want to test much. The killing of one plus the autopsy attempts were some of the better parts of S2. I feel like one of them should just sit at the window and ask them questions. See what answers they give. Just try shit.

Interesting finish to this season though. So Tabitha is back in the real world. Wonder how that plays out because if we have a whole season of her trying to convince people and not being believed that’s not gonna be fun to watch. It’s surely not as easy as the rest of the town going through the bottle tree and then falling out of the lighthouse though?

I had a theory about the boy in white, he looks a bit similar to one of the monsters that is dressed like a milkman. Not sure if he’s a younger version or something like that. It is weird that they all wear clothes from around the 40s/50s. It feels like they’re all previous residents of that town.
First episode is out everyone.

That ending :(

I don’t think I I’ve ever been this annoyed over a fictional character death. ANYONE BUT HER.
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