"They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat... and ETH will wipe away every tear from their eyes." - Revelation 7:16-17

"They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat... and ETH will wipe away every tear from their eyes." - Revelation 7:16-17
I hope nobody’s getting overly excited about de jong . He’s a great player but man the hype is getting a bit much.
I hope nobody’s getting overly excited about de jong . He’s a great player but man the hype is getting a bit much.
I’m getting jaded with these big money transfers tbh- more excited about eth and his coaching and management abilitiesSeeing how constipated the United midfield has been, you should be orgasmic!
I’m getting jaded with these big money transfers tbh- more excited about eth and his coaching and management abilities
Spreading out the payments means sod all as far as I'm aware. The fee will be amortised over the length of the contract on the books regardless. I don't believe we'll have any extra money to spend this year based on the repayment structure.
Spreading out the payments means sod all as far as I'm aware. The fee will be amortised over the length of the contract on the books regardless. I don't believe we'll have any extra money to spend this year based on the repayment structure.
This guy knows absolutely feck all.
Yeah he’s decentIs he even reliable ?
in 1 hand he says its done and Frenkie will be introduced in the weekend but in the other hand he says its not 100%
Here comes #FrenkieFriday
Couldn't get enough security in the stadium to make sure our other 314 signings we've been linked with don't kick off with one another.I know the stadium needs a bit of a makeover but surely it’s safe enough to stand inside?
Fecking Glazers. #GlazersOutI know the stadium needs a bit of a makeover but surely it’s safe enough to stand inside?
It doesThe Ronaldinho one still hurts.
The Ronaldinho one still hurts.
There was a tweet an hour ago saying we're in the final stages.Bit weird we haven’t heard anything in agreeing terms with FDJ.
Romano is professional journalist. Terry is not.So no different to Romano