This might’ve been posted yesterday actually, but it’s a nice and refreshing break from SPORT
I think that tweet makes an even better point.....ALL of this absolute gobshite reporting is coming from Spain. We get a new report from a Dutch journo and it's almost verbatim to Simon Stone/BBC or Ducker/Tele. We are all being sucked in for Spanish media hype, meanwhile our best journos for MUFC have been silent for WEEKS. The last update from Ducker coming from Bangkok that we were prepared to go the whole window. Then radio silence.
This thread is particular has generated absolute hysterics off hourly Spanish reporting that UK journos won't even touch. fecking SPORT are the only ones pushing this Chelsea narrative, UK Chelsea Tier 1's won't touch it with a barge pole, yet fecking doomers in this thread are posting "FDJ WANTS CHELSEA".