Frenkie de Jong | The last muppeting lap

Frenkie to United?

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Full Member
Mar 6, 2021
He's being asked by a club that is making loads of signings, spending millions upon millions to give up money owed to him. It's an outrageous request.
But its the reality of the situation. Barca have to sign players, they have to stay competitive. I get the optics of the sitiation aren't great but if they don't sign players they won't be competitive and de Jong and the rest will then want to leave anyway.

It's a pretty ridiculous situation but a player shouldn't base his decisions on some principled stance. Some theoretical objection. Just take the situation as is.

Remember Barca are in a mess mainly because of stupid contracts they've handed out. De Jong being one of the beneficiaries of those stupid contracts.
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Full Member
Aug 9, 2018
Alabama but always Wales in my heart
Starts at CM, one last roll of the dice to tempt him into signing a shitty new deal.
I don't know. I think between the option of him reducing his wage or selling him they would choose the latter. With their current spending spree surely getting shot of every penny of his wages and banking an 85M fee has to be way more attractive, particularly as the current brains trust at Barca don't really rate him above squad option anyway. It is clear Busquets must always play as it is written in stone somewhere and once you add in Gavi, Pedri, Kessie et al there really isn't any great need for Frenkie. If I was betting on it he will be a second half sub at best and probably at CB again if he plays at all.


Full Member
May 14, 2019
Nope. What gives you that idea?

It might be absolutely run-of-the-mill to you guys in GB, but where I live men would get slapped so hard if we referred to it as "my hole". My response to Pigeon's answer was just me laughing out loud at the absurdity of it.

Give a guy a break bud
I live in the UK but if I used those words I would get slapped by my missus too. Have only heard guys refer to it as my hole if they talking about a girl on the side or a fling.


Full Member
Aug 9, 2018
Alabama but always Wales in my heart
But its the reality of the situation. Barca have to sign players, they have to stay competitive. I get the optics of the sitiation aren't great but if they don't sign players they won't be competitive and de Jong and the rest will then want to leave anyway.

It's a pretty ridiculous situation but a player shouldn't base his decisions on some principled stance.

Remember Barca are in a mess mainly because of stupid contracts they've handed out. De Jong being one of the beneficiaries of those stupid contracts.
Are you forgetting he already deferred 17M in salary so if you call earning less than Phil Jones for the last 2 seasons being a beneficiary then by all means, what a greedy little foreigner he is.

Has to make signings? They spunked 60M on Raphina when they already have 6 wide attackers including Torres who they just signed in the last window. Auba and Depay are not the worst forwards in the world but they had to sign Lewa? How are Kessie and Christensen better than what they already had? They just want to have their cake and eat it because that is the Barca way. If Xavi was any cop he could have had them competing in La Liga and the CL without spending any money this summer.


makes new threads with tweets in the OP
Oct 25, 2010
Mitten was just live on off the ball - he wasn’t upbeat. He said ETH wants him, nothing imminent and FDJ has given no indication he wants to join.
Seen the clip. He's sounded much more bullish on Talk of the Devils in recent weeks. Was interesting to see the contrast.

Think we all need to accept that De Jong to Man Utd is more unlikely than likely. It seems we need Barcelona to freeze him out completely to convince him to leave. Heaven knows if it'll happen.


Full Member
Nov 9, 2014
No offense but United really aren't looking like winning anything any time soon. Top 4 is certainly not a guarantee next season for you, PL will be very competitive, especially if Ronaldo leaves also. The only pull really is ten Hag and I don't believe that's as important as made out, I don't care if he wished him well in a video. Players will look out for their own interests first and foremost. I honestly believe had a CL club seriously come in for him, he'd be gone already.

As for how Barca are treating him, it's drama hyped up by the media who have nothing else to talk about. Where is the evidence he is being bullied? Gary Neville is a clown, most of your fanbase already came to that conclusion, he has no idea what's going on behind the scenes, nor do any of us yet big bad Barca are a disgrace! Oh the horror of it all.

The new wage cap at Barca applies to EVERY player. Nobody will be getting the ridiculous Messi style wages anymore, it was unsustainable. Frenkie would of known this before the transfer saga; lower your wages to fall in line with the new structure or you leave. MAYBE Frenkie rejected that early on hence the wheels were put in motion to sell him.

If the 17mil deferred wages was a legal obligation for Barca to pay, they would pay it. We have money to blow, that's no longer the issue it's the wages. 17mil is nothing if it means saving his ridiculous wages. The deferred wages shit is another misinformation; IF Frenkie has a case, join United and sue us. Come out and tell the world how evil Barca are treating you badly, staying quiet makes no sense, Barca won't be paying. I don't believe this is all about money or Frenkie being greedy at all btw. United would probably make him the highest paid player in the PL or at least equal if he joins you, the player doesn't want to leave his dream club.

In summary, I think he'll leave still. His position at Barca is impossible and no player is going to risk a World cup year in a hostile environment at 25 years old, entering his prime, just to stick it to a club. IF it truly is about deferred wages being legally owed, he can leave now and sue Barcelona. Simple.
or he can you know just say I’ll stay on my legally contracted wage thanks. Contracts work both ways. Barca will have to pay him three years wages including his 17m whether they try and feck his career up or not.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2021
I'm 35. I work in what everyone classifies as "IT" despite not working in IT, but my job is so unbelievably boring that it's not worth explaining to folk. I have four kids which means that TV time consists of Moana on repeat and outdoor time involves standing around in a park watching someone go down a slide three million fecking times.

I have to spend most of my day nodding and maintaining a minimal level of attentiveness whenever my missus talks about some mundane shite she had an argument with someone about, and watch drab horror and sci-fi movies just to ensure I can get my hole three times a week and not be forced to sleep on the couch with the dog.

If my life was a colour it would be the most tepid grey you've ever seen. Muppet Transfer Season is all some of us have. Don't be evil. Don't take it away from us.
Poster of the year!


Full Member
Mar 6, 2021
Are you forgetting he already deferred 17M in salary so if you call earning less than Phil Jones for the last 2 seasons being a beneficiary then by all means, what a greedy little foreigner he is.

Has to make signings? They spunked 60M on Raphina when they already have 6 wide attackers including Torres who they just signed in the last window. Auba and Depay are not the worst forwards in the world but they had to sign Lewa? How are Kessie and Christensen better than what they already had? They just want to have their cake and eat it because that is the Barca way. If Xavi was any cop he could have had them competing in La Liga and the CL without spending any money this summer.
Random thing to chuck in.

How good their signings are isn't the point. That's subjective. But they have to sign players. I'm guessing de Jong wants to them sign players. Unless he wants to play at a mid table club.


still gets no respect
Aug 21, 2012
Deepthroating information to Howard Nurse.
Seen the clip. He's sounded much more bullish on Talk of the Devils in recent weeks. Was interesting to see the contrast.

Think we all need to accept that De Jong to Man Utd is more unlikely than likely. It seems we need Barcelona to freeze him out completely to convince him to leave. Heaven knows if it'll happen.
Yeah I’m almost off the muppet train. I’ve thought all summer it was all a game of poker due to his wages and surely we can’t be so incompetent to chase a former player of ETHs without him actually indicating to ETH he wanted to come. I forgot this is post-Ferguson Manchester United.


Full Member
May 8, 2018
It has. Perhaps some are thinking of the Europa win qualify but you're talking about top 4 finish and I think that's important.

Moyes 7th
LVG 4th
LVG 5th
Jose 6th
Jose 2nd
Jose/Ole 6th
Ole 3rd
Ole 2nd
Ole/Ralf 6th

We'll have a tough time getting top 4 this season but I wouldn't 100% have Chelsea making top 4. Ever since the Russia thing they've faded a bit, not so good preseason, perhaps players lost a little belief.
Assuming we can buy well during the rest of the window, there should be nothing to stop us challenging for the Europa League, after this season of 22/23, the PL season for 23/24 would allow 5 PL teams qualifying for the CL through league position and a possible 6th through wining the Europa League, the club should be able to mount a top 3 challenge next season and improve the squad in the next 3 transfer windows.This year 5th or 6th place with a win rate of 60/62% and a real attempt to win the Europa League should resolve the issue, however we need to improve the squad with at least 3 more additions in the next 4 weeks. The FDJ saga has now gone to far and Barcelona are dragging our beloved club through the mud, they’ve hoodwinked Chelsea all summer, let’s just pull out and get someone else but maybe do it at the last moment so they can’t register all their players. Totally agree with Chelsea and I’m not quite as convinced of Arsenal and Spurs as everyone else either !


Sensible and not a complete jerk like most oppo's
Jun 24, 2004
Chelsea (the saviours of football) fan.
But its the reality of the situation. Barca have to sign players, they have to stay competitive. I get the optics of the sitiation aren't great but if they don't sign players they won't be competitive and de Jong and the rest will then want to leave anyway.

It's a pretty ridiculous situation but a player shouldn't base his decisions on some principled stance.

Remember Barca are in a mess mainly because of stupid contracts they've handed out. De Jong being one of the beneficiaries of those stupid contracts.
Of course I get why Barca want to do what they're doing. It's just beyond belief that they are being allowed to do it.

They're basically asking De Jong to pay for other players out of his own pocket, it's mental. Is there no PFA in Spain?


Full Member
Jul 15, 2021
Racing Club
In what will always be remembered as the day it all came crumbling down for Pretzel, it took just 19 minutes to go from apology to calamity.

We will all remember him fondly, for he selflessly sacrificed himself to lighten up our day. Thank you Pretzel. May your breakdown be temporary.
No great loss, the guy was about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Crimson King

Full Member
May 11, 2013
I'm 35. I work in what everyone classifies as "IT" despite not working in IT, but my job is so unbelievably boring that it's not worth explaining to folk. I have four kids which means that TV time consists of Moana on repeat and outdoor time involves standing around in a park watching someone go down a slide three million fecking times.

I have to spend most of my day nodding and maintaining a minimal level of attentiveness whenever my missus talks about some mundane shite she had an argument with someone about, and watch drab horror and sci-fi movies just to ensure I can get my hole three times a week and not be forced to sleep on the couch with the dog.

If my life was a colour it would be the most tepid grey you've ever seen. Muppet Transfer Season is all some of us have. Don't be evil. Don't take it away from us.
Somebody hug this man, for the love of God!


Full Member
Feb 18, 2007
I'm 35. I work in what everyone classifies as "IT" despite not working in IT, but my job is so unbelievably boring that it's not worth explaining to folk. I have four kids which means that TV time consists of Moana on repeat and outdoor time involves standing around in a park watching someone go down a slide three million fecking times.

I have to spend most of my day nodding and maintaining a minimal level of attentiveness whenever my missus talks about some mundane shite she had an argument with someone about, and watch drab horror and sci-fi movies just to ensure I can get my hole three times a week and not be forced to sleep on the couch with the dog.

If my life was a colour it would be the most tepid grey you've ever seen. Muppet Transfer Season is all some of us have. Don't be evil. Don't take it away from us.
3 times a week with 4 kids already? I salute you sir.
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