Never heard of Genie Scout, what does it do?
It's a scouting tool you can download at
FM Scout and shows you things that normally the game wouldn't show you about players.
For example, it gives every player in the game a rating out of 200 for current ability (CA) and their potential ability (PA) that they can reach if they had good training routines/get enough playing time to develop etc. A lot of people load it up to find all the best youth prospects in the game then try and sign them. I think these numbers are actually in the game's database rather than FM Scout making a calculation and it shows you them.
I don't really use that CA/PA thing, instead I prefer to look at role ratings that Genie Scout reveals which is similar. It's a percentage out of 100% showing how good a player is in a specific position and role and I use that to sign players to fit my tactics. Again you can also see potential, knowing which players will improve a lot and which players won't improve much at all. Looks like this:
So there you can see if you wanted to play Rashford up front he's at his absolute best as an AF, or that if you wanted to specifcally sign a target man he wouldn't be great pick for an elite team. You can weigh up that sort of thing yourself as the game shows you what the key attributes are for specific roles but here it is in numbers. Clicking on the AMR circle would show how good he is at the various roles in that position and so on.
The attributes screen looks like this, and again it shows you how much a player's actual attributes can improve if you were to click the show potential box:
Now on this screen we can also see hidden attributes and mental traits. I personally avoid signing any injury prone, low consistency, highly dirty or low imp matches players. Versatility just means how players adapt to playing new positions they can't already play. Rashford can play loads already so in his case it means CM, DM, defence and goalie and you wouldn't to try him there anyway. As a general rule I never try to play players outside of where they're natural/accomplished except for in emergencies so versatility doesn't mean much to me. Adapdability can be something to consider if signing a foreign player as a low number means he's more likely to become homesick.
You can also see reputation on this screen which can give you an idea of whether or not a player might be interested in signing for you. You can find your own club's reputation and seek players of a similar rep or slightly above.
I'd say it's useful for when you don't have much of scouting network as you can find players and learn a lot about them when their outside of your scouting area. Even if you have the best scouting network in the game the hidden things it can show you are valuable as it might prevent you from splashing a ton of money on a hot prospect who never fulfills his potential as he's destined to suffer from terrible injuries.
Then you can do all the usual scouting stuff, finding for example all EU National players who are both comfortable at LB and CB, who are transfer listed for no more than £2m, who have a heading ability, crossing and pace of at least 13. Again, depending on your scouting knowledge in the game you might be able to find many more players than you ever would with player search in game.
You can do staff search in Genie Scout too.
Another thing it used to be good at was finding out how much you'd need to bid to sign a player in the 'sale value' string without having to scout him in game first. It can save in-game time of a day or two waiting for your scouts to come back to you to tell you how much someone would cost which might be important if a player was already wanted by lots of other clubs so you can jump in first. Now last time I used genie scout was in FM 2015 and this feature was broken, not sure if it works now as I've not been in a position to pay for any players in FM 20 yet.
Edit: I suppose that last feature is a bit redundant now anyway even if it has been fixed. It was good way back in FM 10 etc. as from memory you couldn't suggest terms to begin a negotiation and get feedback like you can now. Moslty you just had to bid then wait a few days to see if it was accepted or not. Bids would often be rejected with no information as to how much someone might actually cost. Genie scout would let you know exactly what you needed to pay so you didn't end up in massively drawn-out transfer sagas, and it also stopped you overpaying which was a possibility too. Without it you were guessing and might have bid 6m for someone you could have got for 5m so it could save you money as well as time.