FM 2011 Network Game

I was checking this thread waiting for Zarlak to reply.
this sounds like fun . can we do another one in like 2 weeks? would love to participate.
Sorry we haven't done this recently, I've been ill since Fri/Sat and it was my birthday today so been doing other things. Some time this week though definitely.
Ear infection :lol: Not that it would stop me doing this but it made my glands swell and gave me headaches so I wasn't on the computer much. I still have it, on anti-biotics.
Can I join in?

With FM, not the ear infection.
I promised the next spot to philipb231190 at the start of the thread. Alwyn you'll be next in line if somebody else drops out.
I bagsy his avatar when he pops his stupid southern clogs.
Let me know, I'm game. Tomorrow night would be good, got thursday off work so could do quite late.