FM 2011 Network Game


(• ___ •)
Dec 31, 2007
It's around about that time where we try this again. Heres my ideas for how this could work.

- Maximum of 5 or 6 players. Keeps it small, easier to organize, won't be loads of people on the server.
- First come first serve, priority will be given to somebody who can actually host the game. If 5 people apply and those cannot host, then a 6th applies who can, the person who applied last before him won't be able to play.
- Premiership only. Teams not allowed - United, Chelsea, Arsenal, City, Tottenham, Everton, Liverpool
- Put down a list of your 5 preferred teams in order of preference and a draw will be made for it.
- Must be at least 3 players online to carry on with the game.

Sound good? Anyone else got any better ideas for how it could run let me know.

Also let me know if you can host it.


Solius: Newcastle
Esmufc10: Sunderland
Minkaro: WBA
Zarlak: Bolton
Sw33t: Stoke
Jonno: Aston Villa


Solius: Newcastle
Esmufc10: Sunderland
Minkaro: WBA - Relegated 2011 QPR
Zarlak: Bolton - League Cup Runners up 2011
Sw33t: Stoke
Jonno: Aston Villa
I'll have a go at this

WBA, Villa, West Ham, Newcastle, Stoke.
I'm in, although it's never been very sucessful, done it a few times, people not being able to make it, it lagging and running slowly, 4 people finishing their days work and waiting forever for someone who is pissing about with tactics before they can progress a day etc. Took us about 90 minutes to get to our first matches kick off.

Bolton, Villa, Newcastle, Sunderland, Stoke.
Sorry I forgot to say not Liverpool too Minkaro.
I thought that was too good to be true :(

Edited Stoke into my choices then.
2 more players.

If your first pick isn't taken by anybody else once everyone has done their preference, the team is yours.
I'm in, although it's never been very sucessful, done it a few times, people not being able to make it, it lagging and running slowly, 4 people finishing their days work and waiting forever for someone who is pissing about with tactics before they can progress a day etc. Took us about 90 minutes to get to our first matches kick off.

Bolton, Villa, Newcastle, Sunderland, Stoke.

We've also had very sucessful ones. In particular I remember we did a whole season pretty quickly. If somebody is particuarly slow, annoying on there we'll get rid. I remember the season when the Flying Potato got relegated with Pompey and won the FA Cup. Eerily representative of future events at the time.
We've also had very sucessful ones. In particular I remember we did a whole season pretty quickly. If somebody is particuarly slow, annoying on there we'll get rid. I remember the season when the Flying Potato got relegated with Pompey and won the FA Cup. Eerily representative of future events at the time.

Fair enough, mine have never worked but if it does then it does! The best thing is you can do it still if someone can't make it and the AI takes over.
I'm game!

Stoke, Fulham, West Brom, Bolton, Wolves
Yeah of course, no shit like that. I don't know how we'd know but it ruins the fun, I trust you lot anyway, plus it sounds like you know what that tactic looks like Zarlak so look out for it.
Yeah of course, no shit like that. I don't know how we'd know but it ruins the fun, I trust you lot anyway, plus it sounds like you know what that tactic looks like Zarlak so look out for it.

The main symbol was the Nike defence, plus the fact that they scored 2 headed corners each game and the fact that WBA were beating United 5-1 constantly etc. Usually everybody ends up watching each others fixtures anyway when the games fall on different game days so you can see it.
Ok, me, Jonno, Minkaro and Sw33t are unopposed in our first choices so we get our picks.

Solius: Newcastle
Esmufc10: Bolton, Sunderland
Minkaro: WBA
Zarlak: Bolton, Sunderland
Sw33t: Stoke
Jonno: Aston Villa

Leaves it like this, I can do a draw for Bolton when I get home in half hour.
I was gunna be ballsey and go for Blackpool, but decided against it lol
Everyone make sure you have the latest update, I'll have a crack at starting this tonight.
I get home from work in about 20 mins, if theres enough online we can start around 5:30ish-6 maybe. We should have a rule not to play out the whole transfer window though til we've all had some time to make purchases.
I wont be able to play till about 8.30-9.00pm as I will be out, if this conflicts with what time you manage to round the rest up, I will have to sit this one out
Anyone got a good idea/site to draw who gets Bolton from Elvis and Zarlak?

Zarlak gets Bolton

Elvis gets his other choice of Sunderland.

Solius: Newcastle
Esmufc10: Sunderland
Minkaro: WBA
Zarlak: Bolton
Sw33t: Stoke
Jonno: Aston Villa
Ok I've been looking around on setting a game up, looks like Hamachi is our best bet.
Setting up the game, do I do the English league as playable and the other main ones as view only?
Not sure if I'll be able to play tonight, I'm going to the pub for the football, then probably into town afterwards where I'll meet a girl and proceed to feck her brains out.

Or I'll come home and have a wank.
Everyone who is going to join the host’s game, will need to load up FM2011, click the huge Join Network Game button on the home screen, and click the button in the bottom right corner which says join other server. A box will pop up asking for the network address. You should put in the network address which is displayed on the Hamachi server which is displayed for the host.

Sw33t do you want to test it? I'll pm you the IP?
Says unable to connect. You sure I don't input the IP in to Hamachi somehow? Instead of just putting it into FM?
Try that way yeah. Should be an option to join existing network.
Apparently the network doesn't exist. Sure you didn't miss out a number on the IP you send me? It's one character shorter than the one that shows on my Hamachi if that makes a difference?