@Macern can you add Bielsa's favorite formation as my club's preferred one? I'm not sure which of this formations is Bielsa's 3-3-1-3, probably 3-4-3 DM wide?
Name: Bikini Bottom Football Club
Short name: Bikini Bottom
Six Letter Name: BIBOFC
Nickname: The Sponges
Second Nickname: Bottomshires
Primary kit/logo color: Orange
Secondary color: Black
Attacking: 16
Depth: 8
Directness: 17
Flamboyancy: 20
Flexibility: 20
Free Roles: 16
Marking: 10
Offside: 15
Pressing: 20
Sitting Back: 4
Tempo: 15
Use of Playmaker: 18
Width: 15
Preferred Formation: Bielsa's first
Second Formation: 4-2-3-1
Attacking Formation: Bielsa's first
Defending Formation: 4-2-3-1
Do you want me to change your managers preferred formations to match your clubs formations? Yes/no: No