FM '09 - Caf Network Game

Yes, this is just because if we had 3 in championship/league 1/2/conference etc and the rest in the prem it would make it much longer and more ....erm awkward.
Ordered mine off Play last week, was hoping to have it today but fingers crossed for tommorow
Even if you got it today Dan theres an anti-piracy thing in place which stops it installing til Friday
will the activation code just be written on the instruction manual?
I would assume so yes. It activates via steam and will automatically downloads the patch I think, 165mb before you can even start.
I have a cunning plan then, btw you can play it now those who bought it.
Game was leaked I think so they put it up earlier. I'm still debating about whether to go get this tomorrow at lunch or buy it online for abit cheaper and have to wait until monday for it. I can quite easily wait but long weekend if not.

Meh if I see it for £30 i'll have it. Wish it was still £18 like the last 3.
Who's going to host the games this year. I'll give it a go but ive got a differrent PC to last year and i found it a right pain getting the ports forwarded last year.
Won't buy this, will probably download it so I won't be ready for Sunday.
I'll be on tomorrow, will this work with some many players in one save?
Right i'm just installing this and its asked me to use either Steam or Unlioc. Which one shall i use to avoid all the probklems?
Cheers, installed fine.

Do i need to install the new patch?
Dunno, my download is confuseing, one minute it says 1 hour remaining the next 12 hours then 3 days then back to two hours or something :lol:

its on 62% atm, took 6 hours last night to get to 40%
Whoever creates the game can they make it the large database because one of the players i to sign isn't on the small database.

Are we going to start this today or when more people can play?
I don't think I can start til Monday, fecking patch
Just played my first game with Boro and it was a cracker, 3-3 after 28 minutes but then that was how it finished. Gary O'nell had a blinder and i was thinking about selling him :eek:

I can play at 8 too
I've heard Blackburn have quite a decent transfer kitty in comparison to equal teams, this is pleasing :)