FM '09 - Caf Network Game

Yup but it's worth it for the money. In FM if we get sacked we just rejoin the club again.
Can't wait to play, and steer my team back down the table where they belong.
I have football from 7.45 till 9ish but if we dont play before, i'll be on from then... Will check back to see if we are playing but i won't be able to host
I wont be able to play till 9ish though there is enough online to play so should be alrite to play
Do we have enough? I'll load it up if so, or do you want to host Elvis?
I'm free till late tonight so am able to host. Would be good to get this going again. Who's available?

I suggest we set a time as to when we start. Any suggestions.......................
Next time I can play is Sunday. Doing long shifts on Friday and Saturday and probably going out both nights.

I will be able to play all Sunday.
It died so badly that nobody even bothered to bump it to say it had died.
The game constantly fecking up didnt help too. Shame as the 08 one was class
Big Makukula