Films you like, but most criticise them, so you wouldn't want to admit it

I'm glad to see Hudson Hawk getting some love on here. Always liked that, no idea why it was singled out for such a critical panning, there were far worse films out in the early 90s than that. Richard E Grant's in it too, what's not to like?
Couldn't agree more!

Just remembered another one of my favourites which often gets treated as a horrible fiasco -- Yellowbeard.

Graham Chapman is magnificent, and there's Madeline Kahn, Marty Feldman, Cheech & Chong, a homo-erotic cameo by David Bowie, a deliberate Busquetsesque rolling-around-in-agony scene and lines like 'It can't have been you! I'm sure I killed the last one I raped!' -- what's not to like, indeed?
Ghost Story, with Fred Astaire, Douglas Fairbanks jr, Alice Krige etc.

I'm a big fan of the Resident Evil films and tink they're a great series. I don't know if the fact that I value them higher than most stems from the fact I never really played the games though
Quality film. "I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubblegum"
Thank you!

I knew 'It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum...' was a reference to something else (film or game), but couldn't remember what it was. My mates thought I was being an idiot -- 'Of course it's an original Duke Nukem quote!' -- but I knew I was right, and today I was vindicated! :D
Thank you!

I knew 'It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum...' was a reference to something else (film or game), but couldn't remember what it was. My mates thought I was being an idiot -- 'Of course it's an original Duke Nukem quote!' -- but I knew I was right, and today I was vindicated! :D

You're welcome :)

:lol::lol: thought it was only me that liked this film

Are you kidding, it was one of my favourite childhood movies! Not that the content was suitable for children, but nobody gave a shit back then.
neither my wife nor my siblings like them

Well sir - your wife & siblings have mounted a coup upon your goodself. They probably meet several times a week plottin your downfall. This disliking classic films of which you like, is a perfect example of what may lie ahead... be careful.. build a bunker.. bring all your dvds with you aswell...!
I loved that film. It helped that I was too young to realise how incredibly camp it was.

Moving bang up to date, I quite enjoyed Battlefield LA, something I'd be ashamed to admit to movie buff friends. I've always been a sucker for creature features though.

Flash Gordon's class alright, would be great if they did a remake. Watchin over it again the campness is extensive alright & some of the special effects are exactly that - special... so if they keep to the original storyline then everything will be fine & dandy...
I liked 'Breach' which most people seemed to think was awful, but I was always fascinated by that case before it was made a movie.
It's incredibly historically inaccurate. Like, completely wrong. Anyone with any education for English/Scottish history laughs their heads off at it. When I went to Edinburgh castle all the tour guides were laughing about how completely wrong it is. 'Braveheart' wasn't even William Wallace's title, it was Robert the Bruce's title. And plus, they suggest that Wallace was the father of Edward III, and that completely messes up about 700 years of English history. Edward III was born several years after Wallace was executed, and plus that French princess he has a fling with in the film was in reality only about 7 years old when Wallace was fighting those battles.

I enjoyed it though.

Ghost Story, with Fred Astaire, Douglas Fairbanks jr, Alice Krige etc.


Brilliant book, didn't know there was a film. I'm gonna have to check it out!

My submission:

I loved that film. It helped that I was too young to realise how incredibly camp it was.

Moving bang up to date, I quite enjoyed Battlefield LA, something I'd be ashamed to admit to movie buff friends. I've always been a sucker for creature features though.

I reckon Flash Gordon is great, not really heavily criticised either. It's got Peter Duncan in it, how could it be!

Barbarella is in the same category. Great camp classic.
So we have 3 films that have like 80%+ on RT and huge box office success and a film that got mixed reviews but is like the most loved guilty pleasure film ever. Did I read the thread title right? -_-

But I guess Grandmas Boy.

Holy shit! 2nd answer here and you named the movie I thought of. Grandmas Boy. I love that movie. Watched it like 5 times in 3 days. Only drunk one of those three days.

Don't get this thread though. Is it about most people don't liking the movie and you like it or most people critizise them and you like it?

I think most people liked Avatar very much. And it got a lot of critizism.