Films you like, but most criticise them, so you wouldn't want to admit it

Yeah Mrs, I'll go for Titanic too, big girl that I am.

One for football fans, 'Escape to Victory'. Now I hate the French as much as the next man, but when the marsellaise, or whatever it is, comes on at the end then the hairs on the back of my neck stood up a bit too.
Yeah Mrs, I'll go for Titanic too, big girl that I am.

One for football fans, 'Escape to Victory'. Now I hate the French as much as the next man, but when the marsellaise, or whatever it is, comes on at the end then the hairs on the back of my neck stood up a bit too.

talking of the French national anthem. I tear up every time I see that scene in Casablanca. :(
talking of the French national anthem. I tear up every time I see that scene in Casablanca. :(

I didn't see Casablanca until I was 40 yrs old. It is total class.

Apparently all those involved just churned it out as the next film to make on their list and didn't realise at all what they'd made. Amazing.
Jarhead and Ali are two movies I really liked but I know many people that didn't like either movie.

I've also heard mixed reviews about Empire of the Sun, but I really liked it


A Night at the Roxbury
Don't be a Menace
Mars Attacks!
Three Ninjas
I didn't see Casablanca until I was 40 yrs old. It is total class.

Apparently all those involved just churned it out as the next film to make on their list and didn't realise at all what they'd made. Amazing.

you are right. it was just another film. everything fell perfectly in place.

I cant remember how many times I watched it. my wife groans...'not again' when I put the DVD on.

The anticipation of each scene is one of the great pleasures.
shoot em up.

love it...but have heard some say it is just gratuitous violence.

It's not just gratuitous violence(which I'm ok with). It's just an amazingly bad movie. One of the worst I've seen.

As for movies that I like but wouldn't normally admit to, I occasionally like to watch a rom-com like Love, Actually. I can't say I've ever watched one in the theater or seen a preview and thought "I want to see that," but I have watched a few. Most weren't as bad as Shoot 'Em Up.
Hudson Hawk is quailty! Especially Bruce Willis and Danny Aiello singing.
Uwe Boll :nervous:

some of his flicks are plain crap, but for a B movies... it's quite enjoyable, just don't expect it to be bay-ish.

He's really getting too much flak at times, he's not that bad of a director, bad probably, but he really doesn't deserve the shit storm he's getting
I like certain animated films and chick flicks, people don't really criticize the films, but criticize me for watching them, so I'd rather not admit I watch them.
Pretty much every single Adam sandler film
Never-ending story
Return to oz
The wizard
Willy wonka and the chocolate factory (the original)Escape to witch mountain
Return to witch mountain
Watcher in the woods

These 3 are classics. I have never met anybody who hates them
I'm glad to see Hudson Hawk getting some love on here. Always liked that, no idea why it was singled out for such a critical panning, there were far worse films out in the early 90s than that. Richard E Grant's in it too, what's not to like?
shoot em up.

love it...but have heard some say it is just gratuitous violence.

Eh? I would say they totally mised the point of it so it's no wonder they didn't like it. It's obviously just an over the top piss take of action films. I thought it was pretty decent considering it's not supposed to be taken seriously
Also Waterworld and Postman by Kevin Costner. They are not THAT bad. I liked it.
Superman Returns

Jus' don't get that other people don't like it. I think it was excellent.
I love superhero films. Draw the line at Daredevil though, it was complete dross.

This is a masterpiece by comparison:

I like a lot of popcorn movies that are critically panned. Sometimes I just want to watch something easy, even if I know its crap.

Gone in 60 Seconds
The Rock

Shit like that. If I'm tired and they're on TV I'll watch them time and again. Then again I'm not one to flick through the channels on the TV.
Yeah Mrs, I'll go for Titanic too, big girl that I am.

I still enjoy Titanic. Yes, the love story is clichéd with the whole rich girl-poor boy storyline and, yes, the representations of all the immigrants as Oirish ne'er-do-wells that fight and drink Guiness was a stereotype, and yes, a lot of script was cheesy... but it's still great fun, and a lot of the scenes of the sinking were movingly done.

I like a lot of popcorn movies that are critically panned. Sometimes I just want to watch something easy, even if I know its crap.

Gone in 60 Seconds
The Rock

Exactly! They might not be clever or different or 'arty', but they're fun! Armageddon was great fun, partly because I love Bruce Willis, but also partly because of the whole save-the-earth-against-all-odds which is hugely satisfying. Often those arty movies that the critics love I find to be dull anyway.

That was like a giant music video with a few bits of fighting/acting in between. I love it though!

I'm glad to see Hudson Hawk getting some love on here. Always liked that, no idea why it was singled out for such a critical panning, there were far worse films out in the early 90s than that. Richard E Grant's in it too, what's not to like?

Bunny, Ball Ball!

I feel the same way about 'Dolemite.'

I've not seen Dolemite, but I hear Dolomite was a Triumph. (That was for you, Colin cock fingers)
I like Hugh Grant films - I think he's a top actor.

About a Boy is class
Miss Congeniality - My buddy and I actually asked a couple of girls on dates just so we had an excuse to go to the cinema and see it.
I like a lot of popcorn movies that are critically panned. Sometimes I just want to watch something easy, even if I know its crap.

Gone in 60 Seconds
The Rock

Shit like that. If I'm tired and they're on TV I'll watch them time and again. Then again I'm not one to flick through the channels on the TV.


Everyone likes The Rock, awesome action film.