Film Film monster / alien / baddie you'd least like to bump into

Quite a few already named, like Xenomorph, Pennywise and Freddy, so I'll add others:



Both from Buffy, the second one paralyses and eats you while you are awake, if I remember it correctly.
When I was young, the Rancor monster from Return of the Jedi

As an adult, Mr. Boogie from the film Sinister.

And I pretty much have a shark phobia courtesy of seeing Jaws at about the age of five, so him, too.
The face hugger things from Alien freak me the feck out.

Also hear me out the stick insect thing from monsters inc :lol:, i watched that film on a horrendous comedown with this girl i was seeing and the movie combined with the MDMA and amphetamines coursing through me and being awake for at least 2 days by that point freaked me out more than i can ever describe right now.
When I was young, the Rancor monster from Return of the Jedi

As an adult, Mr. Boogie from the film Sinister.

And I pretty much have a shark phobia courtesy of seeing Jaws at about the age of five, so him, too.
I don't go into the sea because of that film.
Depends. If I was to encounter the little fella from Saw on his bike would that mean I'm in a Saw-like scenario?

Or would I just come across him like in the park or
Alien is the obvious one. Or indeed pretty much anything from HR Giger’s artwork.

Also the girl from The Ring.
A lot of good shouts already.
This dude had me feeling so "ew".

For a little context.

I remember going on the alien ride in disney as a kid and legging it out as soon as the locks released :lol:

I think i found De Vitos Penguin terrifying as a kid as well. Can't recall really being freaked out at any as an adult though.
Here's another one from my childhood that scared the shit out of me:

(From Ghostbusters 2)
I read the title and came to say Alien but if we're talking what scared the bejaysus out of me as a child it wasn't even a proper horror.

I saw American Werewolf in London when I was about 6 and it frightened the shite out of me. I had nightmares for ages and for years afterwards when I was the first one down in the morning I'd be mad nervous opening the curtains even though I knew there wasn't going to be a feckin werewolf at the window.

From a movie called 'Audition'.
I don't go into the sea because of that film.

I feel you Frank, although I do go in when visting Barbados and, after quite a few drinks, off of a speed boat in St. Lucia once. For that one there were a lot of other people in the water, too, so I figured that should reduce my risk.

That first time in Barbados, though :nervous:. Early morning, cloudy water and once I got waist deep I got really nervous and got the hell out of there. Much better about it these days but still nervy in or on the water. Jet skiing was fun, too, but I was always looking down for shadows.
Rednecks always scare me. So Hills have Eyes, Texas Chainsaw, Deliverance, Wrong Turn

And even Aussie rednecks too - Wolf Creek

So I dont want to meet any of them
Never been one to be afraid of horror movie characters after the actual watching of the film. Sure get jumpy or nervous as the tension builds up or whatever but once it's over it's over.

That said Omen scared me after the event. And Jaws gave me nightmares. Love swimming and would go and spend ages in a pool often being told I had to leave as is been there that long.

After Jaws used to have a nightmare where I was in a pool, overstayed the time allocated. The bottom of the pool would open and a shark would be let loose.

With Omen I hated rottweilers after.
What do you think about Ring? I only saw it a few years ago and couldn't believe how bad it was given the reputation

Whispering Corridors was another one I really liked (edit - it's korean)

I watched the original of the Ring was bored rather than scared. Your one coming out of the tv was lame and all.
And I pretty much have a shark phobia courtesy of seeing Jaws at about the age of five, so him, too.
I remember years ago, must have been the early 2000’s, I was on a surfing trip in Cornwall. I used to go down to crantock beach very early, sunrise, and one morning while I was bobbing about in the water another surfer came down.

We bobbed around chatting for a bit when another surfer came down the beach and paddled out to us. We said good morning and the last surfer to join us said very casually ‘so what d’you reckon about the shark yesterday?’

‘What?’ I said, to which he casually replied ‘it was reported a great white was spotted at at Ives’ I don’t think he’d finished his sentence before me and this other chap were paddling full steam ahead to the beach.

I did little or no surfing for the rest of the stay.
I remember years ago, must have been the early 2000’s, I was on a surfing trip in Cornwall. I used to go down to crantock beach very early, sunrise, and one morning while I was bobbing about in the water another surfer came down.

We bobbed around chatting for a bit when another surfer came down the beach and paddled out to us. We said good morning and the last surfer to join us said very casually ‘so what d’you reckon about the shark yesterday?’

‘What?’ I said, to which he casually replied ‘it was reported a great white was spotted at at Ives’ I don’t think he’d finished his sentence before me and this other chap were paddling full steam ahead to the beach.

I did little or no surfing for the rest of the stay.

:lol: good choice!
When viewing the Entertainment on my phone the title of this thread truncates in an unfortunate way.

Invasion of the body snatchers, the 1978 version scared the shit out of me as a kid.