Film Film monster / alien / baddie you'd least like to bump into


The alright "V", B-Boy cypher cat
Jul 13, 2018
Somewhere in the middle
I was attempting to play Alien Isolation on Saturday night and even though it was only a videogame and I'm old enough to know better, I don't mind admitting I was sh*tting my pants and turned it off after a few hours. This got me thinking. I'm not, or don't think I am an easily scared individual but the first Alien film was one of the first 18's I ever watched at about 11-12 years of age and while I was busy hating myself for being a ridiculous coward, it got me thinking as to why it scared me so much. I came to the conclusion it was simply because of the Alien and the effect the first film had on me as a kid. I love sci fi and the first Alien film is elite level sci fi. Over the course of my life, I'm not sure how many dreams I've had trying to weld doors together while trying to escape or attempting to kill one but looking back, it's been a hell of a lot.

That Alien is probably my ultimate film fear and a fecking awesomely realised monster in terms of the way it looks, moves, breeds and kills. Definitely one of the most amazing film characters of all time for me. Cold, ruthless and deadly.

Me and my mates then had a late night whatsapp chat about the thing / person / monster / alien / baddie or whatever from films that scared you the most. What about you lot and why?
Hated Freddy Kruger growing up, my mother made me watch it with her cause she was too afraid to watch it herself, what kind of parenting is that.

And FECK Chucky!!
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Those buggers from The Tomorrow War occasionally creep into my dreams and I’d not be happy if they made it as far as my waking time
The death coach from Darby O’Gil and the Little People. Made me terrified to be outside at night for much of my childhood.

There's a few from The X-Files as well, but this one jumps to mind...

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Yep, another great movie from my young years. Still a very good and ominous film and Harvey Spencer (cool last name) was a menacing little demon.

But no, maybe those gremlin things from that film Gremlins. They didn't strike me as nice chaps, and there's about two thousand of them :nervous:
They were funny though, they may have killed you but it'd be a riot while it happened.
Never watched load of X files, always fancied going through the lot but doubt it holds up very well.

Always remember this sewer dwelling mofo though:

The Fluke! That was a good one.

The first 2 seasons still hold up because they were so very pure and unconvoluted. There hadn't been a 'bigger picture' introduced at that point, it was still individual episodes. Me and my son watched them a couple of years back.
Never watched load of X files, always fancied going through the lot but doubt it holds up very well.

Always remember this sewer dwelling mofo though:


I watched it all again about 5-6 years ago. It's so 90's, but it holds up well I thought. The first 5-6 seasons are the best. It takes a bit of a dive in quality after that but it's still good. It's a LOT of episodes though.
Probably not in the top position by any means but if anyone has seen this movie this clown is pretty scary
Yes mate, great frame to post also. Perfectly captures the menace, made all the scarier because it's in daylight.
Although the menace has been somewhat diluted by the fact that whenever I see it now I think of this:

