FIFA World Cup 2010

Brother was stupid enough to buy Euro 2008 for $100 AUD. Called him a fecking idiot and bought Fifa 09 for $65 on release day...

I'm sorry but its not a full game. They're basically a massive Beta for the next Fifa titles and making a quid out of it.

For example, Fifa 10 is a slight improvement on Fifa 09.... Fifa 11 will be a similar jump that we had from Fifa 08 to Fifa 09...
I haven't gotten the demo yet and I have questions.
1) How are long range shots as I thought in FIFA 10 they were still too weak and way too easy for keepers to stop ?
2) Do defenders still give attackers acres of spaces (and specially in the penalty box ) ?
Thank you to whoever who answers
After more plays I am definately going to buy this. I thought I wouldn't like it from the preview-build videos but it plays cracking game of football. Andy Townsend is pissing me off already though.
i enjoy it, its good but feels completely different to 2010

i love the new camra shots at the managers and the players.

graphics are good.
Players faces have improved so much, they don't look like bloated wrestlers anymore

(Drogba probably still does though)
Most realistic representation of football i've ever played. Graphics are sweet. Sucks a bit only being able to play as 2 teams though.
I like the new penalty system, they were too easy before. I will download the demo and only buy if it blows me away.
I'm already tired of Vincent Del Bosque's face.
I think they're pointless and waste time.
Hopefully the way people feckin quit games after goin 2-0 down gets sorted out.
Oh you have a corner? Here's a shot of Marcello Lippi's face. Now here's some fans jumping up and down, oh you skipped the replay and accidentally passed your corner straight to the other team? Here's another shot of Lippi. Oh the ball went out of play? Let's look at what Del Bosque is up to, oh he's just standing there like the last time, he may have moved his hand slightly. Substitutions time, here's Lippi, still standing there, now he's patting his player on the back, ooh look another shot of the fans, a replay of something, Del Bosque's face, Lippi moving his arms, Del Bosque's face again...

I find it irritating.
Don't be hatin just because your face isn't in the game, Solius.

Really do like this game.
The commentary, the song and the graphics. I didn't expect it to be this good.
It's pretty good, looking forward to the full game. Gonna win the World Cup online with Vanuatu !
i love the one song on there.

Its the official World Cup song, K'naan - Wavin Flag.

Theres a better version with him and a spanish guy of which the video is actualy all related to the world cup whereas the normal version is not so im not sure why that version isnt on the game